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Bottled Water Market in India 2013

Bharat Book One-Stop Shop for Business Information Bureau

$hi% re&ort tit'e( Bott'e( )ater *arket in +n(ia 2013 co,er% a wi(e %&ectrum o concern% with re-ar( to the bott'e( water in(u%tr# an( i(enti ie% %e,era' actor% im&actin- the %a'e o bott'e( water in +n(ia. $he %horta-e o %a e (rinkin- water aroun( the wor'(. e%&ecia''# in the thir( wor'( countrie%. ha% o&ene( u& new a,enue% o o&&ortunit# or the bott'e( water in(u%tr#. Bott'e( water i% (rinkin- water that ha% been treate( to make it c'ean an( &acka-e( in &'a%tic or -'a%% bott'e% meant or %a'e. Bott'e( water in(u%tr# cater% to one o the mo%t thri,in- market% within the countr#. /i-ht rom the #ear 1990. the bott'e( water in(u%tr# ha% witne%%e( hea'th# -rowth in term% o the number o 'icen%e( unit% an( market %i1e. $he con%um&tion o %ma''er bott'e( water unit% o 000 m' ca&acit# ha% increa%e( b# aroun( 1203 &erce&tib'#. $he 20-'iter bu'k water 4ar% ha,e oun( &henomena' acce&tance in hou%eho'(% an( at work&'ace%. 5ue to the -rowinmarket %i1e. one can e6&ect a %ub%tantia' increa%e in em&'o#ment o&&ortunitie% within the bott'e( water %e-ment in the near uture.

P: +91-22-27810772/73| E: in o!|

$he bott'e( water in(u%tr# i% a'%o witne%%in- ra&i( -'oba' market -rowth owin- to ri%in- hea'th concern% o the e,er-increa%in&o&u'ation. +n(ia i% a countr# that ha% witne%%e( one o the a%te%t rate% o -rowth in 7%ia. at more than 203 &er annum. +(enti ication o &ro(uct inno,ation o&&ortunitie% b# ke# &'a#er% ha% a'%o 'e( to a %ur-e in (eman( or bott'e( water. $he e6ten%i,e u%e o a(,ance( techno'o-# in water &uri ication metho(% i% #et another mo,e o %trate-ic im&ortance. $he re&ort a'%o i(enti ie% a ew &ain &oint% in the in(u%tr# that inc'u(e %&uriou% &ro(uct (i erentiation an( 'ow rura' &enetration. $he Bureau o +n(ian "tan(ar(% ha% ormu'ate( the o''owin%tan(ar(% which &ro,i(e 8ua'it# norm% or &acka-e( water 9 +" 12023:2002 Packa-e( (rinkin- water :other than natura' minera' water; :<ir%t /e,i%ion; an( +" 13228: 2000 Packa-e( natura' minera' water :"econ( /e,i%ion;.

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$ab'e o =ontent%
1. 2. 3. 2. 0. ?. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. E6ecuti,e "ummar# *acro Economic +n(icator% +ntro(uction 5i%tribution =hanne' E6&ort > +m&ort 5ri,er% > =ha''en-e% @o,ernment /e-u'ation% $ren(% =om&etiti,e Aan(%ca&e /ecent 5e,e'o&ment% "trate-ic /ecommen(ation% 7&&en(i6

P: +91-22-27810772/73| E: in o!|

/e'ate( /e&ort%
Bott'e( )ater in Po'an( Bott'e( )ater in Bietnam Bott'e( )ater in /u%%ia Bott'e( )ater in $hai'an( Bott'e( )ater in +%rae'

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=u%tom /e%earch +nca%e the re&ort% (onCt match #our re8uirement then we can (o a
=u%tom /e%earch or #ou. Dur mu'ti ariou% ca&abi'itie%. cro%%-%ector e6&erti%e an( (etai'e( know'e(-e o ,ariou% market%. &ut u% at a uni8ue &o%ition to take u& =u%tom /e%earch (eman(% o #our%. )e &ro,i(e the %&eci ication% o the cu%tom re%earch 4ob to a (e(icate( team com&ri%in- o re%earcher%. ana'#%t% an( in(u%tr# e6&ert%. who ha,e c'o%e e6&erience an( un(er%tan(in- o -'oba' market%. com&etiti,e 'an(%ca&e%. ,ariou% bu%ine%% mo(e'%. market %hare%. (ri,er%. re%traint% an( benchmark%. htt&://

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<or *ore +n ormation Eou =an Bi%it:


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