Cleantech Grants, Awards, Incentives - Weekly Digest (Sep 25th)

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Skipso Weekly Digest

Cl ea nte ch Gran ts, Aw ards, Incenti ves

September 18th – September 25th, 2009

enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Summary Skipso Cleantech Grants
• Numb er o f Gr ants: 449
• Value o f Gr ants: $33billion 4%
• Co untrie s Co ver ed : 22 3%
• New Gr ants thi s Week: 8 1%
• Late st upda te: September 25th, 2009 1%

Other countries: Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, China, India, Brazil, Thailand,
Switzerland, Holland, Singapore, UAE




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SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
This Week on Skipso

• 8 new Cle ante ch Gr ants, Awards and Incen ti ve s added to

Skipso’s funding database

• Focus this week was on U.S . State Incen tiv es (Delaware), UK

Fu el Cel ls and Hy drog en gr ants and new Inter nation al
En vi ron men t Awa rds and Pri zes

• 22 gra nts and awa rds approaching appli ca tion dea dl in e

• The Skipso funding section this week has reached 449 Clea ntec h
gra nts, awa rds , ince ntiv es and over $33b in valu e, all are
accessible for free on

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
U.S. State Incentives (Delaware)
Incentive Name Cleantech Focus Details
Del awar e Re sea rch and Renewable Energy, Waste • Grant Type: R&D, US
Devel op ment Gr ants Management • Amount: $250,000 per project
• Deadline: Ongoing
• Visit website

Del awar e Techno log y a nd Renewable Energy, Energy • Grant Type: R&D, US
Demo nstrati on Gr ants Storage, Fuel Cells • Amount: $200,000 per project
• Deadline: Ongoing
• Visit website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
UK Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Research Grant

Fuel Cell s an d Hyd rog en

Demonst rat ion Prog ra mme

• Grant Ty pe: Research & Development

• Amount : £7,200,000
• Geo grap hi c Fo cus : U.K.
• Dead line: 1st October 2009

Go to website

Busine sse s and acad emic i nstitutio ns will be able to receive support towards
commercia li sing fuel ce lls and hy drog en techno lo gies by applying for capital grants
to cover the costs of undertaking demonstration projects.

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
International Prizes and Awards (1 of 3)

Grant Name Cleantech Focus Details

Uni vers ity of St Andr ew s The Prize recognises significant • Grant Type: Prize / Award
Pri ze f or the Env iro nm ent contributions to environmental • Amount: $125,000
conservation • Deadline: 31st Oct 2009
• Go to website

The R ushl ig ht Aw ard s Celebration and promotion of the • Grant Type: Prize / Award, UK
leading organizations throughout • Amount: Non-monetary
UK and Ireland which have • Deadline: 31st Oct 2009
furthered environmental • Go to website

Pri sm Aw ard s f or P ho toni cs Sustainability and Green • Grant Type: Prize / Award, US
Inno vatio n Technology • Amount: Non-monetary
• Deadline: 1st Oct 2009
• Go to website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
International Prizes and Awards (2 of 3)

Gl ob al Cleant ec h Id ea s Com pet ition

• Gr ant Ty pe: Prize / Award

• Am ount : $100,000
• Ge ogr ap hic Fo cus: Global
• Dead li ne: 15th October 2009

Go to website

• The Cleantech Open is the world's largest clean technology business competition and is
looking for the bes t clean techno lo gy id eas from around the world.

• Just for telling your idea, you could win a priz e pa ck ag e o f se rvices wo rth $10 0,0 00
to help you start a business to grow your idea

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
International Prizes and Awards (3 of 3)

Cop 15 R ai se Y our Vo ic e for Cl imat e Chang e

• Gr ant Ty pe: Prize / Award

• Am ount : Non-monetary
• Ge ogr ap hic Fo cus: Global
• Dead li ne: 6th November 2009

Go to website

• Bring your voice to the world leaders at COP15 – the most important cli mate chang e
confer ence in a decade

• Send a vid eo with your views, opinions and questions. The best contributions will be aired
during the COP15 CNN/YouTube TV debate on December 15

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Upcoming Application Deadlines (1 of 6)
Go to website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Upcoming Application Deadlines (2 of 6)
Go to website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Upcoming Application Deadlines (3 of 6)
Go to website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Upcoming Application Deadlines (4 of 6)
Go to website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Upcoming Application Deadlines (5 of 6)
Go to website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Upcoming Application Deadlines (6 of 6)
Go to website

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Grant Finder – Find Cleantech Grants, Awards, Prizes

Register on to
access grant finder for free

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com
Contact Us

For general enquiries, partnership

opportunities, feedback and comments
please contact us at:

The Skipso Team – Enabling Sustainable Innovation

SKIPSO WEEKLY DIGEST: SEPTEMBER 18th - SEPTEMBER 25TH enabling sust ain able innova tion www .skip so. com

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