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LGA 3104 Dialogue Year 2

Group 4: Akashah bin Osman Chai Xiao Ling Ng Pin Ting Ong Pei Shan

Upin & Ipin Asyiela Putri

Asyiela Putri binti Azhar is the voice actor for Malaysias most famous twins Upin and Ipin. Listen to the interview with Asyiela Putri. Reporter Asyiela Reporter Asyiela Reporter : Good morning, Asyiela. : Good morning. : Is it fun being a voice actor? : Yes, it is. : How long have you been the voice actor for Upin and Ipin? Asyiela : Ive been the voice actor for Upin and Ipin since 2010. Reporter : What do you want to be when you grow up? Asyiela : I want to be a piano teacher when I grow up. Reporter : Oh, really? I wish you all the best. Asyiela : Thank you.

Justification a) Appropriate language level.

The language level is suitable for Year 2 students. 1) The vocabulary used is simple. Example: Voice, actor, piano, teacher and etc.

2) The length of the sentences used are short and not lengthy. Example: Maximum 10 words in one sentence. Minimum 2 words in one sentence. 3) Repetition Example: Good morning, grow up

Justification b) Content
Unit 9: When I Grow Up Theme: World of Self Students will be taught about jobs and occupations and be motivated to do what they wish to be in their future. Help students to discover their identity and develop their personality. Help students to explore their occupations.

Justification c) Suitability
The dialogue is authentic (interview) hence its very suitable to develop the students listening and speaking skills. It also suits the students interest where they are curious about the type of occupations and what they should be when they grow up.

Play script: Three Billy Goat Gruff

Characters: Narrator Big Billy Goat Middle Billy Goat Little Billy Goat Troll

Narrator: Once upon a time there were three goats. They lived in a little valley in the hills. One day, they saw a lot of grass to eat on the other side of the hill. So they decided to go there because they were very hungry.

All Three Goats: We have to go there. The grass over there looks greener!
Narrator: But to go there they had to cross a wooden bridge, under which an ugly troll lived. Middle Goat: Come on, lets go now. Big Goat: Yes, but what about that big, ugly troll that lives under the bridge? He will eat us as soon as we cross the bridge! Middle Goat: We have to find a way to cross that bridge. Big Goat: I know. Our little brother should go first.

Little Goat: Me? Why dont you go first. Big Goat: Because you are the smallest. And I have a plan. Little Goat: Youre right. I will go first. Narrator: So the little goat started to cross the bridge. But the steps on the wood woke up the troll. Troll: (jumping to the bridge) Who dares to go across my bridge! Little Goat: (trembling and scared) Its me, Little Billy Goat Gruff. Troll: Then I will eat you. Little Goat: Oh No! Dont eat me! I am too little. Wait for my big brother. He will be here soon, wait for him, please. Troll: Hmm, I will wait for him, then. You may go.

Little Goat: (leaves running) Thank you! Thank you!

Narrator: Soon the Middle Billy Goat came over the bridge. The noise in the wooden bridge made the troll go up to the bridge.

Troll: Who dares to go across my bridge!

Middle Goat: It is me, Middle Billy Goat Gruff. Troll: Oh yes, your brother told me about you. I was waiting for you. He was right, he was too small for me. I am going to eat you! Middle Goat: Oh please, dont eat me. My other brother is coming after me, and he much bigger than me. Troll: Really? Hes bigger than you? Hummmmm. Then I will wait for him.

Narrator: Soon the biggest Billy Goat Gruff came over the bridge. The noise he made in the wooden bridge made the Troll go up to the bridge.
Troll: Who dares to go across my bridge!

Big Goat: Its me, the Big Billy Goat.

Troll: I was waiting for you! I am so hungry that you will be my supper now!

Big Goat: Oh, we will see that. It wont be easy, because I am stronger than you!
Narrator: So the Big Billy Goat Gruff put his head down, hit the Troll in the stomach, and threw him off the bridge. Troll: (screaming) Ouch!

Narrator: The Troll fell into the river and was never seen again. Big Goat: Come little brothers, its time to eat our delicious green grass.
Narrator: The Three Billy Goats Gruff finally tasted the sweet green grass they could only see from the other side of the hill, and they ate it until they were full. All Three Goats: Mmmmmm, delicious! The End Author: Norwegian Fairy Tale Adapted by K I D S I N C O

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