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The Plan
What is HTML HTML History
A New

Version of


Sample Document HTML 5

What New in HTML 5

What is HTML ?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language An HTML file is a text file containing small mark-up tags The mark-up tags tell the Web browser how to display the page An HTML file must have an htm or html file extension An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor

History of Html

First Revisions (1990 1995) : CERN and IETF HTML 3.0 (1995) : W3C HTML 3.2 (1997) HTML 4 (1998) XHTML: XML-Based HTML. HTML5

WHATWG started working on 2004 First public working draft on 2008 October 2009 : Last Call (spec is close to be finished, but implementation is not)

Expected to reach the Candidate Recommendation late 2012

What we'll Cover in HTML 5

What is New in HTML 5 When Will we able to use the feature of html5 Or When will HTML 5 be Finished RESOURCES Q & A.

What New in HTML 5

New Tags

New Tag in HTML5

article aside audio canvas footer header nav output progress video source time

Input Tags

Color Favourate color<input type=color name=favcolor> Date Birthday:<input type=date name=bdate> Email email: <input type=email name=usermail> Month Number etc.

Form Elements

2.Keygen 3.Output

Layout - HTML4
div=header div=nav div=section div=article



Layout - HTML5

<section> <article> <aside>


<header> <nav>









Native video support in browsers DOM APIs for providing custom interfaces No more dependence upon Flash

Video Implementations

Opera (Experimental, Ogg Theora) Safari 3.1 (All QuickTime formats) Firefox 3.1 alpha 2 (Ogg Theora)


Dynamically draw graphics and text Graphics-oriented DOM APIs

Canvas Implementations

Opera Firefox Safari IE 6+ using Explorer Canvas script

Future Potential
Old Way HTML 4
New Way HTML5

HTML 5 Audio & Video

<video src="movie.ogg"> Your browser is not video-enabled ; <a href="movie.ogg">download the video</a> and
<a href="movie.txt">transcript</a>. </video> <audio src="horse.wav"> Your browser does not support the audio element. <a href=horse.wav">transcript</a> </audio> If you want users to access content, dont put it inside the video or audio elements

Sample HTML 5 Document

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <head> <title>HTML 5 Sample</title> </head> <body> <p> A sample HTML 5 document <img src="sample.png" alt="sample image"> </p> </body>


when will HTML5 be official?

HTML 5 Development Timeline

First W3C Working Draft in October 2007. Last Call Working Draft in October 2009. Call for contributions for the test suite in 2011. Candidate Recommendation in 2012. First draft of test suite in 2012. Second draft of test suite in 2015. Final version of test suite in 2019. Reissued Last Call Working Draft in 2020. Proposed Recommendation in 2022

October 2007 First W3C Working Draft

October 2009 Last Call Working Draft

2011 Call for test suite contributions


2015 Second draft of test suite

2012 First draft of test suite

2012 Candidate Recommendation

2019 Final version of test suite.

2020 Reissued Last Call Working Draft

2022 Proposed Recommendation

Browser Support

Opera 9.x (supposedly) offers best support Safari 3.x Firefox 3.x Chrome? IE9

Downside of HTML5

The only thought that comes against HTML5 is that everything not work in every browser

Extensible ? Questionable

Conclusion: What does it all mean?

Its a work in progress Its going to be awhile before were using HTML5 It may turn up in mobile browsers first HTML5 will lead to browser-based apps that are more powerful and more responsive

Video Audio Geolocation Canvas

Resources \ References html 5: the markup language


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