Presentation On Industry by - Shubham Patti, Bcom 2, 2057

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Submitted By: Shubham Patti BCOM-2 2057

Industry is the sector of the economy concerned with the production of goods and services.

Industry has 4 sectors...





Major businesses in this sector include agriculture, fishing, forestry and all mining and quarrying industries

The primary sector of industry is also called extraction. It generally involves changing natural resources into primary products. Most products from this sector are considered raw materials for other industries.
Primary industry is a larger sector in developing countries; for instance, animal husbandry is more common in Africa than in Japan.

The secondary sector (manufacturing) produces finished, usable products. This sector of industry generally takes the output of the primary sector and manufactures finished goods or where they are suitable for use by other businesses, for export, or sale to domestic consumers.

* Aerospace manufacturing * Automobile manufacturing * Brewing industry * Chemical industry * Clothing industry * Electronics * Engineering * Energy industries * Metalworking * Steel production * Software engineering * Telecommunications Industry * Tobacco industry

This sector is often divided into light industry and heavy industry.

The tertiary sector of industry is also known as the service sector or the service industry.
It involves the provision of services to businesses as well as final consumers. Services may involve the transport, distribution and sale of goods from producer to a consumer, or may involve the provision of a service, such as in pest control or entertainment.

News media Leisure industry/hotels Consulting Healthcare/hospitals Waste disposal Estate agents Business services Restaurants Local government services Central government services Education Law and order

Goods may be transformed in the process of providing a service, as happens in the restaurant industry or in equipment repair. However, the focus is on people interacting with people and serving the customer rather than transforming physical goods

The quaternary sector is the research industry.

Industrial research looks for new ways to cut costs, find new markets, produce new ideas, new production methods and methods of manufacture.

The 4 Sectors of Industry are interrelated. An individual industry will often use more than one sector in order to produce products.

On the next slide we will see an example of how the four sectors relate together in the production of cotton clothes part of the fashion industry.

$OTTO& I& T'( )AS'IO& I&*+ST!#...

$otton is grown and pic%ed on a cotton farm

$OTTO& I& T'( )AS'IO& I&*+ST!#...

$otton is grown and pic%ed on a cotton farm

$otton is processed to cloth which is in turn sewn in to clothing.

$OTTO& I& T'( )AS'IO& I&*+ST!#...

$otton is grown and pic%ed on a cotton farm

$otton is processed to cloth which is in turn sewn in to clothing.

$otton clothes ,eg -eans shirts etc. are sold in high street shops.


$OTTO& I& T'( )AS'IO& I&*+ST!#...

$otton is grown and pic%ed on a cotton farm

$otton is processed to cloth which is in turn sewn in to clothing.

Q+AT(!&A!#/ !esearch is carried out in to new ways of processing or

growing cotton. e.g. organic cotton.

$otton clothes ,eg -eans shirts etc. are sold in high street shops.


"odels and fashion shows/ tertiary.

The entire fashion industry involves a great num0er of different products and services all of which can 0e classified according to industrial sector...

1eather manufacture in a tannery/ secondary

"odels and fashion shows/ tertiary.

The entire fashion industry involves a great num0er of different products and services all of which can 0e classified according to industrial sector...

1eather manufacture in a tannery/ secondary

"odels and fashion shows/ tertiary.

A shoe factory in hanoi/ secondary

The entire fashion industry involves a great num0er of different products and services all of which can 0e classified according to industrial sector...

1eather manufacture in a tannery/ secondary

"odels and fashion shows/ tertiary.

A shoe factory in hanoi/ secondary

The entire fashion industry involves a great num0er of different products and services all of which can 0e classified according to industrial sector...
Sheep farming and sheering for wool production/ primary

1eather manufacture in a tannery/ secondary

"odels and fashion shows/ tertiary.

A shoe factory in hanoi/ secondary

The entire fashion industry involves a great num0er of different products and services all of which can 0e classified according to industrial sector...
Sheep farming and sheering for wool production/ primary $osmetics research/ 2uaternary

Role Of Industry In !onomi! "e#elo$ment

The country !s r!ch !n natura" resources# such as $!nera"s# %orests# %!sher!es# etc. re&u!red %or the de'e"o($ent o% !ndustr!es The country))!s r!ch !n co$$erc!a" cro(s# such as))su*ar+cane#)ra, cotton# ra, -ute# to.acco# o!" seeds#))etc. re&u!red %or the de'e"o($ent o%)a*ro+ .ased)!ndustr!es. The country !s %a!r"y r!ch !n (o,er resources# such as)coa"# hydro+e"ectr!c!ty# ato$!c ener*y#)etc. re&u!red %or turn!n* the ,hee"s o% !ndustr!es. Ind!a !s r!ch !n hu$an resources. /s such# chea( "a.our re&u!red %or the de'e"o($ent o% !ndustr!es !s a"so a'a!"a."e !n the country. /s the country has 'ast (o(u"at!on# ,!de $ar0et re&u!red %or the de'e"o($ent o% !ndustr!es !s a"so a'a!"a."e !n the country.

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