Macrofuntions.: Barrera Castro, Yovany Javier C.I - 23.887.176

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Barrera Castro, Yovany Javier C.I -23.887.176


Verbal Form(s): Simple Present


Feactures or Characteristics - Palabras Claves como: As illustrated at left. - Establece Relacin con nmeros.

Verbal Form(s): Active Voice Simple Presenti


Feactures or Characteristics: Verbal Form(s): Simple Past. Active Voice -Continuo Histrico. -Conectores de tiempo ( in 1955)

Ho w t o c a l c u l a t e t h e v o l u m e o f a l iq u id .

Knowing the amount of volume that has a container can be a very important piece of information. As for chemical laboratories, inadequate quantity of a liquid can have dangerous results. Here's a simple formula to determine the exact volume of liquid in a container. Calculate the mass of the liquid. This may be a known unit, or can be determined with a scale or other mass-measuring device. Find the density of the liquid. If there is a known num ber, the density of common fluids can be found in chemistry textbooks. Note that the formula for finding the volume of liquid can be determined by simple mathematics. Use the formula for the volume of fluid equal to the mass divided by the density (volume = mass / density).

Verbal Form(s): Modo Imperativo.

Feactures or Characteristics: - Main Goal. - -Steps - Corollary Information.

Fossils are the remains of ancient seashells embedded in the rocks, and so are the bones and teeth of mammals of the past. The same can be said of the delicate bodies of insects entombed in amber and colored chunks of petrified wood. Even the footprints left by dinosaurs walking on a quagmire are considered fossils. The fossils are thus any trace or traces of plants or animals that lived in the prehistoric past. Verbal Form(s): Past Simple Simple Present

Feactures or Characteristics: - T= C + D -Comparison

The wick is a basic tool in the process of drilling the hole, thus being the centerpiece of the whole drilling operation and is used as a cutter to penetrate the oil and gas formations. A wick performance will depend on many factors, including an adequate choice in both of the strands themselves as drilling parameters and the hydraulic system. If during the drilling of a long interval the wick is a change of formation, control of these variables allows, drill a hole at the lowest cost per foot, which must be the primary objective when designing a wick.
Verbal Form(s): Simple Present Active Voice

Feactures or Characteristics:

-Being Described.
- Palabra que describen una funcin ( is used)

The drilling tower or mast forms the most prominent part of the team (usually 40 feet), and is composed of four steel columns rectangular, laterally attached. At the top of the tower or mast, suspended cables, stands the injection head, connected to the drill pipe. The injection head passes a liquid (drilling mud) while allowing the drill pipe to rotate freely in the basement. Probing rod-united sections of 9 meters master bushing passes through a rotary table located in the floor positioned on the mast or tower. Diesel or electric motors rotary table rotated and the entire drill string, in whose far end is the bit that pierces.

Verbal Form(s): Simple Present. Active voice

Feactures or Characteristics: - Objeto que se Describe. - Caractersticas Fisica de lo que se esta describiendo.


Verbal Form(s): Simple Present, Modo imperativo.

Intubation involves lowering a pipe (casing), to the bottom of the well (typically 51/2 to 7 inches in diameter) which subsequently is cemented to generate an insulation of different permeable zones along the wellbore. The cementation process is performed by specialized service companies and involves placing a cement slurry in the annular space between the borehole wall and the outside of the casing. As we said this cementation is to isolate the different permeable zones preventing fluids from high pressure areas can move to areas of lower pressure or prevent the possibility of putting into production aquifers.

Feactures or Characteristic: -Main Goal - Palabras claves (shall carry out )

http:// --Revista de la jpt mayo 2004/pag 18 Libro del CIED, REVISTA CIENTEIFICA.



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