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Beberapa Bahan PRA MUKERNAS

Bali 3 Desember 2011

Posisi yang semakin jelas untuk kepentingan kesehatan bangsa Sebagai tenaga strategis bangkes (Inpres 3/2011) Kepmenkes terkait perlunya ketrampilan manajerial kesehatan bagi para pemimpin kesehatan (Dinkes dan RS) Fokus 2012: pemberdayaan dan PHC (!) Upaya yang sistematis untuk penataan ulang supply/ production system Proyek HPEQ untuk kesmas (3 goals) GCP (WHA no 63.18) mensyaratkan ada Indonesian GCP Alligning HPEQ dan GCP (utk kesmas: std konsultan PH?)


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel

OBJECTIVES: to establish and promote voluntary principles and practices for the ethical international recruitment of health personnel, taking into account the rights, obligations and expectations of source countries, destination countries and migrant health personnel;

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel

OBJECTIVES: to serve as a reference for Member States in establishing or improving the legal and institutional framework required for the international recruitment of health personnel;

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel

OBJECTIVES: to provide guidance that may be used where appropriate in the formulation and implementation of bilateral agreements and other international legal instruments;

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel

OBJECTIVES: to facilitate and promote international discussion and advance cooperation on matters related to the ethical international recruitment of health personnel as part of strengthening health systems, with a particular focus on the situation of developing countries.

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel

PRINSIP DASAR: Kesehatan adalah tanggung jawab setiap pemerintah. Migrasi internasional Nakes dapat bersifat positif bila dikelola dengan baik, memperhatikan sistem kesehatan global dan melindungi hak Nakes tsb

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel PRINSIP DASAR: Negara maju selayaknya membantu negara sedang berkembang dalam menguatkan sistem kesehatan termasuk sistem nakes nya Pemerintahan wajib berupaya mencapai derajat kesehatan masyarakat setinggitingginya, juga dengan memperhatikan hak Nakes untuk bekerja dimana saja diluar negaranya

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel PRINSIP DASAR: Rekrutmen internasional Nakes harus transparan, adil dan tetap mendorong sistem kesehatan negara asalnya agar tetap sustain bertumbuh Pemerintahan selayaknya terus memperbaiki tatanan pengelolaan Nakes (PerencanaanPendayagunaan- Pengendalian), sehingga mengurangi demand untuk migrasi-keluar

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


63.16: Global Code of Practice on The International Recruitment of Health Personnel PRINSIP DASAR: Diperlukan sistem informasi (GlobalNasional-Lokal) dan sistem riset & pengembangan dlm ICP Pengiriman nakes keluar bersifat sirkuler (inout secara sistematik) sehingga bermanfaat bagi negara pengirim dan penerima

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes

Bachtiar, 2011. Masukan kpd Kemenkes


Budget support

Indek IPKM membaik


Advokasi & Penyebarluasan Hasil (Brokering Knowledge)

Implemetasi (Monev) Nakes ICP

Policy Development & Program improvement

Implementasi sirkuler LN-DN

Data Clearinghouse

Investasi Sarpras

Stdrisasi Akred


Rekrut & Placement

Diklat Teknis

Diklat Mgmt

Penilaian Kinerja

Jejaring Nakes utk ICP

Bina PT-OP & industri nakes

Pelatihan PT-OP & Industri


Penguatan kapasitas PT kes

Kapasitas Diklat & Dikjut

Kapasitasi Sisnakes utk SKN

Advokasi & Pembiayaan Nakes utk ICP

Strategi Pemberdayaan Masy utk ICP

Litbang utk ICP

SIK nakes mel HRH Observatory

Index persaingan nakes LN

Transparancies-Accountability-Mutual Understandings-Effective Collaboration

Kepemimpinan & Aliansi Untuk ICP (dalam CCF)

Usulan RUU Nakes oleh IAKMI yang mengakui eksistensi Nakes Kesmas yang beragam: Profesi Promkes (dibawah PPKMI) Profesi Epidemiologis (~ PAEI) Profesi Gizi Kesmas (~ Persagi) Profesi Kesehatan Lingkungan (~ EHSA) Profesi K3 (~ Kolegium K3) Profesi Admin & Kebijakan Kes (~ Kolegium AKK) Profesi Kesehatan Reproduksi & Keluarga (~ Kolegium Kesehatan Reproduksi & keluarga) Profesi Biostatistik & Kependudukan (~ Kolegium Biostatistika & Kependudukan)

Konsolidasi internal dan mengupayakan agar IAKMI dapat menjadi organisasi koalisi para ahli bidang kesmas yang multidisiplin REVISI AD/ART IAKMI Registrasi anggota Advokasi penajaman RUU Nakes kepada berbagai pemangku kepentingan di pusat dan daerah Roundtable & drafting untuk mendapat masukan: Di Pusat: menyusun rantai PPSDM-Biro Hukum-KaukusMenkes Di Daerah: konsolidasi IAKMI dengan PT kesmas Menyerahkan bahan dan hasil kepada ibu Menkes dan DPR

Tujuan Kepmenkes: Ketrampilan yang cukup bidang Kesmas bagi pemimpin kesehatan Menyiapakan pola karir yang jelas termasuk upaya fit and proper test Peran yang dapat diberikan IAKMI-AIPTKMI: Sertifikasi upaya peningkatan ketrampilan kesmas Sertifikasi bersifat berjenjang bagi pemimpin kesehatan dan staf dibawahnya untuk kemudian menjadi bagian dari pendidikan profesi dalam waktu dekat Mengisi upaya pemberdayaan masy dan PHC melalui berbagai kebijakan pendidikan dan keprofesian


Inefficient Health-system
Low access to hi-quality PH facilities Beyond health, esp. Poverty Low capacity of govt primary care Low political commitment for PHC No political incentive scenario Weak supply system of PH workforce Ignorancy for healthy life styles

Emphasize on curing the illness h-c policy Higher health care costinflation push political bias more to curative

Partial financing health care & more emphasize on curing Low achievement on health policies & regulations for Universal Coverage

Pushing more demand for curatives Difficult restructuring of h-c financing infrastructure

Low Public Private Sinergy Dynamic changes of volunterism concept No/low profitable returns

Non-vitalized stagnant PHC infrastructures

Bachtiar, 2011. WHO Meeting for CHW at Srilanka

Bachtiar, 2011. WHO Meeting for CHW at Srilanka

Realizing Universal Coverage (UC) for Public Health Access

Strategy Objective-1: Strengthening & formulating policies & regulations for UC & its Public Health access

Strategy Objective-2: Providing UC basic public health packages to ascertain access for poor segment & high risk group KPI 2.1: # PHC services for poor people KPI 2.2: # PHC services for high risk group

Strategy Objective-3: Structuring & improving agencies/bodies for universal coverage including payor, health services, and governing body at all level KPI 3.1: Establish ment of national structures KPI 3.2: Structuring UC action plans to include PHC activities for each structures at all level

KPI 1.1: # health policies for/to include PHC services in UC regulations

KPI 1.2: # operational guidelines for any PHC services

Bachtiar, 2011. WHO Meeting for CHW at Srilanka

Bachtiar, 2011. WHO Meeting for CHW at Srilanka

Strategy Objectives_1
Strengthening Public health Workforce System Supporting PHC

Strategy Objective-1: Synergizing PHC curriculum to work as team-work, among medical, nursing, dental and public health, and other schools

Strategy Objective-2: Revitalizing educ institution, incl medical, nursing, midwifery, dental and public health , and others, relevance to local, national and global public health/PHC problems
KPI 1.3: # invstmnt for schools & Bpelkes capacitatn for PHC models KPI 1.4: # Bapelkes ready & implmted integrated PHC trainings

Strategy Objective-3: Achieving minimum education quality standard for PHC education institutions, varied at medical, dental, nursing, midwifey at all level incl
KPI 1.6: # Brokerng knowl actvs for sharing PHCmodel advcmnt

Strategy Objective-4: Strengthening PHC educational objectives & approaches link to PHC demand dynamics

KPI 1.1: # health schools with integrated curr for PHC

KPI 1.2: # schools implmted the integrated PHC curricula

KPI 1.5: # Bapelkes accredited for PHC models trainings

Strategy Objectives_2
Strengthening Public health Workforce System Supporting PHC

Strategy Objective-1: Synergizing PHC curriculum to work as team-work, among medical, nursing, dental and public health, and other schools

Strategy Objective-2: Revitalizing educ institution, incl medical, nursing, midwifery, dental and public health , and others, relevance to local, national and global public health/PHC problems
KPI 2.2: Periodical PHC curr devt & eval to validate relevance issues KPI 2.3: # new PHC models implted at schools and Bapelkes

Strategy Objective-3: Achieving minimum education quality standard for PHC education institutions, varied at medical, dental, nursing, midwifey at all level incl
KPI 2.4: # new Healthy Public Policy CBW models implted at schools and Bapelkes

Strategy Objective-4: Strengthening PHC educational objectives & approaches link to PHC demand dynamics

KPI 2.1: Establ KKNI for each health profession to incl PHC ability

Strategy Objectives_3
Strengthening Public health Workforce System Supporting PHC

Strategy Objective-1: Synergizing PHC curriculum to work as team-work, among medical, nursing, dental and public health, and other schools

Strategy Objective-2: Revitalizing educ institution, incl medical, nursing, midwifery, dental and public health , and others, relevance to local, national and global public health/PHC problems

Strategy Objective-3: Achieving minimum training & education quality standard for PHC education institutions, varied at medical, dental, nursing, midwifery etc

Strategy Objective-4: Strengthening PHC educational objectives & approaches link to PHC demand dynamics

KPI 3.1: Activation of collegiums & MTKI & MTKP for health professional std, incl vCHW std

KPI 3.2: Establ training & education quality audit and certificatn for PHC ability

KPI 3.3: # Bapelkes/other traing ctrs & schools improve its quality after facilitatn

KPI 3.4: # new training & educ approaches especially related to distance learning, etc

Strategy Objectives_4
Strengthening Public health Workforce System Supporting PHC

Strategy Objective-1: Synergizing PHC curriculum to work as team-work, among medical, nursing, dental and public health, and other schools

Strategy Objective-2: Revitalizing educ institution, incl medical, nursing, midwifery, dental and public health , and others, relevance to local, national and global public health/PHC problems

Strategy Objective-3: Achieving minimum education quality standard for PHC education institutions, varied at medical, dental, nursing, midwifey at all level incl

Strategy Objective-4: Strengthening PHC educational objectives & approaches link to PHC demand dynamics

KPI 4.1: # schools & Baplekes link with/devp PHC field labs.

KPI 4.2: # schools & Bapelkes with new PHC approaches

KPI 4.3: # schools & Baplekes link with Healthy Public Policy PHC models

Strategy Objectives_5
Strengthening Public health Workforce System Supporting PHC

Strategy Objective-5: Planning health workforce for PHC including voluntary CHW

Strategy Objective-6: Utilizing and empowering health workforce for PHC, including voluntary CHW

Strategy Objective-7: Establiihing & Maintaining health professional conducts for PHC, including ethical works for voluntary CHW

KPI 5.1: Costed HRH action planned for PHC nat level

KPI 5.2: Costed HRH action planned for PHC at local level

KPI 5.3: # Districts hav capacity to implted the costed plan

KPI 5.4: # districts hav HR capacity for HRH planning in PHC

KPI 5.5: # districts have develop MIS in PHC & related HRH

KPI 5.6: # districts hav best practices in planning HRH for PHC

Strategy Objectives_6
Strengthening Public health Workforce System Supporting PHC

Strategy Objective-5: Planning health workforce for PHC including voluntary CHW

Strategy Objective-6: Utilizing and empowering health workforce for PHC, including voluntary CHW

Strategy Objective-7: Establiihing & Maintaining health professional conducts for PHC, including ethical works for voluntary CHW

KPI 6.1: # health ctrs, health posts, villages posted with strategic health staff

KPI 6.2: # active vCHW in village within specific UKBM

KPI 6.3: # UKBM hav been facilitated with adeq infrastructures

KPI 6.4: # best practices HRH empowerment resulted in each province each year for replication

KPI 6.5: # best practices vCHW empowerment resulted in each district each yr for replication

Strategy Objectives_7
Strengthening Public health Workforce System Supporting PHC

Strategy Objective-5: Planning health workforce for PHC including voluntary CHW

Strategy Objective-6: Utilizing and empowering health workforce for PHC, including voluntary CHW

Strategy Objective-7: Establiihing & Maintaining health professional conducts for PHC, including ethical works for voluntary CHW

KPI 7.1: # health professional orgz (HPO) complete their ethics infrastructures for PHC

KPI 7.2: # Districts have established HPO branch and active maint their members

KPI 7.3: # Province establ MTKP and develop costed action plan incl for professional conduct

KPI 7.4: # best practices in handling ethical problems to be learnt by and share to others

KPI 7.5: # best practices vCHW high ethical conduct for community benefits to be share to other

Strategy Objectives
Poverty Reduction Acceleration & Village Development and Link to PHC Goals

Strategy Objective-1: Lending scenario for family income generating linked up to healthy life styles (PHBS)

Strategy Objective-2: Community infrastructures establishment and improvement linked up to PHC initiatives

Strategy Objective-3: Education access for poor family children and linked up to school based PHC

Strategy Objective-4: PlanningDistributionEmpowerment CBW incl voluntary linked up with PHC voluntary workers

KPI 4.1: CBW-HR Planning Mgmt

KPI 4.2: CBW-HR Recruitm& Distrib Mgmt

KPI 4.3: CBW-HR Training & Cerftif

KPI 4.4: CBW-HR Perform mgmt & social audit

KPI 4.4: CBW-HR Incentive & career










Menyusun rencana aksi: IAKMI Pusat dan daerah Peningkatan kapasitas IAKMI dan PT Kesmas di Propinsi untuk memulai mengisi strategi2 yg telah diuraikan Pelatihan bersertifikasi kolegium kesmas sebagai bagian dari pendidikan profesi kesmas sesuai KKNI Kesmas (dalam jangka pendek) Pendidikan profesi (dalam jangka panjang)

Tujuan: meluaskan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kesmas berbagai bidang dan profesi kesehatan, termasuk terkait manajemen dan perencanaan SDM Kesehatan Peran yang dapat diberikan IAKMI: Melaksanakan kerjasama internasional untuk menyelenggarakan Simposium Internasional Semisal Simposium GHWA atau AAAH di Indonesia Membantu melaksanakan berbagai event yang mendorong meluaskan pengetahuan terkait SDM Kes Seminar, RTD, Workshop dan pelatihan

Menyusun rencana aksi 2012: International Symposium on HRH Tema terkait Supply Side (Dikti/HPEQ) dan Demand Side (Kemenkes) Pre-seminar, pelatihan utk peningkatan skills dlm: Perencanaan nakes Penilaian pekerjaan & pengukuran produktivitas kerja Sistem Informasi utk Nakes Mengukur kinerja pemimpin RS Mengukur Budaya kerja RS yang aman, dll Seminar, workshop dll yang diperlukan untuk posisi strategis nakes dimata stakeholders

Tujuan: menetapkan keprofesian kesmas dari sisi kompetensi dan pendidikan yang berstruktur baik secara akdemik dan profesional Peran yang diberikan IAKMI bersama AIPTKMI: Telah menetapkan KKNI kesmas Menyelesaikan deskripsi pendidikan akademik dan profesi, diharapkan selesai pada tahun ini, 2011 Menyusun rencana aksi pendidikan kesmas dan pelatihan yang terstruktur sesuai jenjang KKNI yang disusun

Tujuan: Menetapkan standar pendidikan termasuk akreditasi dan sistem eksaminasi lulusan Peran yang diberikan IAKMI bersama AIPTKMI: Memperkokoh struktur SC (komitmen dan tk akseptansi) Menyiapkan PT kesmas untuk kapasitasi baik pendidikan akademik dan keprofesian Kapasitasi IAKMI daerah sd kab/kota Kapasitasi AIPTKMI shg atraktif bagi anggota PT kesmas

Tujuan: Mengisi/mewujudkan KKNI yang sudah disusun kedalam program pendidikan berjenjang Peran yang diberikan IAKMI bersama AIPTKMI: Piloting pendidikan berjenjang dari D1 sd Doktor Mengisi kebutuhan ketrampilan kesmas fokus pemerintah dalam PHC dan pemberdayaan Mengisi kebutuhan ketrampilan kesmas fokus pemerintah dalam GCP

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