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 WAR #4


 Go Over Character Analysis Structure
 Examples
 Groups – Write a Paragraph
 Assign Character Analysis Short Essay

Margaret Narwin, a major character in

Nothing But the Truth, a novel by Avi, is
distressed. For example, she is worried
about her students. In addition, Miss
Narwin is concerned about her teaching.
Finally, Miss Narwin is troubled by the out-
of-hand situation. Therefore, throughout
this story, Miss Narwin certainly displays
 Why?

 Margaret Narwin, a major character in Nothing But

the Truth, a novel by Avi, is distressed. For example, at
the beginning of the novel, she explains that she’s very
worried about her students who do not seem to love
literature like they used to. In addition, Miss Narwin
worries about her own teaching; she is concerned that
she is not the best teacher she could be. Finally, Miss
Narwin is troubled by the fact that people have
misconstrued her intentions when she told Philip to
leave her class—she never intended for the situation to
get so out of hand! Therefore, throughout this story,
Miss Narwin certainly displays anxiety and distress.
 Why?

 Margaret Narwin, a major character in Nothing But the Truth, a novel

by Avi, is, at times, distressed. For example, in the beginning of the
novel, she indicates her concern about her students when she writes,
“…students today are not what they used to be. There is no love of
literature.” Miss Narwin deeply values great literature, and it’s
concerning to her that her students do not appreciate it. In addition,
Miss Narwin worries about her own teaching. She even goes so far as
to request money to attend a class called, “New Approaches to the
Teaching of Literature for Today’s Students.” Troubled by her
seeming lack of connection with her students, Miss Narwin is willing
to put forth an extra effort to learn ways to relate to them. Finally,
Miss Narwin is troubled by the fact that people have misconstrued
her intentions when she told Philip to leave her class. Because
certain administrators and community members questioned her
patriotism and professionalism, she is asked to resign. In so doing,
Miss Narwin feels distraught over the fact that she will no longer be
“teaching her students…the literature [she] love[s].” Therefore,
throughout this story, Miss Narwin certainly displays much anxiety
and distress.
 Why?
 Use the evidence we gathered
yesterday to write a character analysis
paragraph for either Maggie or Dee.
 Choose one of the Abstract Nouns the
best describes the character.
 Follow the Plan sheet to write out a
draft. Then, get an “OK” from MR.H and
write out a final copy on a separate
sheet of paper.
 Use the evidence we gathered
yesterday to write a character analysis
paragraph for Laurie.
 Choose one of the Abstract Nouns the
best describes the character.
 Follow the Plan sheet to write out a
draft. Then, get an “OK” from MR.H and
write out a final copy on a separate
sheet of paper.
 Assign Character Analysis Essay.

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