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The Concept pf Professional Ethics and Bioethics

What is ethics
Ethics comes from the Greek word Ethos meaning characteristic way of acting and in Latin word Mos, morrs meaning way of acting. Ethics is a study of human acts or conduct from a moral perspective as to whether they are good or they are bad We commonly associated ethics to customs, morals and etiquette and even used them interchangeably

Customs are acts approved by a group or society Etiquette social observance required by good breeding(i.e. table manners, dress codes) Ethics refers to principles that define behavior as right, good and proper. Such principles do not always dictate a single moral course of action, but provide a means of evaluating a deciding among competing options.

We translate values into principles so they can guide and motivate ethical conduct. Ethical examples are the rules of conduct that derive from ethical values. -For example, honesty is a value that governs behavior in the form of principles such as: tell the truth, dont deceive, be candid, dont cheat. In this way, values five rise to principles in the form of specific do and dont.

Ethics concern putting these principles into actions. Part of Ethics -General Ethics Deals with basic principles which are the morality of human acts -Social Ethics- Tackles the basic principles in the life of man as a member of the society.

Objectives of Ethics
To make clear to us why one act is better than another To live an orderly social life. To appraise and criticize intelligently the moral conduct and ethical system To seek the true value of life.

From Values to Principles

We translate values into principles so thecan guide and motivate ethical conduct Ethical principles are the rules of conduct that derive from ethical values Example, honesty is a value that governs behavior in the form of principles such as: tell tell the truth, dont deceive, be candid, dont cheat,In this way, values give rise to principles in the form of specific do and dont

Why be Ethical?
As individuals, as members of larger communities, and as human beings, it is important to make principled decisions on what is right and wrong. The principles that helps us in our decision making will vary according to the moral values we each hold as true.

Moral Health
The goal of ethical reflection is moral health Thus we seek to determine what will nourish our moral life and what will poison it. Conclusion:

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