Unit - 1 - PHP

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Unit -1 Introduction To Open Source Soft wares & their configuration

Client side scripting vs. Server side scripting

Client side scripting Client side scripting is a script, that is executed by the browser (i.e. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.) that resides at the user computer. Server side scripting Server side scripting, is executed by the server (Web Server like IIS, apache), and the page that is sent to the browser is produced by the serveside scripting

Client side scripting cannot be used to Server side scripting is used to connect to the databases on the web connect to the databases that reside on server. the web server. Response from a client-side script is faster as compared to a server-side script because the scripts are processed on the local computer. Response from a server-side script is slower as compared to a client-side script because the scripts are processed on the remote computer.

Examples of Client side scripting Examples of Server side scripting languages :JavaScript, VB script, etc. languages : PHP, JSP, ASP, ASP. Net, Ruby, Perl n many more.

Server side Scripting

Overview of an OSS
It is computer software that is available in source code form. By using an open source license the copyright holders are provide all the rights to study, change, improve and to distribute the software. Widely used open source products.
Linux Kernel (Operating System) Apache (Web Server) MySQL (Database emphasizing speed) Postgre SQL (Database emphasizing functionality) PHP(Server-side scripting) Filezilla (fast & reliable FTP client) Mozillas Firefox (Web Browser) Pant.net(Free image editing software)

Open Source vs. Closed Source

Open source software
It can be defined as software distributed under a licensing agreement, which allows the source code (computer code) to be shared, viewed and modified by other users and organizations. i.e. :- Linux , PHP , Mozillas Firefox

Closed source software

It can be defined as proprietary software distributed under a licensing agreement to authorized users with private modification, copying and republishing. i.e. :- Windows , ASP. Net , Googles Chrome


Open Source
Open source software may be free. If you have in-house capability for implementation, training then it is the best option.

Closed Source
The cost of proprietary software will vary from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars, depending on the complexity of the system required.


Open source software enables Proprietary software providers do innovation by providing users not allow users to view or alter the with the freedom and flexibility to source code. adapt the software , without restriction. No availability of the proper documentation of the system is available so its Requires system administration expertise. So it is developer-centric. Proprietary software generally employs expert usability testing, so user provide proper documentation for system. So it is User- centric


Advantages of Open Source

Larger Developer Support: As its open source anyone can develop for the platform, giving it a much larger support for developers and gives them more of a feeling of ownership as they can alter whatever they like. Customizable In a closed source scenario, developers are given only options to change what the original developer chooses, but having full control lets them customize the look feel and even features of the software giving it much more possibilities More Secure Open source is much more transparent than closed, this means that anyone can look over the code, by having thousands of people reading through your code, bugs and vulnerabilities(weakness) are located much quicker and submitted for fixing, it also lets you know if the bug has been fixed as you can check the code after each release. Extended Community Support As a product ages the original developer might move on and stop developing leaving the product to age with no new fixes or features, but if its open then usually the community takes over and continues working on it allowing the usable life of the product to be extended well beyond what the original developer intended.

Advantages of Closed Source

Less confusion for customers Many people arent sure what the advantages of the different versions of android, is HTC Sense better than MotoBlur? By not allowing people to alter core features it makes it easier to pick the product you want, there is only one version of iOS that people need to learn about Unified experience Because its close the developer can choose the layout, the features, the options, the colors, and pretty much anything they choose. This seems restrictive, but at least guarantees that every user will have a similar experience and gives it a standard that cant be changed. More profitable A closed model can be greatly profitable as you can charge money for developers to use your API, and can lock out competition by not making your design available for them to see.

Development Philosophy
According to The Cathedral and Bazaar Model the Open Source Software are being developed which has following pattern:
Users should be treated as co-developers
Users should have access to source code Users are encouraged to submit code fixes for the s/w and also report bugs and documentation. Linuxs law says : Given enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow. Many users view same source code then they find all bugs and ways to solve them.

High modularization
The general structure of the software should be modular allowing for parallel development on independent components.

Frequent Integration
Code changes should be integrated as frequently as possible to avoid integration at the end of the project lifecycle.

Several versions
There should be at least 2 versions of software:1. Development version with more no. of features. 2. Stable version with fewer no. of features.

Development version should be used by the developer willing to take risk of the code which is still not developed completely and want to use the latest features. Such user can act as a co-developer and help in reporting bugs as well as providing fixes to those bugs.

Free Software
Free source software
It is just small software which are free, It can be downloaded ,used ,copied without restrictions but their codes are not accessible.

Free soft wares are soft wares made by the company, and distributed free for use.
Such as Internet Explorer or MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger...stuff like that.

Open Source vs. Free Source

Open source means that the source code is available to all users, and they are free to use, modify, and redistribute the source code. Open source soft wares are also free but the difference is that
open source soft wares can be edited and can be updated by anyone who wants and knows who to program in the source code. Good examples are Linux, Unix. So basically the core source code is provided to anyone by the company directly, where as the free soft wares mostly do not provide their source code to the people who want to program in it. Examples are Internet Explorer or MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, etc

Shareware Software
Shareware softwares are used for marketing purpose. Computer users can download and use a limited version of software or full version of software for a limited period of time. We can say that Shareware software is just like Try before you buy. Example: Snagit.

Source Available
Source available is software where the source is available for viewing, but which may not legally be modified or redistributed. Such software is more often referred to as sourceavailable, or as shared source. In response to the demands of its customers for access to source code, Microsoft created its shared source licensing program. This program allows Microsoft customers to read and examine certain of the companys source code.

Distribution term of OSS

Free Redistribute
License shall not restrict any part from selling or giving the s/w as a component of an aggregate s/w distribution containing programs from several different sources.

Source Code
Program must include source code , you also allow to distribute it as source code as well as in a compiled form The source code must be the preferred form in which the programmer could modify.

Derived Works
License must allow modification and derived works It should allow them to be distributed under the same terms as the license of original software.

Distribution of license
Rights attached to program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the needs for execution of additional license.

License must not be specific to a product

Rights attached to program must not depend on programmer being part of particular s/w distribution

Pros for Developers

From a developers point of view, open source technologies provide a platform on which to build custom solutions. Rather than develop, say, an entire proprietary operating system, developers can build and improve upon the already existing open source Linux operating system platform. In this way, more time is spent on the specific task to be solved rather than getting the system up and running to the point where it is stable and reliable.

Cons of OSS for Developers

Unfortunately, this means that other developers have access to the developers work and can easily create a competing product. Almost everything in open source is viewable by other developers. If a developer makes a major mistake, it can become public information and discolor the developers reputation.

Pros for Users

The biggest advantage of open source for users is that most projects are free to download and use. The result can be fewer bugs and more productivity due to the semi-custom solution

Cons for Users

However, one problem using open source technology is that the focus is often on backend processing of information and not on user interfaces. Microsoft Windows has arguably one of the easiest interfaces with which to work. Often, open source software such as Linux requires the user to have specialized knowledge that cannot be configured with just clicks of a mouse. All open source projects do not have good documentation to walk the user through the learning and using of the technologies.

Open source technology importance

Open source software is software that includes source code and is usually available at no charge. There are additional requirements besides the availability of source code that a program must meet before it is considered open source including:
the software must be free to redistribute; derivative works must be allowed; the license can not discriminate against any persons;

Software that is licensed under an open source license allows for a community of developers from around the world to improve the software by providing enhancements and bug fixes.

Open source software is generally available for free and it is not necessary to purchase additional licenses for every computer that the program is to be installed on or for every person who is going to use the software. Open source software not only has a lower acquisition cost than proprietary software, it often has lower implementation and support costs as well. It is easier to evaluate open source software then proprietary software. Since open source software is typically freely available to download, librarians and systems administrators can install complete production-ready versions of software and evaluate competing packages.

If the person or organization likes an overall open source package but would like a few added features they can add these features themselves. This is possible because the source code is available. Even if a person or organization does not have inhouse expertise they can benefit from source code availability because they can hire a consultant to make the changes that they desire.

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