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A persons behaviour is the product of
2 things:

• His situation and

• His personality
The basic concepts:
These basic concepts helps to analyse an
individuals personality and his situation.
They are:
3. Personality
4. Attitudes
5. Values
6. Perception

It is defined as those characteristics of a

person that account for his consistent
pattern of behaviour.
It identifies the causes of behaviour that
stems from individual psychology.
• It reveals more in minimal constraints.

• It helps a manager to understand the

differences of people and to make better
hiring, transfer and promotions.
• Emotionality
• Extroversion
• Openness
• Agreeableness
• Conscientiousness

“Attitudes are particularly enduring

sets formed by past experiences.”
-Solomon E. Asch
• It is defined as the tendency to react in
some manner to an individual or a situation.
• It is often equated with opinions ie the
judgment of a situation.
• It is the junction of one’s past experience
and the individuals environmental mix.
3. Values

“The term values refer to interests,

pleasures, duties, moral obligations,
desires, wants, needs, aversions[dislikes]
and attractions and many other modalities
of selective orientation.”
• Values may be good or bad.
• Values are used by economists,
psychologists and sociologists in different
• Values are subjective and learned.

Values Needs Objectives

4. Perception

Perception is defined as the process of

receiving information through different
senses which is interpreted and organized
into a meaningful pattern on the basis of
his past experience.
Perceiver’s characteristics:

• Needs
• Experiences
• Set (expectations)
People are the building blocks of
every organization. Each person has
his own unique behavior. It is
important o understand their
behavior so that a manager can
analyze an individual’s personality and
his situation.
Human Resource Planning
-Deepak Kumar Bhattachariya
Human Resource Management
-T.N Chhabra

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