Low Involvement

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Consumer Behaviour

Low Involvement Consumer Decision Making

The nature of involvement

Involvement with a product is greater when

It is important to the consumer
Self image tied to the produce Symbolic meaning tied to consumer values Expensive Important functional role

It has emotional appeal It is continually of interest to the consumer It entails significant risks: financial, technological, social, physical It is identified with the norms of a group

Types of involvement


Specific situations Temporary

Continuous More permanent


Which kind of involvement is likely to result in complex decision making?


3. 4.

Situational Enduring Both None

The hierarchy of effects

Formation of brand beliefs: cognitive component of attitudes Evaluation of brands: the affective component Purchase decision: the behavioural component Assumes involved consumers

Low Involvement hierarchy

Purchase of salt: discuss using Tata salt as an example Consumer receives information passively: passive learning No evaluation of information or brand Over time, establishment of association: information catching Need arises Purchase because of familiarity: no attitude towards brand; no favourable/unfavourable reaction Consumer behaviour: inertia

Four types of Consumer Behaviour

High Involvement Low Involvement

Decision Making

Beliefs Evaluation Behaviour

Beliefs Behaviour evaluation


(Beliefs) (Evaluation) Behaviour

Beliefs Behaviour (Evaluation)

High involvement with decision making is?





Brand Loyalty Complex decision making Limited decision making Inertia

High involvement with habit is?





Brand Loyalty Complex decision making Limited decision making Inertia

Low involvement with decision making is?





Brand Loyalty Complex decision making Limited decision making Inertia

Limited decision making

Possible situations

Introduction of a new product Change in existing brand Desire for variety

Beliefs, purchase, evaluation Learning passive: no active information search or brand evaluation

Complex decision making: which theory?

1. 2. 3.


Classical conditioning Cognitive learning Instrumental conditioning Passive learning

Brand Loyalty: which theory?


2. 3.


Classical conditioning Cognitive learning Instrumental conditioning Passive learning

Inertia: which theory?


2. 3.


Classical conditioning Cognitive learning Instrumental conditioning Passive learning

Theories of Low Involvement consumer behaviour

Krugmans theory of passive learning Sherifs theory of social judgement

Krugmans theory of passive learning

Why do TV ads produce high levels of recall yet little change in consumers brand attitudes? Krugman: TV is a low involvement medium that results in passive learning Viewer doesnt link message to needs, brand beliefs and past experiences Information retained randomly because of repetition

Why is TV low involvement?

TV advertising animate, viewer inanimate (passive) Pace of viewing is out of the viewers control

Little opportunity for reflection Little opportunity for making connections

Print media is the opposite

Consumer behaviour implications

Consumers learn information at random Consumers are information catchers Consumers evaluate a brand after buying Consumers seek an acceptable rather than optimal level of satisfaction Personality and lifestyle characteristics are not related to consumer behaviour Reference groups exert little influence on consumers

Sherifs theory of social judgement

Latitude of acceptance: positions an individual accepts Latitude of rejection: positions rejected Latitude of noncommitment: neutral Highly involved individual:

Definite opinion Accept few other positions No opinion More positions acceptable

Uninvolved individual

Sherifs theory of social judgement

Low High Level of involvement High

Low involvement
Fewer attributes used to evaluate more brands Latitude of acceptance

High involvement

More attributes used to evaluate fewer brands Low

For low involvement products advertising should be high repetition and short duration


True False

For low involvement products television rather than print media should be used


True False

For low involvement products advertising should focus on giving lots of information


True False

Low involvement products should be positioned to maximise desired benefits



True False

For low involvement products consumers are likely to be more price sensitive


True False


Consumer Behaviour: Schiffman, Kanuk & Kumar, 10th Edition (Pearson) Consumer Behaviour: A Strategic Approach Assael, 2005 Indian adaptation edition (Biztantra)

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