Attending and Listening Skills

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Attending and Listening Skills.

Ways To Treat Children

Make sure the children feel comfortable at their provided seat.

Welcome the children warmly at the door of the counseling room

Early Sign Of Hospitality

Th ec sh ha o w r ac ss t er ki l is t l ch to ics ild tre tha r en at the t


( ace the other S!uarely" #andang terus ke arah kanak$kanak

(Head nods" %nggukan kepala (%dopt an Open #osture" &edudukan

badan yg terbuka (Verbal following" #engesanan secara verbal

(Speech" #ercakapan
(Lean toward the other" condong badan ke depan

(Make eye contact" &ontek mata

('e relatively rela(ed" 'erada dalam keadaan relaks

Ways to Listen Actively


+ounselor needs to listen and collect input from the children before giving any information. ,isten to the children with empathy and accept them positively without any conditions.

-nderstan d the children

.ot being /udgement al

+ounselor needs to listen attentively and alert to the children*s problems.

0ive full attention

-se the silence

Silence is golden. )on*t ever interrupt the children*s talking.

Basic Listening Skills

Open question $ -sually starts with 1What23 1How23 1Why23 1Where2 $ 4o provide self$e(posure to the pupils

Cloze question $ Starts with 15s it23 1Have you23 etc $ 5ntended to gain information and provide focus on the discussion.

Paraphrase $ 5t used after the session after counselling sessions last for a period of time. $ 0uidance teacher provides a restatement based on the statement from the pupils

+lient6 5 am going to aerobic class after work. 5t helps me to manage the stress during the working hours. 0uidance 4eacher6 So3 it seems that aerobic e(ercises could help you to release your stress.

Emotional Re le!tion $ 7eflect the feeling or emotion behind the story told by the children. $ 0uidance teacher shows empathy towards the pupils* problem
Client: Meera always talked bad about me to my classmates. She said that, I copy her homework, I cheated during the test, Guidance teacher: So, what she did really make you mad right?

$ 5t is very important for the guidance teacher to use appropriate and right words to reflect the client*s feelings.

Mini mal Impu lse

$ Making the pupils to keep talking without distracting the flow of their thought. $ E(amples6 18es9.2 3 1Hmmm9..2 3 and many more.

As" or !lari i!ation $ $ When the guidance teacher is not clear of what been said by the pupils3 she:he should ask for clarification. $ 4his might happen because of the client*s slow voice or unclear utterances. $ 'y asking clarification3 it gives out the message that the guidance teacher is really interested in the client*s problems. 15 am not really understand. +an you e(plain;2 or 1+an you talk about it again; 5 am not very clear.2

Ma"in# Con!lusion +oncluding what has been discussed with the pupils. 4o identify the issues or factors that cause the pupils* problems. Che!" Per!eption ollowing the conclusion made before. 4o decide the future issues to focused on.

Advanced Listening Skills

Structuring $ %ble to e(plain about counselling including the guidance teacher*s role and pupils* role. - 4hus3 motivate pupils to be actively involved in the session. En!uiring $ 0aining the specific information from the pupils

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