The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Market 2014-2024: Strategic Defence Intelligence

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The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Market 2014-2024 by

Strategic Defence Intelligence

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The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Mark

The collection of "IT & Telecommunication# market research reports has a new a$$ition of The %lobal &ilitary IT' (ata an$ )omputing &arket *+,-!*+*- on .n.&arket.esearch com This /atest report co0ers the global &ilitary IT' (ata an$ )omputing in$ustry It pro0i$es $etaile$ analysis of both historic an$ forecast global in$ustry 0alues' factors influencing $eman$' the challenges face$ by in$ustry participants' analysis of the lea$ing companies in the in$ustry' an$ key news Introduction and Landscape Why was the report written? The %lobal &ilitary IT' (ata' an$ )omputing &arket *+,-!*+*- offers the rea$er $etaile$ analysis of the global &ilitary IT' (ata an$ )omputing market o0er the next ten years' alongsi$e potential market opportunities to enter the in$ustry' using $etaile$ market si1e forecasts .e2uest sample copy of this report @ www rnrmarketresearch com/contacts/re2uest!sample3rname4,-556*

The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Mar

What are the key drivers behind recent market changes? .ecent years ha0e witnesse$ the spiraling importance of network!centric warfare 78)9:' which utili1es $igiti1e$ operational assets to le0erage information supplie$ in times of war ;arious technological an$ structural efforts aim to create an information!base$ army that is capable of respon$ing to threats more 2uickly' thereby effecti0ely fighting asymmetric enemies What makes this report unique and essential to read? The %lobal &ilitary IT' (ata an$ )omputing &arket *+,-!*+*- pro0i$es $etaile$ analysis of the current in$ustry si1e an$ growth expectations from *+,- to *+*-' inclu$ing highlights of key growth stimulators It also benchmarks the in$ustry against key global markets an$ pro0i$es $etaile$ un$erstan$ing of emerging opportunities in specific areas )omplete report a0ailable @ http://

www rnrmarketresearch com/the!global!military!it!$ata!an$!computing!marke

The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Mar

Key eatures and !enefits The report pro0i$es $etaile$ analysis of the market for &ilitary IT' (ata an$ )omputing $uring *+,-!*+*-' inclu$ing the factors that influence why countries are in0esting or cutting expen$iture on biometric systems It pro0i$es $etaile$ expectations of growth rates an$ pro<ecte$ total expen$iture =ublic an$ pri0ate partnerships are crucial to effecti0ely combat cyber!attacks The costs of $e0eloping effecti0e cyber $efenses are increasing rapi$ly $ue to a$0ancements in technologies' an$ $efense ministries aroun$ the worl$ ha0e reali1e$ that $e0eloping these solutions by themsel0es woul$ result in expensi0e procurement costs 9hen a <oint $e0elopment pro<ect is un$ertaken howe0er' the .an$( costs are share$ by all countries in the consortium' with almost all member countries procuring a system' resulting in lower unit costs .e2uest sample copy of this report @

www rnrmarketresearch com/contacts/re2uest!sample3rname4,-556*

The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Mar

Key "arket Issues The >?' the highest spen$er on &ilitary IT' (ata an$ )omputing systems has spent a 0ast amount of money on the $e0elopment of enterprise resource planning 7E.=: systems o0er the last $eca$e @owe0er' as the Army' 8a0y' an$ Air Borce look to implement these systems' they are struggling with time $elays an$ cost o0erruns The emergence of affor$able' smart mobile $e0ices' along with a$0ances in wireless communications such as -%' 9iBi' an$ Cluetooth' ha0e worke$ to increase the 0ulnerability of national networks' with a large number of business enterprises wi$ely a$opting mobile $e0ices E0en critical infrastructure entities' inclu$ing tactical military units an$ electronic gri$s' are employing commercial wireless technology into their operations This area poses a tough challenge for cyber security pro0i$ers' as the increasing capability of mobile phones is also expecte$ to increase the complexity of attacks face$ by these $e0ices )omplete report a0ailable @ http://

www rnrmarketresearch com/the!global!military!it!$ata!an$!computing!market!*+,-!

The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Mar

Attacks from malware makes it important for $efen$ers to i$entify the source of the malware so that similar patterns can be tracke$ an$ obser0e$ for flaws' an$ a proper response to the attack can be $eli0ere$ without causing un$ue incon0enience to the entire cyberspace community This challenge stems from the fact that the cyber security institutional eco!system' which consists of a broa$ set of international' national' an$ pri0ate organi1ations' has unclear an$ o0erlapping boun$aries' as well as $iffering capacities' $ue to which a comprehensi0e $atabase on such malware has not been $e0elope$ A large number of countries now possess at least basic cyber!attack capabilities an$ an unknown number of extremist groups ha0e also $e0elope$ or ac2uire$ a$0ance$ cyber weapons ?ome commercially a0ailable pro$ucts are flexible enough to be classifie$ as $ual purpose' such as security testing tools an$ weapons of attackD howe0er' some organi1ations are $e0eloping cyber weapons an$ cloaking them un$er the hea$ing of security testing tools These cyber weapons are in their infancy an$ are expecte$ to rapi$ly e0ol0e o0er the next $eca$e .e2uest sample copy of this report @ www rnrmarketresearch com/contacts/re2uest!sample3rname4,-556*

The Global Military IT, Data and Computing Mar

Key #ighlights )oherent an$ rele0ant $ata on the 0arious instances of cybercrime is one area where many countries are falling short Information gathere$ in such $atabases coul$ also be of use to botnet $etection centers' cybercrime fighters' an$ anti! terrorist organi1ations )ompanies are now increasingly calling on go0ernment agencies to establish $atabases to combat Internet frau$ .ecent years ha0e witnesse$ a significant growth in the $eman$ for )ET?! embe$$e$ computers This $eman$ for e2uipment' which inclu$es har$ware' software' an$ support ser0ices' is being $ri0en by the pursuit of increasing intelligence an$ processing power across a range of communications' electronic warfare' ra$ar' an$ relate$' $efense platforms As mo$ern warfare has e0ol0e$' the e2uipment use$ in it has e0ol0e$ as well .ugge$ embe$$e$ computers are now inclu$e$ on aircraft' 0ehicles' ra$ios' sensors' unmanne$ aerial 0ehicles 7>A;s:' an$ other electronic $e0ices

)omplete report a0ailable @ http:// www rnrmarketresearch com/the!global!military!it!$ata!an$!computing!market!*+,-!*+*-!m

The Global Military IT, Data and Computing

For more details contact Mr. Priyank i!ari" # +18883915441

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