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An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes (or routers) dynamically forming a temporary network without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized network administration.

The routers are in liberty to move arbitrarily and organize them arbitrarily which makes the network's wireless topology may change quickly. This kind of network may be operated as a stand-alone fashion or may be connected to the Internet.

Mobile ad hoc network.

Applications of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Community network Enterprise network Home network Emergency response network Vehicle network Sensor network

Advent of Ad hoc Wireless Networks

The principle behind ad hoc networking is multi-hop In multi-hop wireless networks, communication between two end nodes is carried out through a number of intermediate nodes whose function is to relay information from one point to another. A static string topology is an example of such network:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Advent of Ad hoc Wireless Networks

An examples of such developments is the Bluetooth standard
A piconet formed by a group of nodes establishes a single-hop (master node) point-to-point wireless link. A scatternet formed by multiple piconets (master nodes) can establish a multi-hop wireless network.

Though the IEEE 802.11 protocols have developed for the wireless networks Realizing the necessity of open standards in this emerging area of computer communication, the mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) standards are being developed

Advent of Ad hoc Wireless Networks

ad hoc wireless networks to work in the absence of any fixed infrastructure Multi-hop cellular networks (MCNs), self-organizing packet radio ad hoc networks with overlay (SOPRANO), and mesh networks are examples of such types of networks. Mesh networks serve as access networks that employ multi-hop wireless forwarding by non-mobile nodes to relay traffic to and from the wired Internet..

Cellular and Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

The following figure represents different wireless networks.
Infrastructure: cellular wireless networks Ad hoc: wireless sensor networks Hybrid: mesh networks

Cellular Wireless Networks

Hybrid Wireless Networks Wireless Mesh Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks

Comparisons between Cellular and Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (I)

Cellular Networks Fixed infrastructure-based Guaranteed bandwidth (designed for voice traffic) Centralized routing Circuit-switched (evolving toward packet switching) Seamless connectivity (low call drops during handoffs) High cost and time of deployment Reuse of frequency spectrum through geographical channel reuse Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Infrastructureless Shared radio channel (more suitable for best-effort data traffic) Distributed routing Packet-switched (evolving toward emulation of circuit switching) Frequent path breaks due to mobility Quick and cost-effective deployment Dynamic frequency reuse based on carrier sense mechanism

Easier to employ bandwidth reservation Bandwidth reservation requires complex medium access control protocols 10

Comparisons between Cellular and Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (II)

Cellular Networks Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Application domains include mainly civilian and commercial sectors

High cost of network maintenance (backup power source, staffing, etc.) Mobile hosts are of relatively low complexity Major goals of routing and call admission are to maximize the call acceptance ratio and minimize the call drop ratio Widely deployed and currently in the third generation of evolution

Application domains include battlefields, emergency search and rescue operations, and collaborative computing
Self-organization and maintenance properties are built into the network Mobile hosts require more intelligence (should have a transceiver as well as routing/switching capability) Main aim of routing is to find paths with minimum overhead and also quick reconfiguration of broken paths Several issues are to be addressed for successful commercial deployment even 11 though widespread use exists in defense

Applications of Ad hoc Wireless Networks

Military applications Collaborative and Distributed Computing

Emergency Operations
A Wireless Mesh Network is a mesh network that is built upon wireless communications and allows for continuous connections and reconfiguration around blocked paths by "hopping" from node to node until a connection can be established.


Wireless Mesh Networks

In a wireless mesh network, multiple nodes cooperate to relay a message to its destination.

Wireless Mesh Networks

The investment required in wireless mesh networks is much less than in the cellular network counterparts. Such networks are formed by placing wireless replaying equipment spread across the area to be covered by the network. The possible deployment scenarios include:
Residential zones Highways Business zones Important civilian regions University campuses

Wireless Mesh Networks

Wireless mesh networks should be capable of self-organization and maintenance. Advantages
High data rate Quick and low cost of deployment Enhanced services High scalability Easy extendability High availability Low cost per bit High availability Low cost per bit

It operates at 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz Data rates of 2 Mbps to 60 Mbps can be supported.

Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks are a special category of ad hoc networks that are used to provide a wireless communication infrastructure among the sensors deployed in a specific application domain. A sensor network is a collection of a large number of sensor nodes that are deployed in a particular region. Distinct properties of wireless sensor networks:
Mobility of nodes The size of the network The density of nodes The power constraints


Wireless Sensor Networks

Distinct properties of wireless sensor networks:
The power source can be classified into three categories: Replenishable power resource Non- Replenishable power source Regenerative power source Data/information fusion aims at processing the sensed data at the intermediate nodes and relaying the outcome to the monitor node.

The communication traffic pattern varies with the domain of applications.


Hybrid Wireless Networks

Hybrid Wireless Networks
Multi-hop cellular networks (MCNs) allows the transmission through the base stations or multi-hop of mobile nodes. Integrated cellular ad hoc relay (iCAR) is a system that combines conventional cellular technology with Ad hoc Relay Station (ARS) technology.

Higher capacity than cellular networks Increased flexibility and reliability in routing Better coverage and connectivity


Issues in Ad hoc Wireless Networks

Medium access scheme
Distributed operation is required. Synchronization is required in TDMA-based systems. Hidden terminals are nodes hidden from a sender. Exposed terminals are exposed nodes preventing a sender from sending. Throughput needs to be maximized. Access delay should be minimized. Fairness refers to provide an equal share to all competing nodes. Real-time traffic support is required for voice, video, and real-time data. Resource reservation is required for QoS. Ability to measure resource availability handles the resources. Capability for power control reduces the energy consumption. Adaptive rate control refers to the variation in the data bit rate. Use of directional antennas has advantages including increased spectrum reuse, reduced interference, and reduced power consumption.

Issues in Ad hoc Wireless Networks

Mobility Bandwidth constraint Error-prone and shared channel: wireless channel (10-5 to 10-3), wired channel (10-12 to 10-9) Location-dependent contention depends on the number of nodes. Other resource constraints such as computing power, battery power Minimum route acquisition delay Quick route reconfiguration Loop-free routing Distributed routing approach Minimum control overhead Scalability Provisioning of QoS Support for time-sensitive traffic: hard real-time and soft real-time traffic 20 Security and privacy

Issues in Ad hoc Wireless Networks

Provisioning of multiple links among the nodes in an ad hoc network results in a mesh-shaped structure. The mesh-shaped multicast routing structure work well in a high-mobility environment. The issues in multicast routing protocols are:
Robustness: Efficiency: Control overhead: Quality of service: Efficient group management Scalability: Security


Issues in Ad hoc Wireless Networks

The objectives of the transport layer protocols include:
Setting up and maintaining end-to-end connections Reliable end-to-end delivery of data packets Flow control Congestion control

Quality of Service Provisioning

QoS parameters based on different applications QoS-aware routing uses QoS parameters to find a path. QoS framework is a complete system that aims at providing the promised services to each users.


Issues in Ad hoc Wireless Networks

Self-Organization is required in ad hoc wireless networks:
Neighbor discovery Topology organization Topology reorganization

Denial of service Resource consumption Energy depletion: Buffer overflow: Host impersonation: Information disclosure: Interference:


Issues in Ad hoc Wireless Networks

Addressing and Service Discovery is essential because of absence of a centralized coordinator.

Energy Management
Transmission power management: Battery energy management is aimed at extending the battery life. Processor power management: Devices power management:

Scalability is expected in ad hoc wireless networks.


Issues in Ad hoc Wireless Networks

Deployment considerations
Low cost of deployment Incremental deployment Short deployment time Reconfigurability Scenario of deployment Military deployment Emergency operations deployment Commercial wide-area deployment Home network deployment Required longevity of network Area of coverage Service availability Operational integration with other infrastructure Choice of protocols at different layers should be taken into consideration. 25

Issues of Ad hoc Wireless Internet

Gateways Address mobility Routing

Transport layer protocol

Load balancing


Issues of Ad hoc Wireless Internet

Pricing/billing Provisioning of security QoS support Service, address, and location discovery
Service discovery Address discovery Location discovery


Wireless Networks
Need: Access computing and communication services, on the move Infrastructure-based Networks
traditional cellular systems (base station infrastructure)

Wireless LANs
Infrared (IrDA) or radio links (Wavelan) very flexible within the reception area; ad-hoc networks possible low bandwidth compared to wired networks (1-10 Mbit/s)

Ad hoc Networks
useful when infrastructure not available, impractical, or expensive military applications, rescue, home networking


Cellular Wireless
Single hop wireless connectivity to the wired world
Space divided into cells A base station is responsible to communicate with hosts in its cell Mobile hosts can change cells while communicating Hand-off occurs when a mobile host starts communicating via a new base station

Why Ad Hoc Networks ?

Setting up of fixed access points and backbone infrastructure is not always viable
Infrastructure may not be present in a disaster area or war zone Infrastructure may not be practical for short-range radios; Bluetooth (range ~ 10m)

Ad hoc networks:
Do not need backbone infrastructure support Are easy to deploy Useful when infrastructure is absent, destroyed or impractical

Many Applications
Personal area networking Military environments Civilian environments
taxi cab network meeting rooms sports stadiums boats, small aircraft
soldiers, tanks, planes

cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist watch

Emergency operations

search-and-rescue policing and fire fighting


Challenges in Mobile Environments

Limitations of the Wireless Network
packet loss due to transmission errors variable capacity links frequent disconnections/partitions limited communication bandwidth Broadcast nature of the communications

Limitations Imposed by Mobility

dynamically changing topologies/routes lack of mobility awareness by system/applications

Limitations of the Mobile Computer

short battery lifetime limited capacities

Review of Literature
A MANET is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any pre-existing fixed network infrastructure. The special features of MANET bring these technology great opportunities together with severe challenges. Interference effects constrain scalability performance of ad hoc networks as Gupta and Kumar (Gupta & Kumar, 2000)

The scheme was shown (Grossglauser & Tse, 2001) to increase the throughput capacity of MANETs, such that it remains constant as the number of users in the network increases, taking advantage that communication among nearest nodes copes the interference due to farther nodes.


Grid models have been proposed to compute interference (Gobriel et al., 2004), (Liu & Haenggi, 2005), which take advantage of the regular placement of the nodes.


Need for Study

Interference reduction receiver-centric interference model featuring two main advantages. The first advantage is it reflects the fact that interference occurs at the intended receiver of a message. Second advantage is the interference measure is robust with respect to addition or removal of single network nodes.

Need for Study Cont..

Regarding both of these aspects our model intuitively corresponds to the behavior of interference in reality. Based on this interference model, the work show the Quality of service will be improved in mobile ad-hoc network and the through put can be increased with realization of BER and Ebno.

Signal to Interference Ratio (SINR) or EbNo. The bit error rate or bit error ratio (BER) is the number of bit errors divided by the total number of transferred bits during a studied time interval.

BER is a unit less performance measure, often expressed as a percentage.


The BER is given by The signal to interference ratio is given by SINR= Desired Signal power / (Interference Power + Noise power) BER and SINR are inversely proportional.


To reduce the bit error rate the loss of information and signal fading should be minimized. In our thesis two modulation techniques are analyzed.


Methodology adopted
In order to achieve performance evaluation and simulation these results, Discrete MATLAB simulations is used for 2G and 3G system with different number of users for various signal strengths. Analysis of GSM and CDMA system also done to improve the performance of the system.

System Model for Second Generation (2G)

Mostly all cellular networks commonly use what is called second generation or 2G technologies which conform to the second generation cellular standards which uses digital modulation formats and TDMA/FDD and CDMA/FDD multiple access techniques, where the 1G uses FDMA/FDD and analog FM.


2G systems spectral inefficiency is the main motivation for the development of 3G systems with a desire to carry higher data rates as required for multimedia applications. The characteristics of 3G are identified in the International Mobile Telecommunications2000 (IMT-2000) standard.

3G Systems should support data rates up to 2 Mb/s for stationary environments, 384 kb/s for pedestrian environments, and 144 kb/s for highly mobile environments.


Results & Discussion

In narrowband 2G systems the interference is very low and the SINR achieved is very high upto 30 dB. Therefore the BER for SINR of 20 dB approximately becomes zero.


As WCDMA uses universal frequency reuse both inter cell and intra cell interference exists and only for SINR above 14 dB the BER becomes approximately zero.


it is also difficult to achieve SINR above 15 dB because if we increase the desired signal power the interference power also increases that reduces SINR.


Figure 1 : BER for 2G system


For GSM the SINR can be high upto 30 dB and the better management to maintain SINR above 10 dB BER will be almost zero. As there is no interference in this system the BER can be made zero.


These results analyzes an improved channel communication model, for mobile ad hoc networks beneath 2G and 3G standards that permits to obtain the measured signal to noise and interference ratio (SNIR) by a receiver node, and its spectral efficiency.


In this ad hoc network model it communicates with nearer node where the nodes are in random movement where path loss, Euclidean distance and Rayleigh fading are also considered.


BER for 3G system


For the case of 2G the bit error rate is constantly decreases with the increase in signal power and around10 dB the BER becomes zero, however the decay in 3G BER is around 15dB of the energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio. The simulation performed here presents an autonomous technique for node state determination (sender or receiver) for each node in the network as function of the BER and EbN0 parameter.

Architecture of Mobile networks and its parameter analysis.

Setting up a multi-hop wireless network is a grueling exercise mainly because determining suitable positions for placing a node that satisfies the multi-hopping requirement is a non-trivial task.


Nodes must be placed such that there are pairs of nodes which are (a) In communication range of each other, (b) In interference range of each other, and (c) Outside interference range of each other. This constitutes a typical multi-hop wireless network setup.


Usually the communication distance between a pair of wireless nodes operating in 2.4 GHz frequency range and using off-the shelf IEEE 802.11b wireless NICs is around 200 feet; the interference range for the same would be about 500 feet depending on the sensitivity thresholds set on different types of adapters.


Simulation and performance evaluation

The system model was designed for single user and multi user in both GSM and CDMA. The comparisons of these systems are shown below where the user positions will be changing continuously in a dynamic environment.


Therefore, modeling users movements is an important aspect in ad hoc network simulation. This includes the definition of the simulated area in which users movements take place, and the rules for modeling users that moves beyond the simulated area;

The number of nodes in the simulated area, and the allocation of nodes at the simulation start up; and the mobility model, itself. Typically, simulation studies assume a number of users that moves inside a closed rectangular area.


. For example, the network model consists of 30 nodes in a 1500 m 300 m closed rectangular area.


BER of GSM System

P1 denotes BTS transmit power. Single user denotes only one user exists in a particular cell and BER is calculated for that particular user and there are no interferers. Apart from the desired user many other users (Multi user) also exist in the same cell who is the interferers. BER is calculated for the desired user considering all users as interferers.

BER increases in GSM because of the two types of interferences Adjacent Channel Interference Co-Channel Interference


BER for GSM system


BER for CDMA System

In GSM system the adjacent cells uses different frequency channels (Frequency Reuse 3/7/9) therefore only adjacent and co-channel interference exists. But in case of CDMA and WCDMA system all the cells utilize the same frequency (Universal Frequency Reuse) and therefore interference that occurs is Intra-cell interference and Inter-cell interference.

BER for CDMA System

Inter-cell Interference can be reduced by designing orthogonal pseudo codes for different users. Only Intra-cell Interference is taken into account and the above graph denotes that, BER increases when users in a cell increase.


BER for CDMA System


BER for CDMA System

In the above figure Ip denotes Interference user power and Dp denotes Desired users power. The first case shows the value of BER when ratio of Interference power and desired power is zero which indicates the desired power is very much greater than Interference power. When EbN0/SINR values increases the BER becomes almost zero for first three cases. But in the 4th case when Interference power is 6 times greater than desired user power BER increases for increasing SINR. Therefore in this case the SINR cannot be increased to achieve smaller BER.


For GSM the SINR can be high upto 30 dB and if we manage to maintain SINR above 10 dB BER will be almost zero. As there is no interference in this system the BER can be made zero. The above value indicates BER for Varying BTS transmit power and number of users.


In this thesis single user and multi user for different power levels 20 dB and 40 dB are considered. From the results it is inferred that at P1=20 dB, Single user, the BER value is 0.0786 for minimum value of SINR and in Multi user BER increases to a small extent due to Adjacent channel interference.


When powers increases to 40 dB Co-Channel interference occurs and because of this BER increases and in the case of multi user BER increases as Adjacent channel interference and co-channel interference increases.


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