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! EAR"#

$%en &i'e (ets your %eart tirin() t%in* o' KERALA) and %ere t%e nature wi&& %ea& you.

A presentation by

Periyar Sanctuary

Introducing this lush Green

+"%e c%armin() e,otic) seductive) serene and b&essed &and) - .EA/"0 A!D SPLE!D /R1
A presentation by

Gods Own Country !!!

Location on INDIA.

Accessib&e by air 'rom De&%i) 2umbai and 3%ennai.

2ajor arriva& destinations4 3oc%in 5 "rivandrum

A presentation by

Kerala in brief.
Strate(ica&&y &ocated on t%e sout% western tip o' India) Kera&a %as uni6ue (eo(rap%ic 'eatures) t%at ma*es %er t%e most sort a'ter tourist destinations in Asia. Kera&a) wit% its administrative capita& at "rivandrum) brin(s you) an out o' t%e wor&d e,perience) in communion wit% nature. "%e beauti'u& beac%es) t%e serene bac* waters) t%e swayin( coconut &a(oons) t%e e,%i&aratin( %i&& stations) t%e &us% (reen paddy 'ie&ds) added wit% a de&icious cuisine and a sub&ime %erita(e) s%owers out t%e pristine beauty o' t%is wonder'u& Gods Own Country $it% t%e %i(%est rate o' &iteracy amon( t%e various Indian states) t%e peop&e o' Kera&a are) warm%earted) 'riend&y and %e&p'u&) t%ou(% a&most at a&& p&aces on eart%) t%ere cou&d be e,ceptions. En(&is% &an(ua(e is very muc% popu&ar amon( t%e masses) especia&&y amon( t%e youn(. "%e best time to visit t%is b&essed &and) is durin( t%e season o' 7 !A28 "%e season o' nam) brin(s t%e nosta&(ic memories o' a by(one era o' prosperity) e6ua&ity and ri(%teousness) under t%e (o&den rei(n o' t%e &e(endary Kin() 2a%aba&i. .&essed wit% 'ine weat%er t%at mar*s t%e be(innin( o' t%e season o' %arvest) t%is most popu&ar 'estiva& o' Kera&a) is a time 'or merriment and sport. "%e 'amous 9!e%ru "rop%y: Sna*e boat race at Punnamada &a*e in t%e district o' A&&eppey) ta*es p&ace durin( t%is season. "o brin( out t%e spiritua& dimensions in &i'e) Kera&a o''ers to it:s (uests) 90o(a: and 92editation:) w%ic% is a scienti'ic met%odo&o(y) o' t%e e,perience o' inte(ration) o' t%e mind) body and spirit. It (ives to you a new p%i&osop%y o' &i'e) a code o' conduct) a new attitude and approac%) t%at ensures your p%ysica& we&&-bein() menta& peace) %armony) mora& and spiritua& e&evation.

A presentation by

The beaches of Kerala.

Kova&am .eac%

;ar*a&a .eac%

A presentation by

"%e serene .ac* $aters

A presentation by

"%e swayin( 3oconut La(oons

A presentation by

Lush green Paddy Fields

A presentation by

"%e &and o' 7Strobi&ant%es Kunt%iana8

Strobi&ant%es Kunt%iana) more &oca&&y *nown as 7!ee&a*urinji8 is a bus%y p&ant wit% severa& branc%es. "%e species name Kunt%iana %as been derived 'rom t%e River Kunt%i w%ic% '&ows t%rou(% t%e ric% e,panse o' t%e renowned Si&ent ;a&&ey !ationa& Par* in Kera&a. It carpets t%e mountain s&opes wit% it:s '&owers) once in every <= years) and so it %as become a si(%t 'or many) once in a &i'e time. "%e '&owerin( season ran(es between Au(ust and !ovember) wit% t%e pea* period) bein( September and ctober. "%e '&owers are ne,t due in t%e year =><?

A presentation by


A presentation by

E,%i&aratin( %i&& stations.

"%e $estern @%ats

"ea @ardens o' 2unnar

A presentation by

.eauti'u& $ater -a&&s

At%irapa&&i -a&&s A presentation by

$i&d &i'e Sanctuaries

"%e**ady $i&d &i'e par*.

A presentation by

"%e (o&den sunsets

A typica& Kera&a sunset 'rom a country side.

A presentation by

3%inese 'is%in( nets at -ort 3oc%in

A presentation by

A Stay At 93oconut La(oon: in divine union wit% nature.

A presentation by

"%e taste o' Kera&a

A presentation by

An out o' t%e wor&d e,perience on a La*e 3ruise

A cruise t%rou(% t%e bac* waters in a 9#ouse boat:.. A presentation by

"%e sp&endorous interior o' a #ouse .oat

"%e .a&cony.

"%e .ed rooms

"%e 3orridors

A presentation by

"%e "raditiona& Art -orms o' Kera&a



A presentation by

"%e practice and e,perience o' 90o(a: and 9Ayurveda:

A presentation by

"%e "ric%oor Puram

Aanayootal at Trichoor
+"%e 'eedin( o' E&ep%ants1

Kera&a:s (randest temp&e pa(eantry at "ric%oor) inc&udes co&our'u& processions o' 3aparisoned E&ep%ants) reverberatin( midni(%t 'irewor*s) paraso& e,c%an(e) and drum concerts ca&&ed 7Panc%avadyam8 invo&vin( about =>> artists in t%e dicip&ines o' Drum) "rumpets) Pipe and 3ymba&.

A presentation by

!A2 Season

-&owera& &ayouts +Poo*a&am1 durin( A presentation by

nam season.

The !na%e&boat race at Alle''ey

"%e Punnamada &a*e in t%e District o' A&&eppey. ;enue o' !e%ru "rop%y) Sna*e-.oat Race. "a*es p&ace durin( nam season.

A presentation by

2artia& art 'orm o' Kera&a - Ka&ari

A presentation by

"%e Arc%aeo&o(ica& 2useum at "rivandrum

A presentation by

"%e " (A LAND at Palli%%ara near )ochin *A +ater 'ar% of international standards,

A presentation by

!o)o.e fro. Holand)o.e fro. Poland)o.e fro. any land. If you are loo%ing out- for a 'leasant holidayA presentation by

3/0 to K $ALA 1 1 1 3/0 to K $ALA 1 1 1

A presentation by

K $ALA H2$$AH 1 1 1

A presentation by

2ost recommended economic) sa'e and %y(ienic stay at 3oc%in

A .IB/:S " /RIS" # 2E +=C #our c%ec*-in and c%ec*-out1 3anon S%ed Road) !ear .oat Betty. 3oc%in D?= ><<. P%4 E< C?C =FD<DD<) =F?<??<) =FG=CDG) =FD<DG?. Emai&4

P&ease note4 Room rents are I!R EG>.>> 'or AH3 5 I!R GG>.>> 'or !on AH3 doub&e bed accommodations. "a,@<GI c%ar(eab&e.
"%eir 'aci&ities inc&ude) we&& 'urnis%ed AH3 and non AH3 rooms. "e&ep%one) &oca&) S"D direct dia&in( 'aci&ity) 3o''ee S%op) -orei(n currency and "rave&&ers c%e6ue encas%ment 'aci&ity) Sa'e deposit &oc*ers) Sate&&ite ".;.) "a,i service) Laundry service) Room service) Doctor on ca&& 'aci&ity) Internet browsin( 'aci&ity) Kera&a &oca& and outstation si(%t seein( tour arran(ements etc.

+"%is p&ace is pre'erred by many 'orei(n tourists1

A presentation by

This 'resentation is conce'tuali3ed and 'resented by4

BA3 . @E R@E 2I3#AEL 3 3#I!. KERALA. I!DIA. 2ai& ID:s4 joseyown@(mai&.com*
P&ease note. "%e in'ormation (iven in t%e previous s&ide) is pure&y ta*en 'rom &oca& sources. "%e creator o' t%is presentation) wi&& not be responsib&e 'or c%an(es in rates or services stated to be o''ered. A&& communication %as to be done by Emai& or over p%one wit% t%em) be'ore ta*in( any decisions. #owever) care %as been ta*en) to provide t%e most dependab&e in'ormation to t%ose w%o are in need o' it.

A presentation by

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