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Welcome to Purdue Chemical Engineering

Stephen Beaudoin Professor and University Faculty Scholar

In Just a Few Years, You Will Be

A college graduatewith a degree on which to build your career Chemical Engineers
Have very broad training Are associated with high-value added products and processes that will shape our future

Chemical Engineers solve interesting, challenging problems every day Chemical engineering careers have the potential for growth across many industries and many applications Chemical Engineers are world-class researchers, and also lead the way in bringing innovation into practice

Chemical Engineers Work in Teams

Chemical engineers use math during problem solving

(photo courtesy of 3M)

Implementing a process change at a plant

(photo courtesy of Shell)

Discussing dyeing of fibers

(photo courtesy of Dow Corning)

Understanding chemical effects to bring to a team

(photo courtesy of Eli Lilly)

Engineering on a Massive Scale

This plant makes propylene oxide and styrene, which are used worldwide in everything from clothing and homebuilding to car dashboards
(photo courtesy of Lyondell)

Meeting the Worlds Energy Needs

Chemical engineers deliver the present and future energy sources

(photos courtesy of Shell)

Development, production of new medicines
A bioreactor in which we grow genetically engineered bacteria that produce our medicines

A bioreactor using mammalian cells to produce new medicines and engineered tissues
(photo courtesy of Pfizer)

During pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical engineers understand biological processes and complex systems
(photo courtesy of Eli Lilly)

Lower cost, clean, renewable energy sources

Combustion reactor to develop cleaner, higher mileage fuel

(photo courtesy of ExxonMobil)

Solar power generates renewable electricity

(photo courtesy of Shell)

Cars in Europe run on hydrogen!

(photos courtesy of BP [left] and Air Products [right])

Environmental solutions, including pollution prevention, waste treatment, and remediation

Chemical engineers control processes to minimize environmental impacts

(photo courtesy of 3M)

Chemical engineers develop and implement technology to prevent pollution

(photo courtesy of Air Products)

Environment: Clean Vehicles


Superior foods, from crop to table

Chemical engineers design, develop, and deliver both the foods and the containers that keep it fresh and nutritious
(photos courtesy of ExxonMobil)

Processed foods deliver nutritional value with long shelf lives, low cost
(photo courtesy of Air Products)

Consumer Products
Revolutionary products for personal care, home care, health maintenance

Superior science and engineering drives diaper technology

(photo courtesy of Kimberly-Clark)

Paints and coatings for Chemical engineers the home, cars and design and deliver the appliances are highly products that help us look engineered and feel our best (photo courtesy of Lubrizol)
(photos courtesy of Lubrizol)

High technology materials for electronics, home, and industry

Materials used by industry to make commercial products that we use every day
(photo courtesy of Lyondell)

Provide industrial partners with the feed materials they use in high Micro- and nanoelectronics performancce products for next generation computing (photo courtesy of Chevron Philips
Chemicals) (photo courtesy of Intel)

Other Areas of High Impact

Excel in medical school
Human body is one big biochemical system/factory Among best engineering majors to prepare for medical school
Marries biology, chemistry training and engineering Provides understanding to relate these sciences to the working system of the body

Many applications in law

Especially patent law, the union of high technology and the legal profession
Chemical engineers have a broad technology background

Finance and venture capital

Evaluation, development of high-tech products and markets
Chemical engineers have strong focus on evaluation of the value of money and cost accounting

Chemical Engineers are Valuable

ChEs historically have commanded high salaries
Employed in industries that make and sell high valueadded products
Skilled ChEs produce high-value added materials costeffectively Companies willing to pay for talent

Many 2011 Purdue ChE graduates received starting salaries greater than $65,000/year
Average for Purdue ChEs was $67,028

If you want an exciting, rewarding, and impactful career, think seriously of being a CHEMICAL ENGINEER If you have additional questions, please email me at

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