Windows & Doors in China To 2017: Freedonia Group

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Windows & Doors in China to 2017 by

Freedonia Group

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Windows & Doors in China to 2017

"he collection of #Residential Construction$ market research reports has a new addition of %indows & 'oors in China to ()*+ on RnR, 'emand in China to row -.*. per year throu h ()*+ /ales of windows and doors in China are expected to rise -.* percent per annum to 0+) billion yuan in ()*+. 1ains will primarily be fueled by stron rowth in both residential and nonresidential buildin . 2roduct up rades and increasin concerns about ener y efficiency will also contribute to window and door demand. ,etal still dominant window material3 but plastic rowin 'emand for windows is pro4ected to rise +.- percent per year to 5+0.0 billion yuan in ()*+. 2lastic will be the fastest risin material used in windows3 with plastic window demand ad6ancin -.- percent per year throu h ()*+. 'emand will benefit from the superior insulation performance and competiti6e costs of plastic windows3 especially in residential applications. Re7uest sample copy of this report @ http://!sample8rname9*:+;+0 .

Windows & Doors in China to 2017

,etal will remain the dominant type of material3 accountin for o6er ;) percent of o6erall window demand in ()*+. 'emand for metal windows will be dri6en by stron increases in industrial3 office3 and commercial buildin construction. 'emand for doors in China is forecast to rise -.0 percent per year to *<:.0 billion yuan in ()*+. %ood is the dominant material due to its ubi7uitous usa e in interior doors for both residential and nonresidential buildin s. 'emand for wood doors is pro4ected to increase -.0 percent yearly to *0) billion yuan in ()*+. "he increasin use of wood doors made of wood/steel and wood/plastic composites3 as well as product up rades3 will support further ad6ances in o6erall wood door demand. ,etal will retain its dominant position in the entrance door se ment in both residential and nonresidential applications. Complete report a6ailable @ http://!doors!in!china!to!()*+!market!report .

Windows & Doors in China to 2017

Nonresidential market to exhibit strongest advances "he nonresidential market accounted for 0: percent of window and door demand in ()*(. %indow and door demand in the nonresidential market is pro4ected to row <.0 percent per year to 5(- billion yuan in ()*+3 boosted by stron rowth in the industrial3 office3 and commercial se ments. 'emand for windows and doors in the residential market will row ;.( percent per year to (:( billion yuan in ()*+3 due to stron construction acti6ity in both new sin le!family and multifamily housin . Northwest region to post fastest gains China consists of distinct re ional markets characteri=ed by different climates3 populations3 and le6els of economic de6elopment. "he Central!East re ion3 home to about 5) percent of the country$s population and 5; percent of economic output in real terms3 supports the lar est re ional window and door market and will account for :0 percent of o6erall demand in China in ()*+. Re7uest sample copy of this report @ http://!sample8rname9*:+;+0

Windows & Doors in China to 2017

'emand for windows and doors in the >orthwest re ion is expected to en4oy the fastest rowth3 risin <.* percent per annum throu h ()*+. 1ains will result from robust increases in construction acti6ity3 spurred by rapid pro ress in industriali=ation and subse7uent risin personal incomes expected for this re ion. Table of Contents ?ntroduction @? ?. Executi6e /ummary * ??. ,arket En6ironment : 1eneral : Economic A6er6iew 0 Recent Economic 2erformance 0 Economic Autlook + 'emo raphic A6er6iew *) 2opulation ** Complete report a6ailable @ http://!doors!in!china!to!()*+!market!report.html .

Windows & Doors in China to 2017

Brbani=ation *5 Couseholds *: ?ndustriali=ation & ,anufacturin "rends *; Duildin Construction Autlook *< Residential (( >ew Cousin (0 ?mpro6ements & Repairs (+ Cousin /tock & Ei6in /pace (+ >onresidential 5) >ew >onresidential Construction 5( ?mpro6ements & Repairs 55 Duildin /tock 5: Eabor Force & Employment 2atterns 50 2ersonal ?ncome & Expenditure "rends 5Dankin /ystem & Consumer Financin :) Currency Exchan e Rates :: Ee al & Re ulatory En6ironment :+ Re7uest sample copy of this report @ http://!sample8rname9*:+;+0 .

Windows & Doors in China to 2017

???. A6er6iew :< 1eneral :< %indow & 'oor 'emand by "ype & ,arket :< %indow & 'oor 'emand by ,aterial 0* %indow 'emand by ,aterial 0; 'oor 'emand by ,aterial 0+ %indow 'emand by 1la=in "ype 0< %orld %indow & 'oor 'emand ;5 Forei n "rade "rends ;: 2ricin 2atterns ;; ?G. ,etal %indows & 'oors +* 1eneral +* ,etal %indows +: 'emand by "ype +0 'emand by ,aterial +< ,etal 'oors -* 'emand by "ype -( Complete report a6ailable @ http://!doors!in!china!to!()*+!market!report.html .

Windows & Doors in China to 2017

For more details contact Mr. Priyank i!ari" # +18883915441

RnR Market Research$ an online re%ository o& market research re%orts$ o&&ers in' de%th analysis o& o(er 5))) market se*ments. RnR Market Research li+rary has syndicated re%orts +y leadin* market research %,+lishers across the *lo+e. ; ;

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