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The topic on which we are going to give our presentation is PHYSICS IN DAILY LIFE. It is very vast topic so to give all the information about topic is not possible but we have tried to present before you the most of the valuable and useful information about the topic. Also we are very thankful to VIKAS sir & whole of the ELEKTRON MANAGEMENT TEAM for organizing this event and giving us a chance to work in teams and show our talents.


What Is Physics?
Physics is a natural science that involves the study

of matter and its motion through space time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves. Physics is word derived from Greek word Physis meaning Nature So, Physics is revealing laws of nature from observed events in physics.

Branches Of Physics
Classical Mechanics
Thermodynamics Electricity and Magnetism

Modern Physics


The most basic of the sciences, physics, is all around us

every day. If you've ever wondered what makes lightning, why a boomerang returns, how ice skaters can spin so fast, " why waves crash on the beach, how that tiny computer can do complicated problems, or how long it takes light from a star to reach us, you have been thinking about some of the same things physicists study every day. So, it is related with our lives merely.


Today we do most of our daily routine works

using electrical appliances. The use of electronic devices is growing day by day. The use of electronic devices is very common at home, in schools and at work. Nearly all the working places and living places have computers, television, radio, telephone, mobile phone, fax, air conditions, camera etc. All these things are gifts of Physics to mankind &they have a very direct impact on our lives

Some Phenomena Of Daily Life Using Physics

In Games & Sports: Cycling Skateboarding Cricket Acoustics In Daily Life
Motion in our lives

Curves, Centrifugal, Centripetal Forces

Games & Sports

The Wheel
The wheel is the most crucial element of the bicycle, it allows the rider to roll over the ground with great speed

and efficiency. Historians believe the wheel originated in Mesopotamia sometime around 3,500 BC. This was one of the most revolutionizing invention of physics which changed the whole world!!

Drives A modern chain drive and derailleur system. The development of the chain drive helped make the bicycle that we know today possible. The chain drive eliminated the need to have the cyclist directly above the wheel. Instead the cyclist could be positioned between the two wheels for better balance. This was also due to restless efforts of physicts

Brakes have improved as materials and engineering know-how have evolved. For bikes to become more popular an effective mechanism for

slowing and stopping had to be devised. All brakes, regardless of the mechanism, share one thing in common--they increase the amount of friction (usually on the wheel) allowing the rider to slow or stop. The design of brakes was based on Kinematics & mechanics.

The racing frame uses tear-shaped tubes Aerodynamics to reduce drag. Every bicyclist has to overcome wind resistance. Newer bicycles are being designed with better aerodynamics in mind, the human body is simply not well designed to slice through the air. Now bicycle designers and inventors have experimented in developing alternative bicycle designs and HPVs (human- powered vehicles) with an emphasis on better aerodynamic performance.

Games & Sports

The Physics of Skateboarding Tricks In the beginning, skateboarding was simple with nothing more than a two-by-four on roller-skate wheels, the sidewalk surfers of the 30s, 40s, and 50s had a straightforward mission: Start at the top of a hill and ride down. The primary goal was just to stay on and avoid collisions; Now due to

changes in design of skateboards one can do even stunts with the same skateboard.

In a blur of flying acrobatics, skaters leap and skid over and onto obstacles, executing flips and turns of ever increasing complexity--all at top speeds. For onlookers and beginners, it can be hard to follow the action, let alone answer the question

that springs naturally to mind: How on earth do they do that? While it may seem that modern skateboarders are defying the laws of physics, the truth is that they're just using them to their advantage.

Games & Sports

Cricket is related to physics because of following reason:
Force can change anything of a object like shape,


direction, etc. but force cant change mass of an object. In cricket bowler throw the bowl and the batsman with the help of bat apply force on ball and change the direction.
When fielder throw the bowl in air so the transfer of

energy take place from kinetic to potential and to kinetic energy take place.

A good cricketer always do follows through with

the bat, so the force applied for longer time, the impulse is greater and so also is the gain of momentum (and Velocity) of the ball.

Batsman following Through after hitting the ball

Almost all cricketer draw back the ball while catching because to stop a moving ball, its momentum has to be reduced to zero. An impulse is then required in form of an opposite force acting for a certain time. While any number of

combination of force and time will give particular impulse, the sting can be removed from catch by drawing back the hands as the ball is caught.

Drawing back of hand

Acoustics In Daily Life

If you've had a back-row seat at a rock concert, and could still hear, you experienced physics at work! Physicists studying sound contribute to the design of concert halls and the amplification equipment. Knowing more about how things move and interact can be used to manage the flow of traffic and help cities avoid grid lock.

Motion in our lives

Well ignore constant velocity: just like sitting still

boring But accelerating motion thats where things get interesting Direction of acceleration is the same as the direction of net force Acceleration perpendicular to the velocity vector acts to change the direction of motion.

Curves, Centrifugal, Centripetal Forces

Going around a curve smashes you against window
Understand this as inertia: you want to go straight
your body wants to keep going straight but the car is accelerating towards the center of the curve

Another Examples Of Physics In Daily Life

When we walk or run, our motion is part of laws of

mechanics We eat food which undergoes chemical reactions producing heat energy which is converted into mechanical energy When we speak, we produce sound properties of which like pitch and intensity are studied in physics

NCERT class 11 Physics text book

Presented By ZENITH Shubhkaramdeep Singh Harpal Singh Rajan Garg Rahul Garg

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