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Relative Atomic Mass & Relative Molecular Mass


tiny impossible to determine its mass by weighing. Scientist compare the mass of an atom with a standard atom.

Carbon-12 was chosen as the standard atom : Many elements can combine with carbon-12. Carbon-12 exist as a solid at room temperature. Carbon-12 is the most abundant carbon isotope ( 98.89 % ).


atomic mass & relative molecular mass has no unit because it is not the actual mass of an atom, its only a comparison value.

Relative atomic mass

= average mass of an atom 1/12 x mass of one carbon-12 atom

Atomic substances are : Metals Noble gases ( Group 18 elements ) Carbon

Given the relative atomic mass of potassium is 39. Thus, the average mass of one potassium atom is 39 times more than the mass of 1/12 of a carbon atom.

Example 1 How many times heavier is a krypton atom compared to a helium atom ? [ Relative atomic mass : He, 4 ; Kr, 84 ]

Example 2 Calculate how many times heavier are 3 calcium atoms compared to 5 carbon atoms ? [ Relative atomic mass : C, 12 ; Ca, 40 ]

Example 3 Calculate how many magnesium atoms will have the same mass as 2 silver atoms ? [ Relative atomic mass : Mg, 24 ; Ag, 108 ]

Relative Molecular Mass ( Mr )


the average mass of one molecule 1/12 X mass of one carbon-12 atom

Relative molecular mass of a substance is calculated by adding up the relative atomic masses of all atoms present in a molecule ( non-metal elements ).

The symbol for the element oxygen

The symbol for the element carbon Shows that there are 2 oxygen atoms for every carbon atom

Example 1 Calculate the relative molecular mass of ammonia, NH3. [ Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; N, 14 ]

Relative Formula Mass ( Fr )


ionic compounds ( metals combine with non-metals ). Calculated by adding up the relative atomic masses of all atoms shown in the formula.

Example 1 Calculate the relative formula mass of sodium chloride. [ Relative atomic mass : Na,23 ; Cl, 35.5 ]

Example 2 Calculate the relative formula mass of copper (II) sulphate. [ Relative atomic mass : Cu, 64 ; S, 32 ; O, 16 ]

Example 3 The relative formula mass of a compound with the formula Y2SO4 is 142. Calculate the relative atomic mass of element Y. [ Relative atomic mass : O, 16 ; S, 32 ]

A kind word is like perfume , if you spray on others, a couple of drops will stay on you.
~ Still Thoughts


mole is defined as the amount of substance containing 6.02 X 1023 particles. ( 6.02 x 1023 is known as Avogadro constant, NA ) Symbol of mole is mol.

mole of atomic substances = 6.02 X 1023 atoms 1 mole of molecular substances = 6.02 X 1023 molecules 1 mole of ionic substances = 6.02 X 1023 formula units

Mole & Number of particles

x NA
Number of moles NA Number of particles

Example 1 Find the numbers of atoms in (a) 0.4 mole of iron. (b) 0.1 mole of oxygen gas.

Example 2 How many moles of water contain 3.01 x 1022 water molecules ?

Example 3 0.3 mole of zinc bromide, ZnBr2 is dissolved in a beaker of water. Find (a) the number of formula units, (b) the total number of ions present in the beaker.

Mole & Mass of particles

x molar mass
Number of moles molar mass Mass in grams


mass is the mass of 1 mole of the substance in grams. Unit : g mol-1 Is numerically equal to the RAM, RMM or RFM of a substance.

Example 1 Find the mass of (a) 0.5 mole of copper (b) 1.5 moles of carbon dioxide [ Relative atomic mass : C, 12 ; O, 16 ; Cu, 64 ]

Example 2 Find the number of moles of sodium hydroxide with the mass of 2.0 g. [ Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; O, 16 ; Na, 23 ]

Example 3 What is the mass of gold that has the same number of atoms in 4 g of oxygen ? [ Relative atomic mass : O, 16 ; Au, 197 ]

Example 4 What is the mass of hydrogen gas that has twice the number of molecules as in 1.6 g of oxygen gas ? [ Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; O, 16 ]

The fuller the rice tassels are, the lower they bow ; The more a person accomplishes, the more humble he should become.
~ Still Thoughts

Mole & Volume of gas

x molar volume Number of moles molar volume Volume of gas


volume of a gas is the volume of 1 mole of the gas. Unit : dm3 mol-1 Equal to 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP or 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions. STP standard temperature (0 C ) & pressure (1 atm) Room condition : 25 C & 1 atm

Example 1 What is the volume of 0.4 mole of carbon dioxide gas at STP ? [ Molar volume : 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP ]

Example 2 Find the number of moles of ammonia gas contained in a sample of 60 cm3 of the gas at room conditions. [ Molar volume : 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions ]

Mole & number of particles, mass & volume

Mass Number of moles Number of particles


Example 1 A sample of 120 cm3 of CO2 is collected at room conditions. Calculate the mass of the sample CO2 [ Relative atomic mass : C, 12 ; O, 16 Molar volume : 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions ]

Example 2 How many hydrogen molecules are there in 6 dm3 of hydrogen gas at room conditions ? [ Molar volume : 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions. Avogadro constant : 6.02 x 1023 mol-1 ]

Example 3 Find the volume of nitrogen gas in cm3 at STP that consists of 2.408 x 1023 nitrogen molecules. [ Molar volume : 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP. Avogadro constant : 6.02 x 1023 mol-1 ]

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