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CHAPTER 11 Logistics and Facility Location

Tata McGraw

Chapter 11
Logistics and Facility Location


Learning Objectives
After completing the chapter you will: Know what a third-party logistics provider is Understand the major issues that need to be considered when locating a plant or warehouse facility Be able to use the transportation method of linear programming to analyze location problems Know how a factor rating system can be used to narrow potential location sites Understand the centroid method to locating entities such as cell phone communication towers


What is Logistics?

The movement of goods through the supply chain the art and science of obtaining, producing, and distributing material and product in the proper place and in proper quantities


Decisions Related to Logistics

How to best transport goods

Modes of transportation
Truck, ship, rail pipelines

Consolidation Cross Docking Hub-and-Spoke systems

Facility Location


Issues in Facility Location

Proximity to Customers Business Climate Total Costs Infrastructure Quality of Labor Suppliers Other Facilities


Issues in Facility Location

Free Trade Zones Political Risk Government Barriers Trading Blocs Environmental Regulation Host Community Competitive Advantage


Plant Location Methodology: Factor Rating Method Example

Two refineries sites (A and B) are assigned the following range of point values and respective points, where the more points the better for the site location.
Sites Major factors for site location Pt. Range A B

Fuels in region Power availability and reliability Labor climate Living conditions Transportation Water supply Climate Supplies Tax policies and laws

0 to 330 0 to 200 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 50 0 to 10 0 to 50 0 to 60 0 to 20

123 150 54 24 45 4 8 5 5

Total pts. 418


156 100 63 96 50 5 4 50 Best Site 20 is B


Plant Location Methodology: Transportation Method of Linear Programming

Transportation method of linear programming seeks to minimize costs of shipping n units to m destinations or its seeks to maximize profit of shipping n units to m destinations


Plant Location Methodology: Centroid Method

The centroid method is used for locating single facilities that considers existing facilities, the distances between them, and the volumes of goods to be shipped between them This methodology involves formulas used to compute the coordinates of the twodimensional point that meets the distance and volume criteria stated above


Plant Location Methodology: Centroid Method Formulas

Cx =

d V V
ix i

Cy =

d V V
iy i

Where: Cx = X coordinate of centroid Cy = X coordinate of centroid dix = X coordinate of the ith location diy = Y coordinate of the ith location Vi = volume of goods moved to or from ith location


Plant Location Methodology: Example of Centroid Method

Centroid method example

Several automobile showrooms are located according to the following grid which represents coordinate locations for each showroom

S ho wro o m

No o f Z-Mo b ile s s o ld p e r mo nth 1250 1900 2300



(100,200) (0,0)

Question: What is the best location for a new Z-Mobile warehouse/temporary storage facility considering only distances and quantities sold per month?


Plant Location Methodology: Example of Centroid Method (Continued): Determining Existing Facility Coordinates

To begin, you must identify the existing facilities on a twodimensional plane or grid and determine their coordinates.



(100,200) (0,0)

You must also have the volume information on the business activity at the existing facilities.

S ho wro o m

No o f Z-Mo b ile s s o ld p e r mo nth 1250 1900 2300



Plant Location Methodology: Example of Centroid Method (Continued): Determining the Coordinates of the New Facility

You then compute the new coordinates using the formulas:

Cx = 100(1250) + 250(1900) + 790(2300) 2,417,000 = = 443.49 1250 + 1900 + 2300 5,450

200(1250) + 580(1900) + 900(2300) 3,422,000 Cy = = = 627.89 1250 + 1900 + 2300 5,450

You then take the coordinates and place them on the map:


(100,200) (0,0)

New location of facility Z about (443,627)


S ho wro o m

No o f Z-Mo b ile s s o ld p e r mo nth 1250 1900 2300



Question Bowl

Criteria that influences manufacturing plant and warehouse location planning can include which of the following? a. Proximity to customers b. Business climate c. Infrastructure d. Quality of labor e. All of the above

Answer: e. All of the above


Question Bowl

Criteria that influences manufacturing plant and warehouse location planning can include which of the following? a. Political risk b. Government barriers c. Environmental regulation d. All of the above e. None of the above

Answer: d. All of the above


Question Bowl

Which of the following are plant location methods? a. Transportation method of linear programming b. Factor-rating systems c. Centroid method d. All of the above e. None of the above Answer: d. All of the above


Question Bowl

Which of the following methods of plant location analysis considers the existing facilities, the distances between them, and the volumes of goods to be shipped? a. Transportation method of linear programming b. Factor-rating systems c. Centroid method d. All of the above e. None of the above Answer: c. Centroid method


Question Bowl

Which of the following methods of plant location analysis is the most widely used general location technique because it combines diverse factors in an easy-to-understand format? a. Transportation method of linear programming b. Factor-rating systems c. Centroid method d. All of the above e. None of the above

Answer: b. Factor-rating systems


Question Bowl

The location decision for service facilities is closely tied to which of the following? a. Market selection decision b. Material costs c. Nearness to distributors d. Nearness to high-skilled labor e. None of the above

Answer: a. Market selection decision


End of Chapter 11


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