Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

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Computer-integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

Computer-integrated Manufacturing

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) encompasses the entire range of product development and manufacturing activities with all the functions being carried out with the help of dedicated software packages.`

manufacturing (CIM) is the manufacturing approach of using computers to control the entire production process


uses a common database wherever feasible and communication technologies to integrate design, manufacturing and associated business functions that combine the automated segments of a factory or a manufacturing facility. reduces the human component of manufacturing and thereby relieves the process of its slow, expensive and error-prone component. stands for a holistic and methodological approach to the activities of the manufacturing enterprise in order to achieve vast improvement in its performance. also encompasses the whole lot of enabling technologies including total !uality management, business process reengineering, concurrent engineering, wor"f low automation, enterprise resource planning and f lexible manufacturing. methodological approach is applied to all activities from the design of the product to customer support in an integrated way, using various methods, means and techni!ues in order to achieve production improvement, cost reduction, fulfillment of scheduled delivery dates, !uality improvement and total f lexibility in the manufacturing system.





Challenges in Manufacturing
A distinct

feature of manufacturing today is mass customization. implies that though the products are manufactured in large quantities, products must incorporate customer-specific changes to satisfy the diverse requirements of the customers. requires e tremely high fle ibility in the manufacturing system.



Challenges in Manufacturing

Challenges in Manufacturing

Challenges in Manufacturing

industries strive to reduce the cost of the product continuously to remain "ompetitive in the face of global competition. addition, there is the need to improve the quality and performance levels on a continuing basis. important requirement is on time delivery. #n the conte t of global outsourcing and long supply chains cutting across several international borders, the task of continuously reducing delivery times is really an arduous task. has several software tools to address the above needs.




Challenges in Manufacturing

engineers are required to achieve the following ob$ectives to be competitive in a global conte t.

% &eduction in inventory % 'ower the cost of the product % &educe waste % #mprove quality % #ncrease fle ibility in manufacturing to achieve immediate and rapid response to( % )roduct changes % )roduction changes % )rocess change % *quipment change % "hange of personnel

Challenges in Manufacturing

technology is an enabling technology to meet the above challenges to the manufacturing. makes full use of the capabilities of the digital computer to improve manufacturing.


#wo of them are$ i. +ariable and )rogrammable automation ii. &eal time optimization

%enefit from CIM

Integration of technologies brings following benef its$ &. Creation of a truly interactive system that enables manufacturing functions to communicate easily with other relevant functional units '. (ccurate data transferability among manufacturing plant or subcontracting facilities at implant or diverse locations ). *aster responses to data-changes for manufacturing f lexibility +. Increased f lexibility towards introduction of new products , Improved accuracy and !uality in the manufacturing process (continued)

%enefit from CIM

-. Improved !uality of the products. .. Control of data-f low among various units and maintenance of user-library for system-wide data. /. 0eduction of lead times which generates a competitive advantage. 1. 2treamlined manufacturing f low from order to delivery. &3. 4asier training and re-training facilities.

#5642 7* M(89*(C#90I8:


term ,manufacturing- covers a broad spectrum of activities. working industries, process industries like chemical plants, oil refineries, food processing industries, electronic industries making microelectronic components, printed circuit boards, computers and entertainment electronic products etc. are e amples of manufacturing industries. involves fabrication, assembly and testing in a ma$ority of situations.



#5642 7* M(89*(C#90I8:

Manufacturing industries can be grouped into three categories$ i. Continuous 6rocess Industries #n this type of industry, the production process generally follows a specific sequence. These industries can be easily automated and computers are widely used for process monitoring, control and optimization. .il refineries, chemical plants, food processing industries, etc are e amples of continuous process industries.

ii. Mass 6roduction Industries #ndustries manufacturing fasteners /nuts, bolts etc.0, integrated chips, automobiles, entertainment electronic products, bicycles, bearings etc. which are all mass produced can be classified as mass production industries. )roduction lines are specially designed and optimized to ensure automatic and cost effective operation. Automation can be either fi ed type or fle ible.

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%atch 6roduction (;iscrete Manufacturing)

The largest percentage of manufacturing industries can be classified as batch production industries. The distinguishing features of this type of manufacture are the small to medium size of the batch, and varieties of such products to be taken up in a single shop. 1ue to the variety of components handled, work centres should have broader specifications. Another important fact is that small batch size involves loss of production time associated with product changeover.

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The The

need to meet the design and manufacturing requirements of aerospace industries after the 2econd 3orld 3ar necessitated the development of "A1 and "A! . manufacturing technology available during late 456s and early 756s could not meet the design and manufacturing challenges arising out of the need to develop sophisticated aircraft and satellite launch vehicles. prompted the 82 Air 9orce to approach !#T to develop suitable control systems, drives and programming techniques for machine tools using electronic control. first ma$or innovation in machine control is the :umerical "ontrol /:"0, demonstrated at !#T in ;<7=. *arly :umerical "ontrol 2ystems were all basically hardwired systems, since these were built with discrete systems or with later first generation integrated chips. *arly :" machines used paper tape as an input medium. *very :" machine was fitted with a tape reader to read paper tape and transfer the program to the memory of the machine tool block by block. computers were used to control a group of :" machines by mid >56s. This arrangement was then called 1irect :umerical "ontrol /1:"0 as the computer bypassed the tape reader to transfer the program data to the machine controller.

This The


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late >56s mini computers were being commonly used to control :" machines. At this stage :" became truly soft wired with the facilities of mass program storage, offline editing and software logic control and processing. This development is called "omputer :umerical "ontrol /":"0. @56s, numerical controllers are being designed around microprocessors, resulting compact ":" systems. A further development to this technology is the distributed numerical control /also called 1:"0 in which processing of :" program is carried out in different computers operating at different hierarchical levels - typically from mainframe host computers to plant computers to the machine controller. Today the ":" systems are built around powerful A= bit and >4 bit microprocessors. )" based systems are also becoming increasingly popular. engineers also started using computers for such tasks like inventory control, demand forecasting, production planning and control etc. technology was adapted in the development of co-ordinate measuring machine6s /"!!s0 which automated inspection.

2ince in

!anufacturing ":"

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were introduced to automate several tasks like machine loading, materials handling, welding, painting and assembly. All these developments led to the evolution of fle ible manufacturing cells and fle ible manufacturing systems in late @56s. of "omputer Aided 1esign /"A10, on the other hand was to cater to the geometric modeling needs of automobile and aeronautical industries. developments in computers, design workstations, graphic cards, display devices and graphic input and output devices during the last ten years have been phenomenal. coupled with the development of operating system with graphic user interfaces and powerful interactive /user friendly0 software packages for modeling, drafting, analysis and optimization the necessary tools to automate the design process. in fact owes its development to the A)T language pro$ect at !#T in early 756s.2everal clones of A)T were introduced in B56s to automatically develop :" codes from the geometric model of the component. :ow, one can model, draft, analyze, simulate, modify, optimize and create the :" code to manufacture a component and simulate the machining operation sitting at a computer workstation.

*volution The


provides "A1

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we review the manufacturing scenario during B56s we will find that the manufacturing is characterized by a few islands of automation. the case of design, the task is well automated. #n the case of manufacture, ":" machines, 1:" systems, 9!", 9!2 etc provide tightly controlled automation systems. computer control has been implemented in several areas like manufacturing resource planning, accounting, sales, marketing and purchase. the full potential of computerization could not be obtained unless all the segments of manufacturing are integrated, permitting the transfer of data across various functional modules. This realization led to the concept of computer integrated manufacturing. the implementation of "#! required the development of whole lot of computer technologies related to hardware and software.


2imilarly Cet


CIM >(0;?(04 (8; CIM 27*#?(04$


>ardware comprises the following$


!anufacturing equipment such as ":" machines or computerized work centres, robotic work cells, 1:"D9!2 systems, work handling and tool handling devices, storage devices, sensors, shop floor data collection devices, inspection machines etc. "omputers, controllers, "A1D"A! systems, workstations D terminals, data entry terminals, bar code readers, &9#1 tags, printers, plotters and other peripheral devices, modems, cables, connectors etc.,


CIM Hardware and Software

"#! software comprises computer programs to carry out the following functions( !anagement #nformation 2ystem 2ales E !arketing E 9inance 1atabase !anagement !odeling and 1esign Analysis 2imulation "ommunications !onitoring )roduction "ontrol !anufacturing Area "ontrol

CIM 27*#?(04$


Tracking "ontrol 9loor 1ata "ollection *ntry Gandling 1rivers )lanning 9acilities )lanning

#nventory 2hop .rder

!aterials 1evice


!anufacturing 3ork

9low Automation )rocess *ngineering !anagement

?usiness :etwork Huality


0ole of the 4lements of CIM 2ystem

8ine ma@or elements of a CIM system Mar"eting 6roduct ;esign 6lanning A 6urchase Manufacturing 4ngineering *actory (utomation >ardware ?arehousing =ogistics and 2upply Chain Management *inance Information Management

07=4 7* #>4 4=4M48#2 7* CIM 252#4M

Ma@or 4lements of a CIM 2ystem

4=4M48#2 7* CIM 252#4M


The need for a product is identified by the marketing division. The specifications of the product, the pro$ection of manufacturing quantities and the strategy for marketing the product are also decided by the marketing department. !arketing also works out the manufacturing costs to assess the economic viability of the product.



The design department of the company establishes the initial database for production of a proposed product. #n a "#! system this is accomplished through activities such as geometric modeling and computer aided design while considering the product requirements and concepts generated by the creativity of the design engineer. "onfiguration management is an important activity in many designs. "omple designs are usually carried out by several teams working simultaneously, located often in different parts of the world. The design process is constrained by the costs that will be incurred in actual production and by the capabilities of the available production equipment and processes. The design process creates the database required to manufacture the part.

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The purchase departments is responsible for placing the purchase orders and follow up, ensure quality in the production process of the vendor, receive the items, arrange for inspection and supply the items to the stores or arrange timely delivery depending on the production schedule for eventual supply to manufacture and assembly.

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The planning department takes the database established by the design department and enriches it with production data and information to produce a plan for the production of the product. )lanning involves several subsystems dealing with materials, facility, process, tools, manpower, capacity, scheduling, outsourcing, assembly, inspection, logistics etc. #n a "#! system, this planning process should be constrained by the production costs and by the production equipment and process capability, in order to generate an optimized plan.

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!anufacturing *ngineering is the activity of carrying out the production of the product, involving further enrichment of the database with performance data and information about the production equipment and processes. #n "#!, this requires activities like :" programming, simulation and computer aided scheduling of the production activity. This should include online dynamic scheduling and control based on the real time performance of the equipment and processes to assure continuous production activity.

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*actory (utomation



automation equipment further enriches the database with equipment and process data, resident either in the operator or the equipment to carry out the production process.


"#! system this consists of computer controlled process machinery such as ":" machine tools, fle ible manufacturing systems /9!20, "omputer controlled robots, material handling systems, computer controlled assembly systems, fle ibly automated inspection systems and so on.

4=4M48#2 7* CIM 252#4M

?arehousing$ 3arehousing is the function involving storage and retrieval of raw materials, components, finished goods as well as shipment of items. #n today6s comple outsourcing scenario and the need for $ust-in-time supply of components and subsystems, logistics and supply chain management assume great importance.

4=4M48#2 7* CIM 252#4M


9inance deals with the resources pertaining to money. )lanning of investment, working capital, and cash flow control, realization of receipts, accounting and allocation of funds are the ma$or tasks of the finance departments.


#nformation !anagement is perhaps one of the crucial tasks in "#!. This involves master production scheduling, database management, communication, manufacturing systems integration and management information systems.

CIM wheel

<arious (ctivities in CIM

<arious (ctivities in CIM

;4<4=76M48# 7* CIM

"#! 9ig

is an integration process leading to the integration of the manufacturing enterprise. indicates different levels of this integration that can be seen within an industry. by the needs of the individual enterprise this process usually starts with the need to interchange information between the some of the so called islands of automation.


;4<4=76M48# 7* CIM


ible manufacturing cells, automatic storage and retrieval systems, "A1D"A! based design etc. are the e amples of islands of automation i.e. a sort of computer based automation achieved completely in a limited sphere of activity of an enterprise. involves data e change among machines, robots, gantry systems etc. computers, :"

This The

integration process has started bottom up. The interconnection of physical systems was the first requirement to be recognized and fulfilled.

=evels of Integration (gainst 4volution of CIM

=evels of Integration (gainst 4volution of CIM


ne t level of integration, application integration in 9ig is concerned with the integration of applications, the term applications being used in the data processing sense. integration involves supply and retrieval of information, communication between application users and with the system itself. application integration level imposes constraints on the physical integration level.



=evels of Integration (gainst 4volution of CIM


highest level of integration, business integration in 9ig. is concerned with the management and operational processes of an enterprise. management process provides supervisory control of the operational process which in turn co-ordinates the dayto-day e ecution of the activities at the application level. business integration level therefore places constraints on the application level. This level offers considerable challenge to the integration activity.



Three Distinguished Components


components distinguish CIM from other manufacturing methodologies$ &. Means for data storage, retrieval, manipulation and presentation '. Mechanisms for sensing state and modifying processes ). (lgorithms for uniting the data processing component with the sensorBmodification component

2ubsystems in computer-integrated manufacturing

Computer-aided techni!ues$ C(; (computer-aided design) C(4 (computer-aided engineering) C(M (computer-aided manufacturing) C(66 (computer-aided process planning) C(C (computer-aided !uality assurance) 66C (production planning and control) 406 (enterprise resource planning) ( business system integrated by a common database.

2ubsystems in computer-integrated manufacturing


design C!D) also known as computer-aided design and drafting /C(;;0 is the use of computer technology for the process of design and design-documentation describes the process of drafting with a computer providing the user with input-tools for the purpose of streamlining design processesD drafting, documentation



2? is in direct correlation with the processesD industry-based 2? typically uses vector-based(linear) environments whereas graphic-based 2? utiliEes raster-based one

2ubsystems in computer-integrated manufacturing


engineering (C(4) is the broad usage of computer software to aid in engineering tas"s includes computer-aided design (C(;), computer-aided analysis (C((), computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), computer-aided manufacturing (C(M), material re!uirements planning (M06), and computer-aided planning (C(6) process planning (C(66) is the use of computer technology to aid in the process planning of a part or product, in manufacturing is the lin" between C(; and C(M in that it provides for the planning of the process to be used in producing a designed part




2ubsystems in computer-integrated manufacturing


manufacturing C!M) is the use of computer 2? to control machine tools and related machinery in the manufacturing of wor" pieces may also refer to the use of a computer to assist in all operations of a manufacturing plant, including planning, management, transportation and storage purpose is to create a faster production process and components and tooling with more precise dimensions and material consistency, which in some cases, uses only the re!uired amount of raw material while simultaneously reducing energy consumption



2ubsystems in computer-integrated manufacturing


"uality assurance C!#) is the engineering application of computers and computer controlled machines for the definition and inspection of the !uality of products management software is covering many types of 2? including estimation and planning, scheduling, cost control and budget management, resource allocation, collaboration 2?, communication, !uality management and documentation which are used to deal with the comple&ity of large pro%ects


2ubsystems in computer-integrated manufacturing


resource planning '($) integrates internal and external management info across an entire organiEation, embracing financeBaccounting, manufacturing, sales and service, customer relationship management automate this activity with an integrated 2? application purpose is to facilitate the f low of info between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organiEation and manage the connections to outside sta"eholders



%enefit from CIM

&. Creation of a truly interactive system that enables manufacturing functions to communicate easily with other relevant functional units '. (ccurate data transferability among manufacturing plant or subcontracting facilities at implant or diverse locations ). *aster responses to data-changes for manufacturing f lexibility +. Increased f lexibility towards introduction of new products , Improved accuracy and !uality in the manufacturing process

%enefit from CIM

-. Improved !uality of the products. .. Control of data-f low among various units and maintenance of user-library for system-wide data. /. 0eduction of lead times which generates a competitive advantage. 1. 2treamlined manufacturing f low from order to delivery. &3. 4asier training and re-training facilities.

Manufacturing Systems Integration $rogram

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