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Shell Higher Olefins Process

Conversion of Ethylene to Higher Olefins Using Homogeneous Catalysis

By Timothy Barnhill, Joshua Blease, Hassan Abuthaibah, Nick Nadorff


ECHE 430

Higher Olefins in Industry

Olefins (ethylene, butylene)
Key building blocks High availability, reactivity, low cost

Higher molecular weight olefins (C6-C20)

Synthetic automotive oils Biodegradable surfactants Stronger plastics


ECHE 430

Production of Higher Olefins

Wax Pyrolyis (Chevron, 1966)
Conversion of 20-40% per pass Higher conversions produced undesired aromatics

Ethylene Oligomerization (Gulf Oil, 1966)

Production of wide variety of alkenes Modifying selectivity for desired olefins was difficult


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Shell Higher Olefin Process (1977)

Able to adjust product output to meet market needs Produced -olefins which could be sold as is Converted olefins with low market value to detergent range fatty alcohols (C6-C11)


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Process Overview

B. Reuben
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Process Overview




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Oligomer Complex consisting of a few monomers Catalyst Nickel complex Ethylene oligomerized into even -olefins
Desired olefins recovered by distillation Non-marketable olefins sent to isomerization
(usually small (< C6) and large (> C18) olefins)


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Even-numbered -olefins Ni Catalyst

Ligands added

Coordination Complex

Oligomerization Mechanism
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Ethylene reacts

Smaller and larger -olefins isomerized to form internal double bonds Catalyst Na/K on Al2O3


ECHE 430

Metathesis is defined as a catalytic reaction in which alkenes are converted into products by breaking and reforming C-C double bonds.

Phillips Petroleum developed a unique reaction called olefin metathesis. Originally developed to convert cheap propylene into high value ethylene and 2-butene.
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Internal Olefins
The internal olefins pass to the metathesis reactor where the short- and long-chain internal olefins disproportionate.

After this the products of the metathesis reaction are fed to the fractionating column to separate desired C10-14 olefins for hydroformulation.
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Applications of Linear Olefins

Drilling Fluid: (C16 C18) alpha olefins
Physical properties
High purity Viscosity

Monomers: (C4 C10) alpha olefins

Production of polymers and polyethylene


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Detergents: (C12 C20) alpha olefins

Plasticizers: (C6 C10) alpha olefins

Production of plasticizer alcohols and surfactants.


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ECHE 430


Shell Higher Olefins Process, E.F. Lutz, Shell Development Company, Journal of Chemical Education, 63 (3) p. 202, 1986. The SHOP process: An example of industrial creativity, Bryan Reuben and Harold Wittcoff, Journal of Chemical Education, 65 (7) p. 605, 1988. Developments in LAO Comonomer Technologies for Polyethylene, Nexant, Inc., S11_LAOr.cfm
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