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What is Cloning ??
Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through nonsexual means. It is basically creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two!

Types of Cloning
There are three types of cloning Recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning Reproductive cloning Therapeutic cloning.

Dolly the sheep was the first successful animal to be cloned after that many animals have been cloned. Researchers have cloned a number of large and small animals including sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur.

Religious Views

Buddhist says that Cloning human beings is not if, but when . . . Would we accord a cloned person the benefits enjoyed by those who are born naturally? I would hope so.

Roman Catholicism and many conservative Christian groups have opposed human cloning and the cloning of human embryos, since they believe that life begins at the moment of conception. The World Council of Churches, representing nearly 400 Christian denominations worldwide, opposed cloning of both human embryos and whole humans in February 2006.

Islamic View
The prominent Qatari scholar, Yusuf Al Qaradawi believes that cloning specific parts of the human body for purposes of medical is not prohibited in Islam, but to clone the whole human body would not be permitted under any circumstances. However, if it goes into cloning only specific parts of the human body such as heart and kidneys, for the purpose of treatment, this is permitted and actually recommended and rewarded by Allah.

Deontological Prespective
Kantian ethics may at first seem to disagree with the idea of human cloning, because many motives behind cloning may not always be genuine. A egoist, for example, might want to duplicate him or herself out of conceit. A narcissist may give up mirrors only to look at a reflection of another human being with his or her same genetic makeup. In these cases, the original person's actions are not in accordance with Kant's catagorical imperative to treat all persons as ends in themselves and it would prevent human beings from fulfilling a moral duty to better understand the origins of human life.

Utilitarian Prespective
Utilitarian view of the ethics of cloning is very different from Kant. It might even be argued that creating a slave race of clones would be morally permissible unless the slave race's suffering qualitatively outweighed the pleasure we receive from their slave labor. Utilitarianism is more apt to justify the idea that clones would be inferior beings because their sub-status could conceivably promote the greatest happiness to the greatest number of (other) people.

Rawls posits that the first principle of civilised life is the protection of our basic civil liberties. Rawls would claim that any attempt to impose a procreative program on us violates such liberties. When a government says we cannot reproduce in certain ways, these liberties are being violated.

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