Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference: 5-7 December 2013 Bali Package

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Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference: 5-7 December 2013 Bali ac!a"e: 1. Streamline Trade 2. Allow Developing Countries more options for providing food security 3. oost least developed countries! trade and "elp development more generally.

Bali ac!a"e 1. #epu$lic of %emen& 1'(t" mem$er 2. )east Developed *em$er Country& 3+ 3. ,ssues related to development- including food security in developing countries and cotton and a num$er of ot"er provisions for least developed countries .. /olitical commitment to reduce e0port su$sidies in agriculture and 1eep t"em at low levels +. #educe o$stacles to trade w"en agricultural products are imported t"roug" 2uotas.

1. Trade 3acilitation . . . . . Simplify customs procedures $y reducing costs and improving t"eir speed and efficiency. *a1e trade easier- faster and c"eaper /rovide clarity- efficiency and transparency #educe $ureaucracy and corruption 4se tec"nological advances

Bali ac!a"e #$ %ssistance for &e'elo(in" an& least &e'elo(e& co)ntries 4pdate t"eir infrastructure Train customs officials or for any ot"er cost associated wit" implementing t"e agreement

Bali ac!a"e %"ric)lt)re an& Cotton S"ielding pu$lic stoc1"olding programmes for food security in developing counties- so t"at t"ey would not $e c"allenged legally even if a country!s limits for trade5distorting domestic support were $reac"ed
The proposed solution will be interim until a permanent one is agreed, with a work programme set up aiming to produce a permanent solution in four years.

Bali ac!a"e Tariff 2uota administration6 a tariff 2uota w"ere volumes inside 2uota "ave a lower duty7 is to $e "andled w"en t"e 2uota is persistently under5filled Members ha'e a"ree& on a combination of Cons)ltations an& (ro'i&in" information *hen +)otas are )n&er-fille&

Bali ac!a"e Strong /olitical Statement to ensure e0port su$sidies and ot"er measures wit" similar effect are low ,mproving mar1et access fro cotton products from least countries- and wit" development assistance for production in t"ose countries

Bali ac!a"e De'elo(ment ,ss)es -o)r &oc)ments remaine& )nchan"e& from their .ene'a /ersions 1$ Duty5free- 2uota5free access for least developed countries to e0port to ric"er countries! mar1et

Bali ac!a"e 2$ Simplified preferential rules of origin for least developed counties- ma1ing it easier for t"ese countries to identify products as t"eir own goods- and 2ualify for preferential treatment in importing countries. 3. A :service waiver;. Allowing least developed countries preferential access to ric"er countries! services mar1ets.

Bali ac!a"e #$ A :monitoring mec"anism; consisting of meetings and ot"er met"ods for monitoring special treatment given to developing countries

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