Testing Reading Comprehension - Formação

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Testing Reading Comprehension and Writing


A. Read the following text carefully. Then choose the right ending to each sentence.

It was a horrible morning

I opened my eyes. I saw the sun. It was sunny outside. Oh no! I was late for school. I got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. I took of my pyjamas, got into the shower and turned on the water. The water was cold. I jumped out of the shower. I looked in the mirror. My hair was terrible. I picked up my toothbrush, put on some toothpaste and brushed my teeth. Oh no! It wasnt toothpaste. It was my brothers hair gel. I washed my mouth with cold water. I ran to my bedroom. I got dressed and ran down to the kitchen. There was nobody at home. Where was my brother? Where were my parents?

I ran down to the kitchen. I didnt have time for breakfast. I drank some orange juice and hurried out of the house. I waited for the bus for about 5 minutes. Something wasnt right. Then I remembered: I didnt have my school books. I ran back to the house, hurried upstairs to my room, and put my books in my schoolbag. I hurried outside again. There was no bus, so I rode my bicycle to school. I arrived at school, but something wasnt right. There were no students at the school. I looked at my watch. Classes started at 8:30. I was one hour late. I went to the front door, but it was not opened. I looked at my watch again. Oh no! It was Saturday!

1 The text is about:

a) an old men. b) a schoolboy. c) a housewife. d) a little child.

2 Outside, it was:
a) windy. b) cold and snowy. c) sunny and hot. d) sunny.

3 When the boy woke up, he thought:

a) it was Saturday. b) it was a terrible morning. c) he was late for school. d) there was no school that day.

4 The water was:

a) dirty. b) warm. c) cold and dirty. d) cold.

5 The boy thought something wasnt right because:

a) he didnt see his parents and his brother at home. b) there was nobody at school. c) te didnt have his school books. d) there was no bus. e) All of the answers.

B. Complete the ending of the text by using the expressions bellow.

. back . the keys . Finally my

. nobody came to

. the stairs and

I rode my bike _______ home. I put my hands in my pocket for my house keys. I didnt have _______. I rang the bell but _______to the door. I rang again. ________brother opened the door. What are you doing outside? he asked me. I didnt answer him. I _______went to the bed. It was a horrible morning.

C. Read these sentences. Write the questions to the answers.

We lived in Bragana when I was a baby. a. ______________________________________________________? In Bragana. b. ______________________________________________________? When I was a baby. I talked to my teacher this morning about my test. a. ______________________________________________________? To my teacher. b.______________________________________________________? About my test. c. ______________________________________________________? This morning.

D - Look at Marks plans for next week. Write ten sentences about it.

Monday Meet Joanne

Tuesday Fly to London Stay at uncle Bens Wednesday Return home Talk to my brother Have a date with Louise

Friday Write a text about Human rights

Thursday Have an English test Saturday Drive to country with family Sunday Rest


01 / Julho / 2006

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