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OGR Form script to Screen

Above the Ground

Candice Hiu Fu Leung

Factory Stilts

The Premise
An encouraging story to have hope even in your hard society. The story is about the wealth distribution seriously happen in this country, the government define their classes by the stilts.

The Logline
Jack who are from the lowest class in the country inspired by a businessman to break the walls of the reality

The step outline

[Scene1] -Crowded on the streets, middle class citizen and business man wearing their stilts walking on the street. -The people are poor only allow them wear shoes. -The middle class people are much taller than the lowest class. [Scene2] -The highest upper class, 1% richest people and the most talented people in the country, are living in the space station. -They have the best service and support from the rest of the people in the country and the have authority to make order to the people on earth. -Because there are so many people under them, they don't work.

The step outline


-The boy is a messenger sending letters everyday.

-He finished work and back home, take off his shoes, he looking at it and sigh.[flash] -The boy is the lowest class which the government don't even give them respect to have a pair of stilts. -When he walk on the street, there are only few people are the same eye level as him. -People giggling when they look down to the lowest class.

-He open the fridge but there is not enough food for him to make a dinner but many beers.
-He unconvinced where he is and drink.

The step outline

[Scene4] -The next day he is sending a document to a stilts factory. -He go into the office and while he wait for someone to sign, he see a up-middle class businessman asking the carpenter to design his own stilts. -The businessman spent so much money on the stilts because he want to show people how noble he is. -He is looking at the whole situation, he is really angry.

The step outline

[Scene5] -He follow the businessman but suddenly lost him. -The businessman knows and he appear in front of the boy.

-He looking at the boy's feet and realise he is the lowest class.
-He hasn't laugh but come closer to him.

The step outline

[Scene6] -They sit down and chat, the businessman telling him his story. [flash] -Years ago the man was from the lowest class but he got a heart to climb up in the society. -He worked really really hard from days and nights, save much as he can. -After a years and years he climbed up step by step, till now. -He said' 'There are different things you want to equip yourself in different ages of your lifetime, time only takes the responsibility to run pass but not to make sure you have grown. Stop blaming and start living hard.' The businessman leave and the boy still thinking about it.

The step outline

[Scene7] -repeat the shots of the crowded on the streets and the space. -Camera pan to a back of a gentleman walking on the street with his stilts.

Character Biography

Character Biography
Jack, He is 18, full of wonder, full of passion, full of dreams. It is a hard life for him that his parent passed away years ago. He used to live with his grandmother in a small house until he become an adult. Every year the government check their financial statues and because there is nothing left from his parents and he is still a young kid. And doesn't have a high qualification of education. The government put him to the lowest classes of the country. And it is sad that they don't give respect to him and only give him a pair of old shoes while some of the people in lowest class still having the worst and second hand stilts. But it is blessed that he have a job in this society which full of races and inequality. He is working in post office being a messenger sending letters to people. However he start panic with what he is and the job that he have got. He is a kind of teenager where reality has killed so much of his dreams and passion. He think there are so many things that would not be changed from where he is to where he want to be. He knows that dreaming and wondering are only wasting his time to earn one more dollar, He thought there is no hope coming into his life so he block his all emotional side and living like a working machine.

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