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Sl. Name No. 1 Golam Rabbi 2 Mosharraf Hossen 3 Md. Ibrahim Arafat Chy 4 Tasrina Parvin Tuli 5 Showkat Khan 6 Romana Chowdhury Roll No.
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06691119 06691189 06691205

Our Assigned Topics

Classification of Communication Based on Direction & Two-way Communication

Classification Based on Direction of Communication

On the basis of direction, communication may take any of the following patterns: External Communication Internal Communication Vertical Communication
(i) Downward Communication (ii) Upward Communication

Horizontal Communication

External Communication
External communication may be defined as a form of communication that takes place with other organizations or people outside the organization.

Diagram of External Communication

Purpose of External Communication

It leads to better:
Sales volume Public credibility Operational efficiency Company profits

It should improve:
Overall performance Public goodwill Corporate image

Ultimately, it helps to achieve:

Organizational goals Customer satisfaction

Types of External Communication

External Communication

Oral Communication

Written Communication

Face-to-face Conversation Telephonic Conversation Interview Group Discussion Meetings Seminar Conferences Announcements Radio Broadcast

Letters Applications Telegram Circular Memos Minutes Manuals

Media of External Communication

Telephone Postal Mail Messengers Courier Service Telegraph Teleprinter Telefax or Fax Teleconferencing Videoconferencing Information Service Participation in Fair and Exhibition E-mail Voice Mail

Internal Communication
Communication occurring within the same organizational structure is called internal communication. This communication takes place between or among the employees and officers of the same organization.

Diagram of Internal Communication

Managing Director

General Manager

General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Need for Internal Communication

Coordination Motivation Development of Managerial Efficiency Control Job Satisfaction Preparation & Execution of plan Exchange of News & Views Development of Employee Efficiency Increasing Morality

Media of Internal Communication

Memos Interview Telephone Report Notice Board Face-to-face Discussion Questionnaires & Survey Fax Intranet Complaint & Suggestion Boxes Posters

Vertical Communication
A communication that exists between superior and subordinate can be termed as vertical communication. When the communication flows from upward to downward i.e. from superior to subordinate it is called downward communication.

Diagram of Vertical Communication

The vertical communication can be shown below:
Top Level Management Top Level Management

Middle Level Management

Middle Level Management

Lower Level Management

Lower Level Management



Downward Communication

Upward Communication

Vertical Communication

Types of Vertical Communication

Vertical communication can be two types. ThusDownward Communication Upward Communication

Downward Communication
Downward Communication is the transfer of information through the organization structure i.e. from higher authority level to lower level. Major types of information sent through downward communication include
Job instructions Organizational Procedures & Practices Feedback to the Subordinates about their Performance Delegation of authority to lower levels of management

Diagram of Downward Communication

Importance of Downward Communication

Increases Efficiency Helps to Maintain Good Relations Improves Discipline Absence of By-passing Facilitates Delegation of Authority Helps to Inform Subordinates To Facilitate Interpretation Performance Appraisal To Motivate Subordinate

Forms of Downward Communication

Letters/Notices Manuals/Circulars Bulletins Posters Annual Report Company Periodicals Employee Handbook Memos Prerecorded Messages Job Holder Reports & Meetings

Upward Communication
Upward Communication means the transformation of information from subordinates to the superior. This is just opposite to downward communication. Through Upward Communication the following information is communicated:
Progress & Performance Report Problems & Exceptions to Routine Performance Ideas for Improvement & Problem Solving Request for Financial & Accounting Assistance

Diagram of Upward Communication

Necessity of Upward Communication

Decision Making Giving Feedback Providing Suggestions Maintaining Good Relations Developing Creativity Development of Plan Participative Management Favorable Organizational Environment Maintaining Good Relations

Forms of Upward Communication

Report Complaints/Suggestion Boxes Open-door Policy Counseling Letters Memos Quality Circles Special Meetings Questionnaires and Surveys Direct Correspondence

Horizontal Communication
Communication between the individuals of the same level or groups within the same departments or across departments is called Horizontal Communication. It involves colleagues & peers at the same of organization and may involve individuals from several different organizational units.

Diagram of Horizontal Communication

Purposes of Horizontal Communication

Coordination More Complete Information Less Distortion Mutual Understanding Quickness Harmonious Relation Harmonious Relation

Forms of Horizontal Communication

Horizontal communication is carried on through different means. But it most effectively takes place through oral means. In horizontal communication, side by side with the use of oral forms, written forms are also used. Among written forms, memorandums, letters, reports etc. are the most frequently used means for the purpose.

Two-way Communication
When a communication channel pushes the flow of information in two directions, back and forth, it is called two-way communication. In two-way communication, a sender transmits a message to the intended receiver and the said receiver sends back his reactions to the original sender.

Diagram of Two-way Communication

Encodes Message

Decodes Message

Selects Channel and Transmits Message Receives Message

Decodes Message

Receives (Perceives) Message

Selects Channel and Transmits Feedback

Encodes Message


Figure: Two-way Communication Process

Necessity of Two-way Communication

Dynamic Process Implementation of Executive Direction Job Satisfaction Democratic Environment Providing Suggestion Receivers Reactions Better Relations Acknowledgement of Information Accuracy of Understanding

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