Career Talk (Undergrad)

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Chris Kondo


Several excellent resources regarding career planning, resume writing, interviewing, etc.

This reflects my personal thoughts and experiences

CSUF Career Center School advisors Faculty Professional societies Working professionals Internet, etc.

Based on questions from CSUF students

I wont duplicate

Some abbreviations:
CSUF Career Center = CC
CSUF Career Center On-Line Resource Website: CCOL


What functional area should I go into? What careers are available in marketing? What is product management? What is sales? Should I get my MBA? Whats the best way to find a job? What are companies looking for? What should I be looking for in a prospective company? When I graduate is it better to work for a small or a big company? What general career advice do you have?

What area should I go into?


If your priority is:

Then look for:


If youre having fun work longer hours learn more quickly do a better job become more valuable to firm job security & pay increases and advancement opportunities

What careers are available in marketing?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Internet Marketing Retail Marketing Marketing Communications Nonprofit Marketing Product Management (Brand Management) Services Marketing Sales International Business Sports Marketing

Resources: CC career counselors, CCOL career exploration, Marketing Department faculty, Sales Center, Marketing Department informational brochures (one for each of the above),, American Marketing Association CSUF chapter

What is Product management?


Marketing Communications

Product Manager

Research & Development


A Product Managers life



Prepare next years marketing plans for presentation to senior management Ride along with sales representative to check competitive activity Meet with finance to discuss planned price increase Travel to industry symposium Draft objectives for upcoming focus group

Advertisin g & Promotion

Product Manager

Research & Developm ent

Manufact uring

Meet with R & D to plan line extension product Visit CSUF to recruit Assistant Product Manager Revise sales forecast for production planning Meet with advertising agency to provide direction for new campaign

What about sales?


Some believe sales is: High pressure Closing the deal Earning the commission In fact, many professional sales careers about: Building relationships Communications and management Personal leadership and integrity Applying business skills to solve client problems (partnership)

For example,

Sales representatives for Baxter Healthcare (medical products/pharma company):

Might have 25-30 hospital clients Develop deep relationships with pharmacy, nursing, administration professionals Expected to be part of the hospitals team in delivering high quality care while managing costs Receive several weeks training per year on an on-going basis Represents the companys single largest marketing investment Training ground for companys senior managers Training ground for healthcare industry Earn more than product managers

Should I get my MBA?



planning a career in business youre mentally up for it it fits with your personal life you generally like school



youve gotten some work experience (some schools insist on it)or maybe you already have it! Before other aspects of your life close in (family, job, travel, financial responsibilities)

Full-time program: theres a sweet spot

Part-time program: typically more flexibility in when, less in where


Personal circumstances A chance to see the country (world) Safety schools and stretch schools Not fun to get, but rejection letters do tell you bravo, you went for it

Resources: various guides to MBA schools in bookstore; US News & World Report rankings; CC; CCOL Graduate School; for CSF MBA program consult Graduate Business Advising Center in Langsdorf Hall 700; websites of MBA programs


Whats the best way to find a job?

Career Center (Titan Connection)

Job postings (e.g., 100 sales jobs listed) On-campus interviews Resume preparation (CC + CCOL Titan Resume Builder) Interview preparation (CC + CCOL Interview Stream)

Networking, networking, networking

Resources: In addition to above, Networking bio assignment & Linkedin

By the way, regarding electronic communications


Do not use unprofessional email addresses:

Using,, addresses or similar perfectly ok If a prospective employer tried to check you out on myspace or facebook what would they find? If they did a web search on your name what would come up? Linkedin is the social networking site for business professionals all of you should be on Linkedin


What are companies looking for?

Solutions to their problems

So, you must figure out:


their problem? How can I solve their problem? How can I best communicate this to the company?

For example

Opening: Sales Representative

Companys problem Opening in LA district sales sagging

How you can solve their problem Youve had the opportunity to learn sales skills at CSF (The Sales Leadership Center) and research sales careers
Communicate to company Ive had the opportunity to learn about your (shampoo) company and am very excited about the new brands and technologies in the hair care category Ive earned my Certificate of Professional Sales An opportunity to work in the LA would be a dream come true as Im familiar with the LA culture and believe I could apply this to the job

What should I look for in a company?


Above and beyond the obvious stuff: Do you have what they need? Do you trust your prospective boss? Do you like the people youll be working with?

Is it better to work for a big company or a small company?


If you want to work for a big company, its better to work for a big company If you want to work for a small company, its better to work for a small company Having said that, people generally move from big to small


Start at a big company: Get training Build network Learn how a large complex organization works Learn current management systems Develop skills and demonstrate performance in one or two functional areas

Move to a small company: Apply what youve learned Career opportunity via network Lead a department, function or business Enhanced earnings potential


What career advice do you have?

Take Risks

Balance your personal and professional life


Youll always be in marketing


Youll always be in marketing


You Your ideas Your programs Your employees Your profession Your department Apply what youve learned in here!


"We are looking for ideas large enough to be afraid of again.

Sir William Tyrone Guthrie (1900-1971), award winning theater director


The End

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