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Agile Maturity


About Me
Project Management 25+ Years PMP since 2001 CSM since 2010

SCRUM Master and Coach Program Manager Project Manager CTO VP Operations, AFCEA Fort Knox Gold Vault Chapter CMMI Process Consultant

Overview of CMMI Agile Manifesto Life Cycles Life Cycle Division Maturity Artifacts Tools

Overview of CMMI
Process Models (There are 3)
Acquisitions Development Services

Goals and Practices (there are 2)

Specific Generic

Process Areas (there are 22)

Measurements and Analysis (MA) Integrated Project Management (IPM) Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) Project Planning (PP) Etc.

Goals are the only required component of CMMI.

Agile Manifesto
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value [the following]: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

Life Cycle Confusion

The Project This diagram has all of the PMLC and SDLC Life Cycle phases represented. You can not pull out what is project management vs. what is system development. A challenge: Show this to your team and ask them, Where do we do peer reviews?. You will get different answers from different team members.

Life Cycle Division

There are separated life cycles. The Project Management on the left belongs to the project manager and his designees. The System Development clearly is owned by the development team lead and his designees. In all of this Monitoring and Control functions need to be applied to both sides.
Project Monitoring (Quality) Product Monitoring (Quality)

Demonstrate a Division
Charter (High Level Scope) Assumption/Constraints High Level Requirements Schedule (dependencies) Processes to be planned Monitoring Status Reporting Lessons Learned Archival Estimates vs. Actual

High Level Requirement


Detailed Req.
Detailed Design Peer Reviews Code Executables Peer Reviews Test Cases Req. Traceability Product

Design Construction


Execution Close

Testing Implementation Post Imp.

Lessons Learned

Key Artifacts

Maturity Artifacts

Project Schedule (Traditional) Product and Sprint Backlog (Agile) with resources

Work Breakdown Structure

WBS (Traditional) Product Backlog (Agile)

Velocity / Burndown Charts

Easy Management Reporting Measurements (Estimates vs. Actuals)

Earned Value Traditional

Must be a mature organization to obtain value from Earned Value Management.

Does this bring value to the organization above and beyond what Agile reporting already provides.

Agile Life Cycle

Agile Project Management Project Management Plan (Overarching for all Agile Projects) Risk Mgmt. Issue Mgmt. Change Mgmt. etc. Product Backlog (WBS) Sprint Backlog (Schedule, dependencies, assignments, etc..

System Development Test Plans and Cases Technical Specifications Deployment Strategy Architecture diagrams, etc. Defect Tracking/Bug Fixes Peer Reviews Requirements Management and Traceability

Excel Example: Sprint Backlog

Agile Tools
Standard Agile tools can help meet practices and goals. Estimates vs. Actuals
Product Burn Down
Sprint Burn Down
700 600 500


400 300 200 100 0

Planned work Actual work

Incomplete Stories New Stories Actual Velocity Planned Velocity


Sprint 1

Sprint 2

Sprint 3

Sprint 4

Sprint 5

Sprint 6


1/ 1/ 20 12 1/ 3/ 20 12 1/ 5/ 20 12 1/ 7/ 20 12 1/ 9/ 20 12 1/ 11 /2 01 2 1/ 13 /2 01 2 1/ 15 /2 01 2

Burn down chart can serve as your Basis of Estimate (BOE) as well as requirements tracking.

Measures and Analysis

Sprint Burn Down
700 600 500


400 300 200 100 0

Planned work Actual work

1/ 1/ 20 12 1/ 3/ 20 12 1/ 5/ 20 12 1/ 7/ 20 12 1/ 9/ 20 12 1/ 11 /2 01 2 1/ 13 /2 01 2 1/ 15 /2 01 2

Measures and Analysis

Product Burn Down

Incomplete Stories New Stories Actual Velocity Planned Velocity

Sprint 1

Sprint 2

Sprint 3

Sprint 4

Sprint 5

Sprint 6


Summary Generic Practices

GP 2.1 GP 2.2 GP 2.3 GP 2.4 GP 2.5 GP 2.6 GP 2.7 GP 2.8 GP 2.9

Establish an Organizational Policy Plan the Process Provide Resources Assign Responsibility Train People Manage Configurations Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders Monitor and Control Process Objectively Evaluate Adherence

Management Commitment
Sprint Planning

Sprint Backlog
Agile Roles Deployment Approach Interim Work Products Stand Up Meetings Burn Down Rates Continuous Oversight

Summary Generic Practices

GP 2.10 GP 3.1 GP 3.2

Review Status with Higher Level Management Establish A Defined Process Collect Improvement Information

Define Agile Method

Reviews and Retrospectives

Agile Methodologies overlap with CMMI engineering and project management practices, which, enhances both Agile and CMMI.


Thank you!
Twitter: @ProfMartyScrum LinkedIn:


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