The Interactionist View of Conflicts

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The interactionist view of conflicts Feedback

Group 2: Alexandra Dragan Danielle Nieuwhuis Evelyn Duru Moritz Ceglarek Wenjin Yu


Definition Perception of conflict The conflict process Conflict style theories Functional Dysfunctional conflict Applying the theory Conclusion

A process that has five stages: potential opposition or incompatibility, cognition and personalisation, intentions, behaviour and outcomes. (Robbins, Judge, Campbell, 2010) a struggle over values and claims to scarce status, power and resources in which the aims of the opponents are to neutralize, injure, or eliminate their rivals. (Lewis Coser)

(Conflict Management, 2014)

Perception of conflict
Harmful and must be avoided

Natural and inevitable outcome in any group

Human relations

Not only positive but absolutely necessary.

The conflict process

(Forestry Department,2014)

Conflict style Theories

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Modes


20 $ in my pocket

What should we choose?

Depends on

the situation Depends on the relationship with the person(s) involved Depends on the character and behaviour

The cost of conflict is too high. ZDU uw

Conflict theory: Three Models

power is the capacity to affect the life situations of people Power: important to establish the relations into society Instruments of the rulling class Low clas society: no conflict allowed; power democratically shared

(The University of Hawai, 2014)

Parsonian conflict theory (Dahrendorf)

where there are authority relations, the superordinate element is socially expected to control by orders, and commands, warning and prohibitions, the behavior of the subordinate element Coordinated societies of authority Authority relations Inevitable conflict
(The University of Hawai, 2014)

Elite conflict theory (C. Wright Mills)

has to do with whatever decisions men make about the arrangements under which they live.
Respecting orders Manipulation Mass societies


Society of publics
(The University of Hawai, 2014)

Functional Dysfunctional conflict

No conflict Anihiatory conflict

Always? How? Everywhere? By anyone?

Applying the theory

Many ways to express the conflict cycle

One conflict model cannot be used in any situation

Is not affordable to have it inside the company Conflict got a new dimension with the passing of

the time Functional conflicts have benefits, but not always Dysfunctional conflicts cost companies a lot of time and money

All conflict is cooperative. It takes two to create it, but only one to stop it.
(Carl E. Phd)

Conflict Management [Online] Available at: < /encyclopedia/conflict/BKeyelements2_interdependence.htm> [Accessed: 16.01.2014] Forestry Department [Online] Available at: < http://www.> [Accessed: 14.01.2014] Psychology today 2012 [Online] Available at: <http://www.> [Accessed: 14.01.2014] Robbins, S., Judge, T., Campbell, T., 2010. Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education Ltd. The University of Hawai [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 14.01.2014]

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