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Figures of Speech

Personification-something that is nonhuman that is given human like qualities in a sentence

-As I sat down in the chair it screamed. -I walked into my room and my desk stuck its leg out and tripped me.

Similecomparison using like or as -The cloud was as soft as a cotton ball.

-Santa Clause's cheeks were as red as cherries. -Brian was whipped against the front of the shelter like a rag.

Metaphorcompare two things without using like or as (was, were, is)

-The boy was a deer running down the football field. -The fog was a blanket covering the football field.

Alliterationsimilar sounds at the beginning of words in a sentence. -Pink ponies pranced through the park.

-Louie loves laying lazily on my laundry. -My brother Bill bakes big brown brownies.

Onomatopoeiawords that suggest or imitate sound. -At six o'clock on weekdays my alarm clock goes ding, ding, ding! -When Indiana Jones uses his whip you can hear a loud crack! -Ouch! cried my mother after she smashed her finger.

Parts of A Story

Characters-The ones who act out the story Who is the main character in Hatchet?

-The main character in Hatchet is Brian Robeson.

SettingWhere and when the story takes place What is the main setting throughout Hatchet? -The setting for the story is mainly somewhere in the Canadian wilderness at the present time.

Plot The series of actions that take place in a story What are the four different parts of the plot called? a) Introduction b) Development

c) Climax d) Resolution

a) Introduction
Presents the characters, problem, and setting. When will the introduction most likely take place in a story? -The introduction will most likely take place at the beginning of the story.

b) Development
Shows how the problem affects the characters and what they do to try and solve it.

What is the main problem that Brian is trying to solve in the story? -The main problem that Brian is trying to solve is how to get out of the Canadian Wilderness.

c) Climax
The most exciting or most interesting action in the story; the turning point of the story. When does the climax take place in Hatchet? -The climax in Hatchet occurs when a tornado rips through the area and uncovers part of the sunken plane.

d) Resolution
The solution to the problem How does Brian find a resolution to the problem of being stranded in the Canadian Wilderness? -Brian resolves the problem of being stranded in the Canadian Wilderness by getting the survival pack out of the plane and turning on the transmitter.

The message the author wants the reader to learn or what the character learns in the story Whats the theme of Hatchet? -The theme of Hatchet is that Brian, the main character, must overcome many obstacles to insure his survival.


Common Nouns
A nonspecific person, place, or thing What are some common nouns?

Person boy pilot





bow & arrow

Proper Nouns
A specific person, place, or thing What are some proper nouns?

Person Brian Terry



Statue of Liberty

New York

Dixon Pencil
Eiffel Tower

Common Nouns
Allisons desk is very squeaky. Which word is the common noun in the above sentence? Allisons desk is very squeaky.

Desk is the correct answer.

Proper Nouns
My wife and I went to H.H. Gregg to buy a new stove. Which word is the proper noun in the above sentence? My wife and I went to H.H. Gregg to buy a new stove. H.H. Gregg is the correct answer.

Plural Nouns
Names more than one person, place, or thing Nouns ending with s, z, zz, ch, sh, x Add es. Example: church = churches O preceded by a vowel add s. Example: patio = patios

Plural Nouns Cont.

O preceded by a consonant, usually add es, sometimes -s. Example: echo = echoes

Example: piano = pianos

Y preceded by a vowel add s. Example: monkey = monkeys

Plural Nouns Cont.

Y preceded by a consonant, usually change y to i add es Example: fly = flies f or fe usually change f to v and add es. Sometimes s

Example: Knife = knives

Example: earmuff = earmuffs


Point of view
Perspective from which the story is told From what point of view is Hatchet told?

Hatchet is told from the third person point of view, which means the author is telling the story.

Hatchet Questions
Why did Brian name the first cherries he ate Gut Cherries?

-The first cherries Brian ate gave him a terrible stomachache and that is why he called them Gut Cherries.

Hatchet Questions
What fact did Brian discover when he was near his fire?

-The fact that Brian discovered when he was near the fire was that the mosquitoes stayed away from him.

Hatchet Questions
Most readers could believe that Brians most hopeful moment was when

-Brians most hopeful moment was when he spotted the tail of the plane in the water.

Hatchet Questions
Even though Brian saw the bear, he feels that it is safe to go back and pick the berries. Why?

-Brian feels it is safe to go back and pick the berries because the bear did not want to hurt him.

Hatchet Questions
How did Brian get his first meat?

-Brian gets his first meat by lunging at a foolbird and killing it with his spear.

Hatchet Questions
The site chosen by Brian is described as a sideways bowl under a ledge. How does Brian think the bowl was formed?

-Brian thinks the bowl was formed by some glacier action many years ago.

Hatchet Questions
What advice does Mr. Perpich, Brian's teacher, give him on attitude?

-Mr. Perpich advices Brian to stay positive and to get motivated because Brian is his own most valuable asset.

Hatchet Questions
What did the author mean when he said about Brian, He was not the same now-the Brian that stood and watched the wolves move away and nodded to them, he was completely changed. -The author means that Brian now understands nature and his role within nature.

Hatchet Questions
What did Brian do when he returned home that showed his newfound respect for nature? -When Brian returned home, he showed a newfound respect for nature because he researched the plants and animals that he had encountered.

Hatchet Questions
Why did Brian take off in a run when he heard the whining noise in the air?

-Brian took off in a run when he heard the whining noise in the air because he knew it was the rescue plane and he wanted to send a fire signal to it.

Hatchet Questions
What inspired Brian to take stock of what he had on his body?

-Brian was inspired to take stock of what he had on his body when he remembered the words of his English teacher.

Hatchet Questions
What was the most important rule of survival that Brian learned?

-The most important rule of survival that Brian learned was that self-pity doesnt accomplish anything.

Hatchet Questions
This is an example of what type of story?

-This is an example of a fictional adventure drama story.

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