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Decision Support System

Types of Decision Support Systems

Data Analysis Systems Information Analysis System Accounting Systems Model Based Systems Solver Oriented DSS Suggestion System Text oriented DSS Communication-driven Document-driven Knowledge-driven Compound DSS

Role of DSS in Business

What - if analysis Goal oriented Risk analysis Model building Graphical analysis
a) b) c) d) Seeking a quick summary of data. Forecasting activities. Detecting trends over time. Composing points and patterns at different variables.

Group decision support system

A group decision support system is a decision support system that facilitates decision making by a team of decision markets working as a group. The importance of collective decisions is being felt today. For main issue to be sorted out, brainstorming sessions are carried out and the collective pool of ideas and opinions give a final shape to a decision. A GDSS is a DSS that facilitates decision making by a team of decision maker working as a group.

Characteristics of GDSS

A GDSS is a goal oriented A GDSS is a specially designed information system. A GDSS is easy to learn and to use. A GDSS is designed with the goal of supporting groups of decisions makers in their work. The GDSS is designed to encourage activities such as idea generation, conflict resolution and freedom of expression.

Why Use GDSS?

High level managers can spend 80% of their time making decisions in groups. Applied correctly, GDSS can reduce this time, arriving at a better decision faster. GDSS provides the hardware, software, databases and procedures for effective decision making.

GDSS Time/Place Environment

Types of GDSS :

Decision Network Decision Room Teleconferencing

Advantages & Limitations of GDSS

Disadvantage of GDSS Cost Security Technical Failure Keyboarding Skills Training Perception of messages
Advantages Anonymity Parallel Communication Automated record keeping Ability for virtual meetings Portability Global Potential No need for a computer

Components of GDSS

Hardware Software Procedure People

How GDSS can enhance group decision making

GDSS help to enhance group decision making by following ways: Improved preplanning Increased participation Open, collaborative meetings atmosphere Criticism free idea generation Documentation of meeting Setting priorities and making decisions


Source: Ventana Corp., Tuscon, AZ,

US Air Force


IBM Corp.
Source: Ventana Corp., Tuscon, AZ,


Murraysville School District Bus

Source: Ventana Corp., Tuscon, AZ,

Video Conferencing


Software designed to support collaboration, including capturing and storing the information exchanged Current market leaders are Lotus Notes and Domino, Microsoft Exchange, Novell GroupWise and Oracle Office Individual tools inside the software suite include a meeting manager (Lotus Sametime) and message exchange (Lotus Notes Mail)

Groupware system

A Lotus Sametime Meeting Center Screen

A Typical Lotus Notes Messaging Screen Layout

Groupware Classification
A classification system based on type of support it provides:
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Messaging systems Conferencing systems Collaborative authoring systems: eg Google doc , Media wiki Group DSS Coordination systems Intelligent agent systems eg IBM Web Browser Intelligent

Forces Driving Groupware Development

Some of the major factors include:

productivity Reduced number of meetings Increased automation of routine workflow Need for better global coordination Availability of widespread networks

5-4: Managing MDM (multiparticipant decision maker ) Activities Some of the more common MDM coordination methods are:
1. 2.

4. 5.

Nominal group technique Delphi technique Arbitration Issue-based information system Nemawashi

Nominal Group Technique





Each participant writes down ideas about what the decision should be. In turn, each participant presents his or her ideas, which are recorded on a whiteboard. No discussion occurs here. After all ideas are presented, participants may question others. Each participant votes on each idea.

Delphi Technique

Essentially the same as nominal group technique except the participants never meet. A survey instrument is used to collect initial input from members. A second survey is sent with a summary of the collective results. These steps repeat until either a consensus or majority view is reached.


Most appropriate when the members of the MDM represent opposing factors. Participants agree that if mutually agreeable alternatives are not found, an outside arbitrator will get involved. The arbitrator then selects the alternative he or she deems most appropriate.

Issue-Based Information System (IBIS)

A structured argumentation method. An IBIS is represented as a graph with nodes and links. The IBIS begins with selection of a root issue node, then the various position nodes are linked to the root. These position nodes are then evaluated based on the arguments attached to them.

Nemawashi (widely used in Japan)




One or more members of the MDM are designated as coordinators. The coordinators then select remaining participants. Coordinators construct a choice set and then experts rate the choices. Coordinator selects a choice based on results in 2.

Nemawashi (cont.)


The alternative is circulated; the coordinator seeks consensus through persuasion and negotiation. If consensus is reached, coordinators circulate a document that each MDM member signs off on.

To evaluate the role of groupware tools.

Evaluate Technical properties Degree of fit to task users, group, setting, other characteristics Degree of support for processes Effects on outcomes Possibilities to adapt

10.7 GDSS Software

Comprehensive GDSS Software

.GroupSystems for Windows (Ventana Corp.) .VisionQuest (Collaborative Technologies Corp.) .TeamFocus (IBM Corp.) .SAMM (University of Minnesota) .Lotus Domino / Notes (Lotus Development Corp.) .Netscape Communicator (Netscape Communications Corp.) .TCBWorks (The University of Georgia) (

Emerging Web-Based GDSS

GroupSystems for Windows

Agenda is the Control Panel Standard Tools

1. Electronic Brainstorming) 2. Group Outliner 3. Topic Commenter 4. Categorizer 5. Vote

Advanced Tools
1. Alternative Analysis 2. Survey 3. Activity Modeler Other Resources

People Whiteboard Handouts Opinion Meter

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