Summary of Topic 6

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Topic 6 The Issue of Global Warming

The Role of Greenhouse Gases

The average temperature on the Earth is 15oC Incoming radiation is low wavelength/ high energy The average temperature is maintained by atmospheric gases trapping or reflecting a fraction of the outgoing (long wavelength/ low energy) heat radiation These (greenhouse) gases include:
Water vapour (H2O) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Methane (CH4) Ozone (O3) Nitrous oxide (N2O)

The Role of Greenhouse Gases

Without these naturally occurring greenhouse gases, the average temperature of the Earth would be approximately -15oC

Change in Global Temperature Over Time

This data is taken from measurements of the concentration of the oxygen isotope 18O in air bubbles trapped in rock and ice. This concentration is temperature dependent but can only be used to give an indication of temperature change rather than a measurement of temperature itself

Change in Global Temperature Over Time

Change in Global Temperature Over Time

The Role of Carbon Dioxide

Earths atmosphere today 380 ppm CO2 (0.038%) Early Carboniferous Period 1500 ppm CO2 359 mya Middle Carboniferous Period 350 ppm CO2 300 mya Earths atmosphic temperature today 15oC Early Carboniferous Period 20oC Middle Carboniferous Period 12oC
Over the last 600 million years, only the later Carboniferous Period and the present age (the Quaternary Period) have had CO2 levels less than 400 ppm. This means that the temperature of the Earth today is considerably cooler than for most of geological history.

The Role of Carbon Dioxide

Levels of CO2 are currently increasing CO2 levels have risen from 280 ppm in 1850 to 380 ppm today It is widely accepted that this is due to anthropogenic activity although natural factors may also influence it

The Role of Carbon Dioxide

Factors affecting CO2 concentration:
Industrialisation and burning of fossil fuels Deforestation (particularly rainforest) Volcanic activity Sunspot activity
Anthropogenic factors

Non-anthropogenic factors

Do you think there is a correlation between the increasing output of carbon dioxide due to anthropogenic activity and increasing global temperatures? Can we be certain that the first is responsible for the second?

Anthropogenic Factors
Burning of fossil fuels
Coal, oil and natural gas

Breakdown of organic matter in biomass and soil Burning of biomass Reduction in photosynthesis


Cattle ranching
Cow farts


Rice farming in padi fields

Anoxic conditions allow growth of methanogens

Use of fertilisers
Breakdown of nitrogen-rich compounds


Anthropogenic Factors
Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2000
9% 16%

other gases carbon dioxide


methane nitrous oxide

Anthropogenic Factors
Sources of Carbon Dioxide Emissions
3% 15% 31%

oil and petroleum coal

25% 26%

deforestation natural gas other sources

The proportions vary from country to country depending on its economy and energy demands

The Effects of Global Warming

Ice and snow Coastline
Water cycle Ecosystems

Effect Environmental Effects

Retreat of polar icecaps and glaciers Increase in sea level and coastal flooding
Increased flooding Change in biome and species distribution

Societal Effects
Water resources
Agriculture Coastal settlements Human health The Effects of Global Warming

Severe water shortages (conflict)

Shifts from drought affected areas Shifts due to storms and flooding Increased outbreaks of disease

The Effects of Global Warming

Biome shifts
Models suggest biomes will shift north/south from the equator and vertically to higher ground. Low-lying biomes such as mangroves may be lost completely

Species changes
Climate change in the past has been slow and allowed animals and plants to adapt There may be migrations, but many obstacles (some anthropogenic) and lack of suitable habitats may lead to mass extinctions Increased temperature may lead to spread of pests and tropical disease vectors

The Effects of Global Warming

Effects on weather patterns and rainfall are unpredictable Storms are expected to increase in intensity

Increasing drought events would reduce crop yield and affect farmers ability to irrigate (especially in LEDCs) Suitable areas for crop growth would be expected to move north/south from the equator Farmers may be forced to change the crops they cultivate

The Effects of Global Warming

Summer seasons may be extended New coastal resorts may develop Lack of water resources may be a problem in some Winter sports may be curtailed and resorts closed

Social Issues
Conflicts over resources (especially water) may be expected to increase Economic changes may occur LEDCs will be less able to cope than MEDCs Low lying areas (especially in LEDCs with poor infrastructure) will be prone to coastal flooding

Possible Positive Feedback Mechanisms

1. Melting of polar ice may result in less white areas on the Earths surface
This may lower the Earths albedo, the amount of incoming radiation reflected into space This may lead to further temperature rises

Possible Positive Feedback Mechanisms

2. The melting of permafrost in taiga and tundra biomes may release methane from rotting vegetation which is currently trapped

Possible Positive Feedback Mechanisms

3. Increased temperature may increase decomposition rates therefore releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere

4. Deforestation may lead to warming and drying of the climate, leading to further loss of rainforest
5. Increased forestation in higher latitudes may further decrease albedo

Possible Negative Feedback Mechanisms

1. Increased evaporation in equatorial latitudes may lead to more water being carried through the Ferrel and Polar Cells, leading to increased snowfall at the poles and restore the Earths albedo 2. Increased levels of CO2 may lead to increased rates of photosynthesis, which in turn would lower the concentration of atmospheric carbon

Possible Negative Feedback Mechanisms

1. Increased evaporation in equatorial latitudes may lead to more water being carried through the Ferrel and Polar Cells, leading to increased snowfall at the poles and restore the Earths albedo 2. Increased levels of CO2 may lead to increased rates of photosynthesis, which in turn would lower the concentration of atmospheric carbon

Pollution Management Strategies to Reduce Global Warming (Policy)

Control the release of greenhouse gases Reduce the rate of deforestation Increase tree planting programmes Develop renewable energy resources Reduce car use and improve public transport Set national limits on carbon emissions Use carbon credits and carbon trading to offset CO2 emissions Develop methods to sequester carbon from the atmosphere (biological and chemical)

Pollution Management Strategies to Reduce Global Warming (Individuals)

Grow your own food Buy locally grown produce Use energy efficient products (e.g. light bulbs) Reduce heating your house/ improve insulation Use less electricity and unplug appliances Turn off lights when not in use Reduce use of air conditioning and refrigerants Dont waste water (take showers instead of baths) Walk and use a bike/ use cars less/ use public transport Use biofuels Eat less meat Get involved in public education/ activism

The Kyoto Protocol

In 1997, 183 countries signed this agreement to try to keep global greenhouse gases at a stable level It came into force in 2005 Each countrys emissions were divided into credits and they were allowed to buy and sell them Countries are also able to offset their emissions by planting trees (an alternative to buying carbon credits) The US and Australia signed but refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol Canada signed and ratified it, but has since withdrawn from its obligations

The Future of the Kyoto Protocol

The original agreement was due to end in 2012 Representatives of the signatories met in December 2012 to discuss its future It was extended until 2020. Richer nations agreed in principle to compensate poorer nations

The Problems of Debating the Issue

It is a problem on a global scale It includes natural and anthropogenic factors The mechanisms (including feedback) are not well understood The processes are occurring over the long term and the impacts may not have occurred yet Many people involved on both sides are affected by vested interests (consciously and unconsciously) Much of the evidence and forward-planning is based on climate models which have considerable inherent uncertainty Actions are likely to have huge cost implications for a large proportion of the human population A huge amount on information is now available to everybody (scientists and non-scientists) and much of it is misleading

The Main Players

Al Gore
Former US vice president and presidential candidate Winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Writer of the book and film An Inconvenient Truth h?v=splKGWuErnM

The Main Players

Bjorn Lomborg
Danish economist Writer of the book and film The Sceptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World Accepts that human activity may be affecting climate but refutes suggestions that this should be something that affects the global economy Opposes the Kyoto Protocol and the idea of carbon tax watch?v=Dtbn9zBfJSs

The Main Players

Martin Durkin
UK film-maker Maker of the documentary The Global Warming Swindle Vehemently opposes the idea that climate change is anthropogenic States a belief that temperature affects CO2 concentrations rather than the reverse m/watch?v=lIjGynF4qkE

The Main Players

Sir Nicholas Stern
Former vice-president of the World Bank and current president of the British Academy Author of The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change for the British government Believes that anthropogenic climate change poses a series threat to global economic stability and that the precautionary principle is warranted Believes that carbon taxation and international agreements are a sensible way to approach the problem atch?v=lIjGynF4qkE

1. What are the main greenhouse gases? 2. What role do they play in maintaining global temperature? 3. Describe 4 different ways in which human activities affect the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 4. Describe and evaluate strategies to reduce global warming 5. Evaluate 4 different perceptions of the issue of global warming

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