Enhancing The Dell Experience With CSR: Jacob Aryeh Robert Gee Dhruva Kaul Diana Shen Erica Swallow

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Enhancing the Dell Experience with CSR

Jacob Aryeh Robert Gee Dhruva Kaul Diana Shen Erica Swallow

Is Social Responsibility our Business?

The business of business is business.

ilton !rie"#an

Our Vision for Dells CSR

$y partnering with our custo ers to focus on strategic CSR initiatives an" ali%nin% these initiatives with our business strate%y& we will obtain a co#'etitive e"%e an" regain ar!et share.

CSR Initiati"es# Status Report an$ %ssess ent

Corporate %ccountability En"iron ental Responsibility Co unity Engage ent

&IV'%IDS %ffects our Sta!ehol$ers

Accor"in% to A"vert.or%& a''ro,i#ately (()* illion 'eo'le are currently livin% with ()*+A)DS

The ()*+A)DS 'an"e#ic affects Dell e#'loyees& custo#ers& su''lier 'artners an" co##unities where we li"e an" wor!.

E"aluation of &IV'%IDS +re"ention +rogra

- .rovi"e e ployees with benefits - .ublish e$ucational infor ation - /ffer onsite health screenings - (ol" ()*+A)DS e ployee conferences

,ra$e-offs of the &IV'%IDS Initiati"e


en$ations for &IV'%IDS Initiati"e

En"iron entalis # % .ey +rinciple in Dells Business /o$el

Dell0s vision is to create a co#'any culture where environ#ental e,cellence is secon" nature because the 'rinci'les of environ#entalis# - efficiency eli inates waste - ali%n with the 'rinci'les of our "irect business #o"el - efficiency $eli"ers custo er "alue.
- Sustainability Report 2007

E"aluation of En"iron ental Initiati"es

Dell Earth 0a es - E#'loyee Tea# $uil"in% 3Global4 - )ns'irin% e#'loyees to live an environ#entally frien"ly life +lant a ,ree for /e - /ffsettin% 1/2 e#issions

,ra$e-offs of En"iron ental Initiati"es

Reco en$ations for En"iron ental Initiati"es

,hree 1ocuses on Co
1o##unity Growth

unity Engage ent

- Dell TechKnow 35&677 stu"ents4 - )nternational 8earnin% 1enters E#'loyee *olunteeris# - 97: e#'loyee volunteer rate - ;<= #illion contributions 1o##unity !oun"ations - (ealth Grants

Dell ,ech.now 0enerates ,ech Sa""y /i$$le School Stu$ents

At the en" of the 'ro%ra#& stu"ents too> their co#'uters ho#e& alon% with one year of free )nternet access. ?ow& they can "o research at ho#e @ an i possibility before ,ech.now.
- Neil McAlpine, Principal, General Wolfe Junior Hi !, Winnipe , Manitoba

!ayette 1ounty .ublic School Dell TechKnow Gra"uate Showcases her .1 S>ills

,ra$e-offs of Co

unity Engage ent


en$ations for Co unity Engage ent Initiati"es

Movement Towards Complete Alignment: Competencies &CSR

CSR Initiati"es# Status Report an$ %ssess ent

Corporate %ccountability En"iron ental Responsibility Co unity Engage ent

Our Vision for Dells CSR

$y partnering with our custo ers to focus on strategic CSR initiatives an" ali%nin% these initiatives with our business strate%y& we will obtain a co#'etitive e"%e an" regain ar!et share.

2e 2ant 3our Input4

5earning Centers in China an$ Bra6il ,rain Stu$ents in ,echnical 1iel$s

5ocation Shan%hai 1han%lin School Dell $raAilBs Di%ital 1itiAen .roCect +articipants <&777 chil"ren fro# #i%rant fa#ilies D&677 stu"ents fro# lowinco#e fa#ilies 5earne$ S!ills - 8atest .1 technolo%y - E"ucational 'ro%ra#s - 8ife s>ills "evelo'#ent - Di%ital literacy - $usiness s>ills - A"vance" .1 stu"ies in two Technical 8aboratories

Dell ,ech.now 0enerates ,ech Sa""y /i$$le School Stu$ents

<. Disasse#ble refurbishe" .1 2. Reasse#ble .1 =. 8oa" software 9. .erfor# (ar"ware u'%ra"es D. Develo' internet >now-how 5. Ta>e .1 ho#e
!ayette 1ounty .ublic School Dell TechKnow Gra"uate Showcases her .1 S>ills

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