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Auditing for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing

Presented by Mr. S. Muthurajkumar (1112419113) Supervisor Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi

Cloud Computing has been envisioned as the next generation architecture of IT enterprise, due to its long list of unprecedented advantages in the IT history including as follows: On-demand self-service Ubiquitous network access Location independent resource pooling Rapid resource elasticity, usage-based pricing and transference of risk

centralization of data by outsourcing cloud

Powerful infrastructures
large amount of memory shared

Classification of Cloud Services

Types of services Software-as-a-Service (Saas) Uses Highly scalable internet Examples

based applications are hosted Google Docs,, on the cloud and offered as

services to the clients.

The Platform-as-a-Service platforms used to Service Platform, design, develop, build and Azure


test applications are provided, Google app engine.

by the cloud infrastructure. It is a pay per use model, in

which services like storage,

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) database management and Amazon Web Services, GoGrid computation capabilities are offered as a demand to the


Levels of Cloud Computing

Levels` Types of services Software as a Users Security Requirements Threats Application End users (a person Access control Modification of



or an organization)
who subscribes to a service offered by a Cloud Service

protection Software security


data at rest in
transit Data Interruption (deletion)

Service availability


Virtual level

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Developer moderator (a person or an organization) who deploys software on a cloud.

Access control Application security Data security

Software modification DDOS

Types of Cloud
A cloud is generally divided into various types which are given below: Private cloud Community cloud Public cloud Hybrid cloud

On-demand Self Service - Automatically without require the human interaction. Broad Network Access - Capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms Resource Pooling - The main resources pooled in the server include storage, processing, memory, network bandwidth, and virtual machines. Measured Service - Resource usage can be monitored, controlled and reported by providing transparency for both the service provider and consumer of the utilized service Selection of Provider - to select the right service provider to make sure that the service provider is reliable, well-reputed for their customer

Security Issues
Server access security Internet access security Database access security Data privacy security Insider attack

Challenges Issues in Cloud

The main challenging issues in cloud are listed below: a) Trust/confidentiality b) Non repudiation c) Integrity d) Authentication

Need for Cloud Security

Large size of the outsourced data and the users constrained resource capability makes it necessary to use the cloud. Clouds ability to audit the correctness of the data is formidable and expensive for the cloud users.
Data security and facilities to save the cloud users computation resources are very important. It is of critical importance to enable public auditability for cloud data storage.

Problem and Solutions

Users may resort to a third party auditor (TPA), who has expertise and capabilities that the users do not, to audit the outsourced data when needed. Public auditability allows an external party, in addition to the user himself, to verify the correctness of remotely stored data. To enable a privacy-preserving third-party auditing protocol, independent to data encryption.

Literature Survey

Data Verification and Data Dynamics

Verifies the reliability or integrity of the data stored in public cloud The TPA supports efficient and dynamic data operation namely block modification, insertion and deletion of the data stored in the public cloud along with multiple data verification operations.

Q. Wang, C. Wang, J. Li, K. Ren, and W. Lou, Springer - 2009

Existing System Model


Modules Description
Setup or Initialisation KeyGen()
public key (pk) and secret key (sk)

- secret key (sk) - blocks mi. - signature set , - message blocks {i}.
sig sk ( H ( R)).

Integrity Verification
Integrity Verification - GenProof(F, , chal) - VerifyProof(pk, chal, P)

Dynamic Data Operation

Dynamic data operation with integrity assurance - ExecUpdate(F,, update) - VerifyUpdate(pk,update, Pupdate)

Merkle Hash Tree After the keys and signatures are generated, Merkle Hash Tree for the file, is generated as in figure 4.2. Figure 4.2 Merkle Hash Tree for file F.

h(m1 )

h(m1) is the hash value of m1 and h(m2)is the hash value of m2 and so on. hp=h(h(m1)||h(m2))and hq=h(h(m1)||h(m2)) and Root, R=h(hp||hq).

A Rough Set Based Feature Selection Algorithm for Effective Intrusion Detection in Cloud Model Intrusion detection model that combines Rough Set based Feature Selection Algorithm and Fuzzy SVM for effective intrusion detection in the Cloud. generates the optimal feature subsets achieve the best trade-off between detection rate and rate of false alarm. achieve balanced detection performance on different types of attacks

Proposed System Architecture

User Interface
Data Centre 1


Cloud Data Storage Manager

Data Centre 2

Security Manager

Rule Base
Data Centre n

Proposed Work
To improve Data verification and Data dynamics. To improve TPA with multiple auditing. To minimize computation power. To propose a new storage data structure. To minimize communication complexity between data owner and cloud.

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