Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland

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Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland

Founded in 1634 by Lord Baltimore as a

proprietary colony (governed by a single owner or proprietor) Religious freedom existedmainly set up for Catholics. (MARYland) Colony grew tobacco Puritans tried to take over the colony in 1645, and religious problems continued to exist.

Originally a single colony owned by eight

proprietors Owners attracted settlers by offering:

Religious toleration Large land grants Political representation

Charleston became a refuge for French

Protestants (Huguenots) Grew rice and tobaccoboth needing lots of slaves

Carolina planters became the richest on the

seaboard, and were greatly outnumbered by slaves 1691: Carolina split into North and South Both became royal colonies (colonies ruled by governors appointed by the king) Wanted military protection from Spanish and Native Americans

Founded by James Oglethorpe in 1732 and

named for King George II First settlement was at Savannah Began as a debtor colony English, German, Swiss and Scottish settled All Protestants and Jews welcomednot Catholics (Why?)

No large plantations
Wanted to help poor settlers

establish small farms

No slavery
A free population would better

defend the colony Slave revolts might weaken the colony

The colonists in Georgia were unhappy

with Oglethorpes policies. Why? Colonists revolt and Georgia becomes a royal colony Slavery is legalized Georgia becomes a plantation society like South Carolina

Grew tobacco, rice and indigoall which

needed slaves Good climate and access to ocean Cash crops grown and sold overseas Tried to attract settlers because of religious freedom Two classes: rich and poor

In Virginia, indentured servants finished their In the West, they had trouble with Native

service and wanted landwere told to go West Americans so they demanded protection from the governor of Virginia. He refused.

Small farmers got together and captured

Jamestown and burned it to the ground in protest (led by Nathaniel Bacon)

Bacon died suddenly from dysentery, and the

governor hung 23 of his followers

In 1665, only 500 blacks were in Virginia Many whites were indentured servants. Fewer whites wanted to be indentured

servants tried to enslave Indians (but they died from disease or escaped) Turned to African slaves by 1750, 40% of the southern population were slaves.

Worked 15 hours a day Whipped if they did not work their share Small one-room cabins with straw beds A weeks food: 3 pounds of pork, and a

quarter bushel of cornmeal (some could raise gardens) Preserved culture

Slaves worked slowly, damaged goods,

carried out orders wrongly, and pretended not to understand Stono Rebellion (South Carolina-1739): 20 slaves took tools and killed planters while marching south towards Florida
More slaves joined till there were 100 7 plantations burned, 20 whites killed

Militia captured them, and killed them all

Strict slave code laws were passed as a result

Population of the 13 Colonies doubled

every 25 years 3 distinct groups of cultures for the colonies Many started because of political and religious events in England Very diverse!

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