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Management Information System:

The focus of an is to supply the right information to the right person at the right time. This triad of the right person information & the right time makes MIS powerful tool essential for business organizations. If any of the three entities is not right then the MIS fails its objective. The purpose of MIS is to maintain the flow of information within an organisation by focusing on the triads.

The Management Information System (MIS) is a concept of the last decade or two. It has been understood and described in a number ways. It is also known as the Information System, the Information and Decision System, the Computer- based information System.

The MIS has more than one definition, some of which are give below. 1. The MIS is defined as a system which provides information support for decision making in the organization. 2. The MIS is defined as an integrated system of man and machine for providing the information to support the operations, the management and the decision making function in the organization. 3. The MIS is defined as a system based on the database of the organization evolved for the purpose of providing information to the people in the organization. 4. The MIS is defined as a Computer based Information

Role of Information in Decision Making:

Identification & structuring of problem Putting the problem in a context Generation of alternatives Choice of best alternative.

Benefits of MIS:
Improves personal efficiency Expedites problem solving(speed up the progress of problems solving in an organization) Facilitates interpersonal communication Promotes learning or training Increases organizational control Generates new evidence in support of a decision Creates a competitive advantage over competition Encourages exploration and discovery on the part of the decision maker Reveals new approaches to thinking about the problem space Helps automate the Managerial processes.


-Is a process where superiors and subordinates jointly identify the common objective, set the results that should be achieved by subordinates and assess the contribution of each individual.

According to George Odiome, MBO is "a process whereby superior and subordinate managers of an Organization jointly define its common goals, define each individual's major areas of responsibility in terms Of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members."

Features Of MBO :

Superior-subordinate participation [superior and the

subordinate to recognize that the development of objectives is a joint project/activity]

Joint goal-setting [subordinate in consultation with his superior sets his own short-term goals] Joint decision on methodology [MBO focuses special
attention on what must be accomplished (goals) rather than how it is to be accomplished (methods)].

Makes way to attain maximum result [attain maximum

results from available resources by focussing on attainable goals]

Support from superior [superior acts as a coach and

provides his valuable advice and guidance to the subordinate]

Steps In MBO Planning

Goal setting: The first phase in the MBO process is to define the organizational objectives. These are determined by the top management and usually in consultation with other managers. Once these goals are established, they should be made known to all the members. In setting objectives, it is necessary to identify "Key-Result Areas' (KRA). Manager-Subordinate involvement: After the organizational goals are defined, the subordinates work with the managers to determine their individual goals. In this way, everyone gets involved in the goal setting. Matching goals and resources: Management must ensure that the subordinates are provided with necessary tools and materials to achieve these goals. Allocation of resources should also be done in consultation with the subordinates. Implementation of plan: After objectives are established and resources are allocated, the subordinates can implement the plan. If any guidance or clarification is required, they can contact their superiors. Review and appraisal of performance: This step involves periodic review of progress between manager and the subordinates. Such reviews would determine if the progress is satisfactory or the subordinate is facing some problems. Performance appraisal at these reviews should be conducted, based on fair and measurable standards.

Advantages of MBO :

Develops result-oriented philosophy Formulation of dearer goals Facilitates objective appraisal Raises employee morale Facilitates effective planning Acts as motivational force Facilitates effective control Facilitates personal leadership

Limitations of MBO:

Time-consuming Reward-punishment approach Increases paper-work Creates organizational problems Develops conflicting objectives Problem of co-ordination Lacks durability Problems related to goal-setting Lack of appreciation

How To Make MBO Effective?

Support from all Acceptance of MBO programme by managers Training of managers Organizational commitment Allocation of adequate time and resources Provision of uninterrupted information feedback


What is TQM? TQM is the integration of all functions and processes within an organization in order to achieve continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services. The goal is customer satisfaction.

No doubt , humans are always deficient (Al-Quran)

The Three Quality Gurus

Deming: the best known of the early pioneers, is

credited with popularizing quality control in Japan in early 1950s.Today, he is regarded as a national hero in that country and is the father of the world famous Deming prize for quality.


Juran, like Deming was invited to Japan in 1954 by the union of Japanese Scientists and engineers. Juran defines quality as fitness for use in terms of design, conformance, availability, safety and field use. He focuses on top-down management and technical methods rather than worker pride and satisfaction.

Philip Crosby: author of popular book Quality is Free. His absolutes of quality are:

Quality is defined as conformance to requirements, not goodness The system for achieving quality is prevention, not appraisal. The performance standard is zero defects, not thats close enough The measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance, not indexes.

Commonality of Themes of Quality Gurus

Inspection is never the answer to quality improvement, nor is policing. Involvement of leadership and top management is essential to the necessary culture of commitment to quality. A program for quality requires organization-wide efforts and long term commitment, accompanied by the necessary investment in training. Quality is first and schedules are second.







System Approach for TQM

Characteristics of TQM Leader

Visible, Committed and Knowledgeable Aggressive Targets Strong Drivers Communication of Values Organization Customers Contact

Five Principles are: Quality Work the First Time Focus on the Customer Strategic Holistic Approach to Improvement Mutual Respect and Teamwork

Customer Satisfaction Three Part System

Customer Expectations

Company Operations (Processes)

Customer Satisfaction

Indicators for Customer Satisfaction

Frontline empowerment Excellent hiring, training, attitude and morale for front line employees Proactive customer service system Proactive management of relationship with customers Use of all listening posts Quality requirements of market segment Commitment to customers Understanding customer requirements Service standards meeting customers requirements

Sustaining the Quality Organization

View quality as a journey (Race without a finish line) Recognize that success takes time Create a learning organization
Planning Execution of plans Assessment of progress Revision of plans based on assessment findings

Benefits of TQM

Greater customer loyalty Market share improvement Higher stock prices Reduced service calls Higher prices Greater productivity

Remember the earth revolves around the CUSTOMER. Quality begets customers and customers beget quality. Let us all have action plans to support quality, this will make the world happy and earn us the blessing of God Almighty. Actions are direct reflection of ones intentions (Al-Quran)

SWOT Analysis

What is SWOT Analysis?

A technique that enables a group or individual to move from everyday problems and traditional strategies to a fresh perspective.

SWOT is an acronym for:

S Strengths
Internal Environment

W Weaknesses O Opportunities T Threats

External Environment

Any existing or potential resources or capability within the organisation that provides a competitive advantage in the market.
Example: Strong distribution network Intense Staff commitment and loyalty Increasing profit margin

Activity #1: Can you identify some of your organisations strengths?

Any existing or potential force which could serve as a barrier to maintaining or achieving a competitive advantage in the market.
Example: Lack of a clear company strategy Lack of training opportunities for using a new software

Activity #2: Can you think of some of your companys weaknesses?

Any existing or potential force in the external environment that, if properly leveraged, could provide a competitive advantage.
Example: Organisations geographic location New technology

Activity #3: Can you think of some opportunities available to your company?

Any existing or potential force in the external environment that could erode a competitive advantage.
Example: A new competitor entrant A recession, rising interest rates, or tight credit lines

Activity #4: Can you think of some threats to your business?

Aim of SWOT Analysis



Take advantage of strengths and opportunities. Minimise weaknesses and eliminate threats

Who Needs SWOT Analysis?

A Company

When revenue, cost and expense targets are not being achieved; Market share is dropping; Industry conditions are unfavourable; Want to launch a new business venture; etc

Who Needs SWOT Analysis?

A Department/Business Unit

When the team has not met its targets; Customer service can be better; A new business unit to pursue a new business; A new team leader is appointed; etc

Who Needs SWOT Analysis?

Job Holder

When supervisor has issues with work output; Assigned to a new job; New financial year fresh targets; Job holder seeks to improve performance on the job; etc.

How to do SWOT Analysis?

Step 1 Analyse Internal & External Environment Step 2 Perform SWOT Analysis and Document Step 3

Prepare Action Plans

A SWOT analysis is useful only when action plans and strategies are developed from the results

Benefits of SWOT Analysis

Solving problems Implementing change Developing strategies for achieving the organisations objectives and mission


key ingredient for SWOT

SWOT analysis will be useful if:

You are thinking outside the box Availability of varied perspectives group discussion Liberty to say your mind Willingness to break away from traditional methods Appetite for change

Some Brainstorming Rules

Everyone must participate No idea is stupid, everyones contribution is valid and important You dont have to agree with anyone else Build on the ideas of othersuse initial ideas as a jumping -off point for more ideas

Be open-minded

Always ask questions

Seek first to understand before being understood

Have fun!!!

Activity #5: Sample Questions

Which strengths are unique to the team?

What should be done better in the future?

What are we good at doing?

What are the things that had gone well?

What knowledge do we lack?

Which skills do we lack?

What system do we need to change?

Activity #5: Sample Questions

What are the key success enablers?

Barriers to progress

What are the possible Which additional services can impacts of what competitors are doing? we offer? What new market should we investigate?
Which regulatory issue might cause us concern?

SWOT Worksheet
Strengths Weaknesses

SWOT Worksheet
Opportunities Threats

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