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Unit 7


1. What percentage of the worlds animals are vertebrates?

A. About 1 percent B. About 2 percent C. About 5 percent D. About 10 percent

C. About 5 percent

2. What kind of protection have ants and beetles got?

A. An outer shell. B. A hard shell. C. A body covering. D. A rigid covering or exoskeleton.

D. A rigid covering or exoskeleton.

3. What has an echinoderm got on its body?

A. Sharp spikes B. Fur C. Feathers D. A hard shell

A. Sharp spikes

4. Which invertebrate has got a soft body with many segments?

A. Mollusks B. Annelids C. Sponges D. Arthropods

B. Annelids

5. How many legs have arachnids got?

A. Six B. Eight C. Ten D. Twelve

B. Eight

6. Which arthropod can have more than 10 legs?

A. Myriapods B. Arachnids C. Crustaceans D. Insects

A. Myriapods

7. Which type of arthropod can have wings?

A. Arachnids B. Crustaceans C. Myriapods D. Insects

D. Insects

8. How do some mosquitoes transmit malaria?

A. By biting people. B. They have the disease themselves. C. They have a parasite inside them. D. None of the above.

C. They have a parasite inside them.

9. Which type of mollusk has got long arms?

A. Bivalves B. Gastropods C. Cephalopods D. All of the above.

C. Cephalopods

10. What is the shape of a snails shell?

A. A round shell B. A square shell C. A spiral shell D. None of the above

C. A spiral shell

11. How do bivalves get nutrients?

A. They eat other living things. B. They filter water to extract nutrients. C. They create their own food through photosynthesis. D. They eat plants.

B. They filter water to extract nutrients.

12. Which mollusks produce pearls?

A. Mussels B. Oysters C. Slugs D. Octopus

B. Oysters

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