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Cardiac Conduction System & Cardiac Cycle James Barraclough

Aims: Conduction System of Heart

Objectives: ALL learners will be able to describe cardiac cycle (diastole & systole) via directed questioning and class based activities MOST learners will be able to explain the conduction system of heart through arranging into stages SOME learners will be able to evaluate how the conduction system & cardiac cycle are affected by exercise through making an information film

Starter: Hangteacher

Hangman prompts
Bundle of His

Purkinje fibres
Systemic circulation Pulmonary circulation Atria Ventricles

Activity 1: Conduction System of the Heart

Complete the quiz questions:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How does the heart innervate special muscle fibres? What does myogenic mean? What does the conduction system of the heart do? What is the hearts pacemaker called? Using the picture on page 64 for reference draw a diagram of the route the electrical impulses takes through the heart and describe the process 15 minutes

Quiz Answers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

By producing electrical impulses Capacity of heart to generate own impulses Spreads impulses through heart to enable it to contract Sinoatrial (SA) node Passage of electrical impulse through heart:

SA node in RA wall spreads to fibres of RA fibres causing atria to contract, passes to atrioventricular (AV) node acting as distributor passes to bundle of His branches into L & R Purkinje fibres & excites ventricles 0.1 second delay from AV Node receiving stimulation to distribution of action potential through ventricles Crucial to allow atrial contraction before ventricular systole begins so as much blood as poss can pass from atria to ventricles

Cardiac Cycle
Process of cardiac contraction & blood transportation through heart ACTIVITY 2: PUT THE SLIDES IN THE CORRECT ORDER Shockwave

ANSWERS: 1, 7, 5, 3, 9, 4, 2, 6, 8

ACTIVITY 3 Using info from activities 1 & 2, & any other resources (textbooks, internet etc.) produce short film explaining cardiac conduction & cardiac cycle & evaluate how it changes during exercise

Recap: Mind Map

Homework: to be handed in & marked!!!

1. Describe how blood travels through the heart in the

following stages of the cardiac cycle:

Diastole Atrial systole Ventricular systole

2. While exercising, a greater volume of blood is ejected

during ventricular systole. Why is this beneficial to performance?

Next Lesson...
Control & regulation of the heart: Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) Regulation during exercise

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