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By Sanjna l n murthy

MEMS What is gyroscope? Basics of MEMS-gyro Working Gyro sensors Accelerometer Why we choose vibration gyro?

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) is the technology of very small devices. It has an actuator and a sensor. The sensor is the electronic part and the actuator is the mechanical part of it.

The real power of this technology is that many machines can be built at the same time across the surface of the wafer, with no assembly required. Since it is a photographic-like process, it is just as easy to build a million machines on the wafer as it would be to build just one

MEMS is an emerging technology which uses the tools and techniques that were developed for the Integrated Circuit industry to build microscopic machines. These machines are built on standard silicon wafers.

sensing angular momentum only for high-end Smartphone

Also known as vibration gyro, they can sense proximity, they can sense linear orientation of the object

MEMS Gyroscope

Vibration gyro sensors sense angular velocity from the force applied to a vibrating object. It works on the principle of aero dynamics So there are three axes namely Pitch Roll Yaw

An accelerometer can measure linear acceleration relative to a frame of reference. This is used to sense the orientation of the phone. It added a lot of cool functionality to mobile phone. The UI(user interface) can be automatically rotated either in portrait or landscape mode, depending on the phone's orientation.

An accelerometer measures only the linear acceleration of the device whereas a gyroscope measures the orientation of the device. It can sense motion including vertical and horizontal rotation. There are a lot of practical uses of gyroscope especially in mobile games. Consider a COUNTER STRIKE like mobile game for an instant. In such games, we are required to move in all directions which also involves rotation around gravity.

Again without the support of gyroscope, we need to drag a finger on the touch screen to be able to move in the desired direction we have to agree that after a while we will began to realize the unfriendliness of the system, in short it will get annoying.

This also opened up a new avenue for all the gamers. Imagine one has to play a car racing game without the support of accelerometer. Every time the car needs a turn, he has to make a gesture on the touch screen using his finger while holding the phone, not to mention there may be other touch controls also which user has to deal with.

Accelerometer completely enhanced the gaming experience to another level, now we can turn the car just by tilting the phone in the desired direction. A lot of cool games were developed using accelerometer.

This could also be done using the combination of accelerometer and built-in compass but we would like to have as much smoothness and preciseness as we can get in our life. It is functional and gaming experience will become much more exiting. With the inclusion of a gyroscope user can play these games very smoothly by simply moving the phone or even rotate around the gravity.

The gyroscope will detect your motion and system will know what you want to do. With your fingers relieved from aiming and directing, they can do other things like shooting simply by taping the screen.

Asphalt ATilt 3D Labyrinth Turbo Safe landing Drop Minion rush Strike it thro!

Camera Airbag

activator Projector RC helicopters Robot balance control Sports sensor 07&oq=gyroscope+&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59l2j69i60j0l2.10467j0j7&sour ceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF8#es_sm=122&espv=210&q=gyroscope+sensor+in+mobiles&revid=175567 8611&safe=off

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