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Leadership styles

With Miha

You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case Leadership is about becoming a follower of ones own principles

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case

Leadership is about becoming a follower of ones own principles

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Situational Leadership

Directing Style: The emphasis is on control and close supervision of the worker. Coaching Style: The leader provides more explanation of what the job entails and solicits suggestions while still staying in control of the situation Supporting Style: There is a team approach between the leader and the follower with the leader emphasizing support on the follower rather than control Delegating Style: The leader turns over responsibility to the worker

S U P P O R T I V E B E H A V I (Low) O R


High Supportive and Low Directive Behavior High Directive and High Supportive Behavior

Low Supportive and Low Directive Behavior

High Directive and Low Supportive Behavior (High)


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Plant Monitor Evaluator



Co-ordinator Teamworker Resource Investigator

solves difficult problems in unconventional ways, intuitive, flashes of genius source of a team's creativity, mirth a fertile and intelligent mind, with plenty of original ways of looking at thing Intellect, knowledge, Serious-minded Tends to be self-sufficient and can be a difficult and uncomfortable colleague There is a childlike element present in the Plant: likes to be flattered and does not like own ideas criticised. A dominant yet introverted person

Allowable weaknesses

ability to process large amounts of information in an analytical, objective way prudent, unemotional possesses good judgement and shows a 'hard-headed Is the most likely person in a team to spot the fatal error in a scheme that everyone else has missed
tends to lack the ability to inspire and motivate others rarely the source of new ideas over-critical and negative the role is nevertheless crucial to successful team outcomes

Allowable weaknesses

An introvert with low anxiety level.

able to foresee how the team's ideas and plans will work out in practice hard working and strongly self-disciplined naturally conservative and has to be convinced that an idea is a good one not just because it is new but because it is genuine worth
less effective when procedures and objectives are unclear inflexible, unimaginative,rigid

Allowable weaknesses

An essentially stable personality

strong sense of overall objectives is able to keep an open mind and value contributions from any source average mental ability and creativity good at controlling and co-ordinating resources, democratic and encourages participation
willing to take responsibility for decisions. sometimes seen as reserved and detached directing the efforts and activities of others toward an overall goal or objective.

Allowable weaknesses

A person with low anxiety levels and fairly extrovert personality

strong sense of drive and urgency. strong preference to lead 'from the front' with an inner need to control decisions and actions personally a 'natural' leader that can command respect and generate enthusiasm and energy in others
may be seen as a bully by some, and may sulk if not getting own way quite aggressive and wants to see own ideas implemented sceptical of others and yet be oversensitive to criticism

Allowable weaknesses

A person with high anxiety levels and an extrovert personality

the team's ambassador in its dealings with the work beyond the teams boundary capacity for making highly effective contact with people and for exploring anything new ability in turn to stimulate and motivate others

Allowable weaknesses

a lack of self-discipline It has been said that the Resource Investigator is either on the telephone or is meeting people and hates doing anything else. An extrovert with low anxiety levels.

able to bind a team together and promote team spirit. Makes people laugh Is sensitive to other's feelings and to overall team mood. Is aware of the strengths and weaknesses of others and responds appropriately to people's differing needs Can be indecisive in a crisis situation Uncompetitive, unambitious

Allowable weaknesses

An extrovert with a low level of anxiety

striving for perfection will worry over small items but, over-all, accomplishes tasks well and on time. nervous energy invested in the team's final product high standard results achieved tends not to be a good leader - is fussy and can get bogged down in detail which may lower team morale persistent and will not give up until being satisfied with own high standards An anxious introvert

Allowable weaknesses

Thank you!


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