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My ideal of design is of something powerful that cannot be seen, but only felt .

Naoto Fukasawa

His Life
Born in 1956 S t u d i e d i n To k y o s Ta m a A r t U n i v e r s i t y i n the late 1970s Worked with IDEO, B&B Italia, Plus Minus Zero, Muji and Seiko. Influenced by works of designer: Achille Castiglioni and Matisse

Fukasawa collaborates with world leading companies and b r a n d s i n s u c h c o u n t r i e s a s I t a l y, F r a n c e , G e r m a n y, Switzerland, Spain, Scandinavian countries. His area of work is broad and he works with various fields in design beyond categories.


Concept handwatch

Egg cup

Super Normal Theory

Fear of designing anything normal leads designers to create statement or stimulation. Super normal theory makes a consciously designed normal above-and-beyond normal that what we might call Super Normal. Overcoming an initial emotional denial, our bodily sensors pick up on an appeal we seem to have known all along and engage us in that strangely familiar attraction.

Concept and Design

Without Thought workshops, his concept for finding hints in subconscious behaviour of people which he named He rarely uses right angles in his designs; his preferred angle is R2.5. Emphasis on the details, to simplify the product as much as possible His designs also take into account the human element by favouring the emotional over the intellectual.

Marunis collection 2012

Forming part of a collection for Maruni, the line-up is a series of beech and oak made products with a non-painted finish, showing the natural grain of the wood

Hiroshima chair
The line-up is a series of beech and oak made products with a non-painted finish The gentle curve from the back along the arm is very appealing. Can be used as a dining chair and a lounge chair too. The tapering of the sides of the arms,

W565 x D533 x H768 x SH 425.5 mm

Fukasawas new folding chair

Latest addition to his Hiroshima collection of furniture Si m p l e a n d s u b t l e structure Highlights the natural woods used in construction Ve r s a t i l e u s e f r o m the home or office, dining room or outdoors. Constructed either of beech or oak with

W498 x D552 x H816 x SH450 mm

Design Philosophy
YUGEN which means Suggest and not reveal layers of meaning hidden within. Invisible to the casual eye and avoiding the obvious. Deep relationship with Japanese traditional aesthetics Design = Creating good relationships amongst people, objects and the environment. 3 words to sum up his style: S i m p l i c i t y, O b j e c t i v i t y, a n d M o d e s t y

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