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Amity Business School

Module I
1. Consumer demographics. 2. Consumer life styles. 3. Retailing implications of consumer demographics and lifestyle. 4. Consumer profiles. 5. Lifestyle marketing. 6. Environmental factors and individual factors affecting consumers.

Amity Business School

Consumer Behavior
Activities people undertake when obtaining (Searching and Purchasing), consuming (Using and Evaluating), and disposing of products and services

Amity Business School

How Consumer decide you want to buy Other products are considered for buying Where the Consumer buy How Consumer pay for product How Consumer transport product home

How Consumer use the product How Consumer store the product in your home

How Consumer get rid of remaining product How much Consumer throw away after use

Who (Customer) uses the product

How much Consumer consume

If Consumer resell items themselves or through a consignment store

How Consumer recycle some products

How product compares with expectations

Amity Business School

Consumer Influences

Organizational Influences




Consumer Behavior

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Consumer Influences Culture Ethnicity Personality Family Life-stage Values Income Available Resources Attitudes Opinions Feelings Motivations Past Experiences Peer Groups Knowledge

Organizational Influences Brand Product Features Advertising Word of Mouth Promotions Retail Displays Price Quality Service Store Ambiance Convenience Loyalty Programs Packaging Product Availability

Amity Business School

Consumers of the service economy want variety for change, options to suit convenience , contemporary offerings to suit their lifestyle changes and finally a provider who can be trusted not through tall claims but through first hand experience.

Successful Relationships
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Customer Value

Customer Retention

Customer Satisfaction

Amity Business School

Customer Value is the ratio between the customers perceived benefits (economic, functional and psychological) and the resources (monetary, time, effort, physiological). McDonalds Value propositions are quality, service, cleanliness and value. Customer Satisfaction is the individual consumers perception of the performance of the product or service in relation to his or her expectations. Loyalist ( Completely satisfied customers) Apostle ( Experiences exceed their expectations and provide positive WOM) Defectors ( Feel neutral or merely satisfied and stops business) Terrorists ( Negative experiences and spread negative WOM) Hostages ( Unhappy customers who stay with company because of monopolistic situation or low price ) Mercenaries ( Satisfied customers but do not exhibit loyalty )

Amity Business School

Customer Trust is the foundation for maintaining a long-standing relationship with customers and it help to increase the chances that consumers will remain loyal. Customer delight

Amity Business School

The Consumer Is Sovereign Consumers have more power than even before.

Consumers have more access to information than ever before.

Marketers can and must offer more services and products than ever before. The Consumer Is Global.

Impact reaches beyond the PC Based connection of the web.

Consumers Are Different, Consumers Are Alike.

Consumer Decision Process Model

Amity Business School

Need Recognition Search for Information Pre-purchase Evaluation of Alternatives


Post-consumption Evaluation

External Influences
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Companys marketing Efforts 4 Ps

Socio cultural Environment Family Reference Group Noncommercial sources Social Class Culture and Sub culture

Consumer Decision making

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Need recognition

Pre purchase Search

Psychological Field Motivation Perception Learning Personality Attitudes

Evaluation of Alternatives


Post Decision behavior

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Purchase Post Purchase Evaluation

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