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Presented By
Vishal Sharma
What is Marketing
 To analyze the internal and external factors
which influence the company.
 Environment forces are dynamic and change
brings uncertainties, threats and

Internal Factors External Factors

Internal Factors
Human Resources

Production Facility


Company Location

Financial Capability

Company Image
External Factors
External Environment

Micro Macro

•Suppliers •Demographic
•Marketing Intermediaries •Legal
•Customers •Political
Internal vs. External Factors
 These are inherent
 It effects whole industry
factors of the firm. rather than single firm.
 Can be controlled by
 Can not be controlled
the management. by the management.
 Can be divided into
Macro and Micro
 Ithas significant effect on the marketing
 Market dynamics changed due to the
Types of Competition
1. Monopoly :
 Only one firm controls over the supply & price of the
 No close substitute.
 Eg British East India Company created monopoly in
2. Oligopoly:
 few seller
 actions of one player affect other.
 usually sell the branded product
 Eg:OPEC(The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries )
Types of competitive structure
3. Monopolistic Competition:
 Comparatively large no. of competition
 Has relatively small market share.

 Adopt differentiation strategy to capture the

Eg: Restaurants,clothing
4. Pure competition:
 Large no. of seller
 Offer similar product
 Anybody can enter and go out from the market
 Eg:Agricultural products
Macro environmental factors
1. Demographic factors
 It deals with the study of the characteristics of
human population.
 Age
 Sex
 Growth
 Density
 Distribution
 Gender
 Marital status
 Demographic variables help in distinguishing
the consumer groups according to the
specific needs, wants and usage rates.
Macro environmental factors
2. Political Environment
 Government policies influence the marketing
decisions and strategies of a firm.
 Organization should closely monitor the
environment of the country.
 There can be 2 types of politics :
 Domestic politics : subsidy given to Tata’ nano car.
 International politics:rise of trade blocs:EU
Macro environmental factors
3. Economic Environment
 Economic condition of the country.
 Like income and purchasing power etc.
 PPP (purchasing power parity) helps in determining the
relative purchasing power of two country.
 Consumer buying trends reflect the general economic
condition. It includes :
5. Business cycle
6. Buying power
7. Financial sources
8. Willingness to spend
 Business cycle : life cycle of the business.
b) Growth stage :
 Employment rate is high
 Income is high
 Consumer spends more to fulfill the demand
 Consumer have lot of confidence on economy

Strategy of the company :

Expand the product offering
Increasing their distribution
Promotional budget
Set high price to the product
b) Recession Stage :
 Jobs are reducing consequently people spends
less money.
 Consumer buying decision depend on price.

Strategy of marketer :
Reduce the price of the product , for this reduces
the cost
c) Depression stage:
 Rate of unemployment is very high, wages are
 Customer lacks of confidence in the economy

d) Recovery stage :
 Company moves from recession or depression to
 Unemployment rate begins to decline
 Purchasing power increasing
 Unwillingness to buy reduces
Life cycle of the Business


Growth or
prosperity Depression

2. Buying power :
it depends on availability of financial sources
and the state of the economy.

3. Financial source:
can be 3 types:
 Income – Earned by us over fixed period of time

 Credit – Obtain by the banks and credit card

 Wealth – Generated through savings, gifts etc.

Macro environmental factors
4. Socio Cultural factors
It refers to attitudes, beliefs, norms, values
and lifestyle of individual in a society.
Macro environmental factors
5. Technology
 It is used to perform a task in effective and efficient
 Marketer should know the type of technology or R
& D used by a company.
 It impacts on product :
 Product – can be designed ( ATM, PC to Laptop)
 Price – reduce the cost of price
 Promotion- with buyers, distributors, people through e-mail and
other various of media.
 Advertising- can create a creative ad
 Distribution – online booking can be made
Macro environmental factors
6. Natural Factors
 We should maintain the ecological
 Components of nature are :
 Resources : company should use limited resources
and develop alternatives.
 Weather : according to the climate consumer’s
demand is changed.
3. Pollution : Individual are using recycle bags paper
bags instead of polythene bags.

4. Government intervention :

Government policies regarding the natural varies nation

to nation.
Macro environmental factors
7. Legal Factors
 Marketing activities greatly influences by the
legal activities of a particular country.
2. Consumer Protection act
3. State regulatory agencies
4. Non- government regulatory agencies :
e.g. IRDA

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