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Input Devices

By Niamh Sygrove

An input device is a piece of hardware that is used to enter data into a computer. There are many different kinds of input devices. They are split into two categories manual and automatic.

The keyboard is the most common and widely used input device. Its made up of buttons called keys. Theyre arranged into sections: Alphabet keys Function or F keys (e.g. F1, F2, F3) Numeric keys (one set above the alphabet keys and also on the far right of the keyboard) Arrow keys Command keys (insert, delete, enter, home e.t.c.)

Keyboard (Continued)
Most keyboards are called QWERTY keyboards. This is because of the first six letters on the top row of the alphabet keys. Using a keyboard for too long can cause health problems like repetitive strain injury. To try overcome this, different styles of keyboard have been created, for example with the ergonomic keyboard. Theyre supposed to put your hands into a much more natural position.

Everyones familiar with a computer mouse; along with the keyboard, its one of the most common input devices used. Its also called a pointing device because it enables you to control what happens on the screen by moving the mouse on your desk and pointing, clicking and selecting items on the screen.

Mouse (Continued)
A mouse usually has two buttons, a right and a left one and also a central wheel that allows you to scroll up and down the page. The left and right buttons have different functions. Left clicking lets you put your cursor at a certain point on the page or lets you choose a menu item. Right lets you bring up a list of relevant menu items from which you can select something.

A touchpad is an input device which is usually found on a laptop. Because a laptop is supposed to be portable, people arent always able to attach a mouse. It might be too much hassle or they may have no room for it. A touchpad can be used In place of it.

Touchpad (Continued)
By dragging your finger over the surface of the touchpad, sensors underneath it detect the movement direction and the speed also. The sensors only react to a fingertip and not a pencil or other object. There are usually two buttons next to the touchpad which are used to replace the left and right buttons on a mouse.

Joysticks were originally used by pilots as part of an aeroplane's controls and the technology was developed to let computer gamers experience a more realistic games environment. You can move joysticks in many directions and the joystick tells the computer which direction it has been moved into. They also have one or more buttons whose position when pushed can be read by the computer. Joysticks can also be used for controlling machines such as cranes, trucks and powered wheelchairs.

Concept Keyboard
A concept keyboard is a flat board that contains a grid of buttons. Each button can be programmed to do whatever you want. An overlay sheet with pictures or symbols is placed on the grid so that the user can tell what pressing on different areas will do. Theyre used when fast input is needed and are ideally suited to selecting from a limited range of choices such as fast food restaurants.

Concept Keyboard (Continued)

Concept keyboards are particularly useful for people who would find using an ordinary keyboard difficult. Its also very handy in locations where an ordinary keyboard might be damaged. They are excellent where there is a limited set of things to select and it needs to be done fast.

Touch Screen
A touch screen is the only device which works both an input and output device. You view the options available to you on the screen and then you use your finger to touch the option that you have chosen. They work particularly well with a menu driven interface.

Touch Screen (Continued)

A major use of touch screens are on smart phones and modern tablet computers. Each app is accessed by an icon on the touch screen. Theyre easy to use and are often found in public places. Theyre not commonly used to input large amounts of data because theyre not very accurate and they would be tiring on the hands to use for long periods of time.

Scanners can be used to convert images or text on paper into a digital format that can be used by the computer. They work by shining a beam of light onto the surface of the object that you are scanning. This light is then reflected back onto a sensor that detects the colour of the light. This is then used to build up the digital image.

Scanner (Continued)
Items that are scanned are usually stored in an image format. However, special software can be used to convert text on the paper into text which can be edited with a word processor. There are flatbed scanners, handheld and specialist.

Graphics Tablet
Graphics tablets are often used by graphics designers and illustrators. Using them, a designer can produce much more accurate drawings on the screen that they could with a mouse or other pointing device. When combined with an art application such as corel painter, a talented artist can produce incredible illustrations and images with it.

Graphics Tablet (Continued)

A graphics tablet consists of a flat pad on which you draw with a special pen. As you draw on the pad, an image is created on the computer monitor from within the application that the tablet is connected to. The pen is usually radio controlled rather than touch control. This is very useful should you want to trace out an existing line drawing on paper, as you can simply place the paper over the pad and start tracing it out. Some pens have a pressure sensitive tip to allow the artist to draw heavier or lighter lines.

A microphone can be used to input sound. The sound is detected by the microphone and an electrical signal is transmitted to the computer. Special hardware is used to convert this analogue data into digital data so it can be stored and manipulated.

A webcam is an input device because it captures a video image of the scene in front of it. Its either built in to the computer or connected through a USB cable. The video signal is made up of a series of individual image frames which are an instant snapshot of the scene in front of it . Each image frame is sent to the computer for further processing by webcam software.

Barcode Reader
Barcode readers are classed as automatic input devices. Most items that are for sale in shops have a barcode printed on to the packaging somewhere. A barcode reader is used to scan or read the barcode by using a visible red light. The reflected light is translated into digital data that is interpreted by the computer to identify the product and price from the database. They are also used on books to show the books ISBN number.

Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

Forms like National Lottery Tickets and multiple choice tests are scanned by a special piece of equipment called an optical mark reader. They detect the presence of your pencil mark by reflecting light onto it. Less light is reflected where a mark has been made. OMR then interprets the pattern of the marks and sends the results to the computer for storage, analysis and reporting.

An OCR system consists of a normal scanner and some special software. The scanner is used to scan text on a document or piece of paper into the computer. The OCR software then examines the page and changes the letters into a form that can be edited or processed by a normal word processing package.

Magnetic Stripe Reader

Magnetic strips are usually found at the back of most credit cards, cheque guarantee cards, loyalty cards, membership cards e.t.c. The magnetic strip can hold personal details such as account number and name. To read the data on the card, its swiped through a magnetic stripe reader machine and the data is read and fed back to the computer.

Remote Controls
A remote control is a hand held device which is used to control a machine from a short distance away. Remote controls need line of sight in order to send their signals to the receiving device, obstacles such as furniture or walls can block the signal.

Biometric Devices
There is an increasing trend towards using biometric data from people in order to identify them. Fingerprint and retinal identification are being used in many places now and even facial recognition systems are starting to be introduced. A common use of biometric data is inside the modern UK passport. A microchip is included in the passport and it contains the electronic data to that person. A biometric reader is used to confirm the identity of the person.

Sensors are used to detect physical quantities outside a computer such as light, temperature and pressure. They collect data automatically and usually at regular intervals. This data can either be transmitted immediately to the computer or it can be stored for a period of time and a batch of readings sent in one go.

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