Problem Solving On Wave Propagation and Antenna

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Problem Solving on Wave Propagation and Antenna

Problem 1
One hundred watts power output was derived from the final stage amplifier of a transmitter of a station which is 10 km away from a receiving station. The power output was fed to a transmission line with attenuation of 0.5 dB/m. Assume that the antenna used has a gain of 2.15 dB, has a height of 100 m and is matched with the transmission line used, calculate:
a) the electric field strength b) the magnetic field strength c) the amount of power incident on a receiving aerial with an effective area of 5 m2 d) What will be the values of Erms and Hrms at a distance of 100 km?

Problem 2
Medium 1 is made of silicon and medium 2 is made of glass. Their relative permittivity are 11.83 and 3.66 respectively. For an angle of refraction of 60 degrees, determine:
a) b) c) d) the the the the index of refraction of medium 1 velocity factor of medium 2 incidence angle angle of reflection

Problem 3
Considering ground-wave propagation, what will be the induced voltage on a receiver antenna with a height of /4 (operating frequency of 2 MHz) if a 125 m transmitting antenna (operating at the same frequency) has an rms current of 8 A. Assume that the distance between the two antenna is 20 km.

Problem 4
A radio communication link is to be established via the ionosphere. The maximum virtual height of the layer is 110 km. at the midpoint of the path and the maximum value of electron density of the ionosphere is 1.8 x 106 per cm3. If the skip distance between the radio stations is 500 km, using flat terrain analysis, determine:
a) b) c) d) e) the the the the the angle of radiation angle of incidence critical frequency MUF OWF

Problem 5
Considering space-wave propagation, the transmitting station transmits 100 W of power at frequency of 80 MHz using half-wave dipole antenna 20 meters above the ground. If the receiver antenna is also a half-wave dipole with a height of 4 m, determine:
a) the radio horizon b) the optical horizon c) the field strength at the receiving antenna if its path distance is equal to the radio horizon

Problem 6
An antenna operating at a frequency of 30 MHz has a radiation resistance of 72 ohms and loss resistance of 8 ohms. If the power coming from the transmitter connected to this antenna by a lossless transmission line is 100 W, and the antennas directive gain is 20, calculate:
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) the the the the the the the antenna length antenna length considering end effect antenna efficiency dissipated power radiated power antenna gain in dBi and dBd EIRP in dBm

Problem 7
An antenna system, consisting of a transmitting half-wave dipole antenna that has an input power of 10 W and an elementary doublet on the receiving end which is 40 km away. Determine:
a) the power density of the transmitting antenna b) the capture area of the receiving antenna if the operating frequency is 30 MHz c) the captured power of the receiving antenna

Problem 8
Consider the following different antennas:
Helical antenna No. of turns 8 Diameter: Optimum Pitch: Optimum
Horn Antenna E-plane aperture: H-plane aperture:



Parabolic antenna Diameter Efficiency:

8 m 60%

60 mm 80 mm

If all are operating at 10 GHz, which antenna is best in terms of: a. gain b. beamwidth



Instructor, Technological University of the Philippines Manila

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