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Prof. Neelima Deshmukh

M.Sc.. Ph.D.MA. M.Phil. DIRPM,PGDTT. BMC, Ph.D. D. Litt

Head, PG. Deptt. of Public Administration & Local Govt.

Centre for Womens Studies & Development RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, India e mail: MBL: +91 982223107a Deshmukh



Concept of Bureaucracy :
Bureaucracy is a normative model which emphasises

on the structure of Organisation. The concept Bureaucracy was fully developed by German social scientist MAX WEBER in early part of this century. It refers to sociological concept of rationalisation of collective activities , describing the form or design of organisation which assures presdictability of employees. It is superior and makes possible high degree of calculability for the heads of the Deptt.

Characteristics of Bureaucracy:

It compares to other organisation as does the machine with

non mechanical mode of production. Certain design strategies are inbuilt in the bureaucratic form of organisation. All tasks are necessary for the accomplishment of goals are divided in to highly specialized jobs, ensuring Division of labor & Specialisation in the organisation Each task is performed according to the consistent system of abstract rules ,ensuring uniformity and cooperation of different tasks. Each member in the organisation is accountable to superior for his & his subordinates action. Emphasizing on the principle of Hierarchy

Characteristics of Bureaucracy contd.:

Each official conducts the business of his office in an

impersonal formalistic manner. Employment is based on technical qualifications and is protected against arbitrary dismissal. Promotions are based on seniority and achievements. These characteristics are highly articulated in the organisation approaching the ideal type of bureaucracy. Summarised as; Division of Labor Hierarchy System of Rules

Characteristics of Bureaucracy contd.:

Rule specificity : Every role in the organisation is clearly earmarked with specific Job descriptions. The set of behavioral characteristics is described as follows : Rationality : no room for irrationality, guess work decisions are based on decision path. Impersonality : Official business is conducted without regards or person Rules orientation : depersonalisation of organisation Strictly following rules & regulations when discharging their duties Neutrality ; commitment to work only and no other value

Max Webers views on bureaucracy;


Authority has social relationship with social control. It has five components Individual or group of individuals who rule, Individual or group of individuals who are to be ruled Will of the rulers to influence the conduct of the ruled, Evidence of influence of rulers Direct or indirect evidence of that influence in terms of subjective acceptance with which the ruled obey the command - Authority exists because those who are to obey consider it legitimate, No one can impose authority in real sense with out legitimacy through power.

Types of authorities:
Traditional Authority
Charismatic authority Legal rational authority

Power & authority are differentiated

Authority is a special kind of power which when legitimized gives right to authority ensuring the voluntary compliance from the group or those who are to be ruled.

Bureaucracy Synonymous with;

Rationality & Efficiency Specially skilled, highly trained

personnel Result oriented Rigidity & ruthlessness Red tapism exorbitant delay in decision making & implementation.

Role of Bureaucracy :
Ensuring the overall socioeconomic

development in all the aspects Raising the standards of life of its citizen Closely related to development administration particularly very important in case of third world countries. Commitment to change and concern for time bound programmes. Qualitative & Quantitative both. Inculcating administrative culture as per the environment, culture &law of the land

Relationships between Bureaucracy & development administration : Studies of Pai Panandikar& Kshirsagar
1) Bureaucracies involved in the developmental tasks

at the field level such as agriculture necessitating mass participation and with more educated personnel tend to be structurally less rigid and behaviorally more flexible than head quarter bureaucracies(Secretariat based) 2)Bureaucracies essentially in a regulatory and other non developmental agencies will tend to be structurally more rigid and beha more rigid and behaviorally less flexible.

Thanks !

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