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Presentation on Apple Computer

Presented by Milan Sharma Muneesh Sharma Ganra Santosh Aakash Malik

April 1st,1976 - Founded
January 3rd,1977 - Incorporated

Headquarters - Cupertino, California

Co-founders - Steve Jobs, Steve Wojniak

Industry - Computer software, computer hardware, consumer electronics.

Apple Inc.
Apples Current Information




Present Logo

Apple I launched for $666 (No keyboard, case or
power supply) Sold around 200 Apple I. Mike Markkula enters. Apple II launched in 1977 at $1,200. Around 100,000 Apple IIs were sold. Successfully launched its IPO. Was generating over $200 million in annual sales.

IBM purchased 16-bit microprocessor and the operating system called as MS-DOS. Bill Gates persuaded and convinced IBM to by there MS-DOS and the high powerful processor. IBM PC was a huge success. Sold over 5,00,000 PCs in two years (became market leader). Clone makers entered the market (Compaq, Zenith, Leading Edge) In 1984 Michael Dell started his company.

Macintosh (Golden Era)

Project Lisa and Macintosh began. Steve Jobs removed frome Lisa and put on Macintosh. Sculley shut down Lisa and then Macintosh era began. Sales reached $5.6 billion. Microsoft finally came with Windows 3.1 and then began the decline of Apple.


Steve jobs returned to Apple in 1998 after being forced to resign in 1985. New Offerings : iMac iBook OS X iMovie and finally iTunes

In 2001 Titanium PowerBook G4 notebooks were released. Cased in Titanium. iMac G5 was released. Apples market started to rise. Reached 12% growth rate. 4.8% share in U.S. Market.

Leadership Style
Passion Reality Distortion & Mental Innovation Focus on Core

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Charisma & Simplicity

Steve Jobs

Product & Quality Driven

Vision Driven

Innovative Potential

Authoritaria n & Firm

Moving in to Retail
In 2001 opened its first retail store. Products available 1) Macintosh personal computers 2) Software 3) iPods, iPhones 4) Third party accessories 5) Consumer electronics apple TV In June 2014 apple have 432 retail store In 14 countries and 39 online stores



Strengths Sensors Style/Brand High quality Not issued dividends Easy to carry First mover Limited distribution channels Weakness Unsafe for corporate use? High price

Migrate people to Apple

Pressure from competitors Similar devices

New social device

Highly developed market Ipod connectivity opportunities threats

Core Competence of Apple

I would say Apple's greatest core competency
is knowing how to implement elegant but functional design. The consumer benefit

is getting a product that works

intuitively, while making everyone else envious. Other companies have been trying to imitate, but not quite successfully. And Apple has copied that design success from computers, to music players, to smartphones, and to its stores.


In 2002 HP acquired Compaq and also IBM sold its P.C. Business to Lenovo. Average selling price of P.C.s fell from $1700 in 1999 to $1000 in 2006. Due to high competition between HP and DELL local brands and parts manufacturers entered. In early 2000s Dell grew rapidly due to its direct selling techniques. Apple computers continued to be the odd man out.

Strategic issues
Market share or profit margin Technology challenge Leadership challenge Competition challenge Economy challenge.

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