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Basic Semicolon Rules

(Updated: August 5, 2013)

Use a semicolon with two or more closely related independent clauses/sentences which are not separated by a transitional expression (e.g. however, therefore) or a coordinating conjunction (e.g. and, but, or, nor).
Last semester students had Fridays free; this semester, however, Fridays are not free. External Program Advisory Committee (PAC) members may vote; student representatives may not vote. Bob has spent the last five days reviewing for the test; he hopes his in-depth review will contribute towards a good grade.
Semicolon and Colon Rules

Basic Semicolon Rules

Series With Internal Commas

A semicolon is used to separate items in a series when one or more of those items contain internal commas.
Lisa Mendez has invited Connie Stevens, representative for the Region of Peel; Sharon Tiraborrelli, Professor of Continuing Education; Janet Jones, Human Resources Manager for Credit Valley Hospital; and William Holmes, Dean of the Faculty of Business.

Semicolon and Colon Rules

Basic Semicolon Rules

Series of Independent Clauses

Use a semicolon to separate a series of three or more independent clauses/sentences.

Donnas mid-term break is only ten days away; last term she spent one week in New York City; this term she hopes to visit Montreal. Sheridans Student Union represents all full-time and parttime students at Sheridan; full-time students must be enrolled in the current term; part-time students must also be enrolled in the current term.
Semicolon and Colon Rules

Check your skill...

Add semicolons and commas where needed.
1. Most students are available for tutoring on Fridays at noon however none are available after 1 p.m. Most students are available for tutoring on Fridays at noon; however, none are available after 1 p.m. 2. The English tutor is planning a review session at the Hazel McCallion Campus Mississauga Trafalgar Campus Oakville and Davis Campus Brampton. The English tutor is planning a review session at the Hazel McCallion Campus, Mississauga; Trafalgar Campus, Oakville; and Davis Campus, Brampton. 3. Sheridan does not promote certificates it promotes Diplomas and Degrees. Sheridan does not promote certificates; it promotes Diplomas and 4 Semicolon and Colon Rules Degrees.

Basic Semicolon Rules

Introducing a Formal List

Use a colon after an independent clause when introducing a formal vertical or horizontal list of items. Student success depends on the following factors: ability,
preparedness, and honesty. (horizontal list) This semester students will receive training in the following software: (vertical list) 1. Microsoft Office 2. Accounting Made Easy 3. Adobe Professional

Semicolon and Colon Rules

Basic Semicolon Rules

To justify a colon, the group of words which introduce the formal list must be an independent clause (or complete sentence).

Incomplete: The options students may choose from are Legal, Medical, or Executive. (no colon) Complete: The options students may choose from include the following: Legal, Medical, or Executive. (colon)

Semicolon and Colon Rules

Basic Semicolon Rules

Do NOT use a colon when the list follows a verb or a preposition
Timetable changes were requested from from Year 1 and Year 2 students. (no colon)
Last term the faculty representatives were (no colon) Nancy Barrington Chris Gigler Kellie Hayward

Semicolon and Colon Rules

Basic Semicolon Rules

Exceptions - Do NOT Use a Colon

If an extra sentence falls between the lead-in statement and the list
The following awards will be presented at the Awards Banquet. Donors will also be present. Outstanding Academic Achievement Leadership and Team Spirit Award Business English Award

Semicolon and Colon Rules

Basic Colon Rules

Introduce Long Quotations
A colon is used to introduce long quotations (long one-sentence and quotations of two or more sentences). Sheridans Academic Honesty Policy states the following: A

clear sense of academic honesty and the corresponding responsibilities is fundamental to the effective learning environment enjoyed by all members of the Sheridan community and to the reputation of Sheridan programs that help students and graduates achieve career, economic and social success. The Academic Honesty Policy is an affirmation and clarification for all members of the College of their obligation to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty.
Semicolon and Colon Rules

Basic Colon Rules

Partial quotations which do not interrupt the flow of a sentence do NOT require a colon, a comma, or an initial capital letter.
In a lecture on academic honesty, the professor stated, lack of familiarity with the policy is not an excuse. The professor also stated synonyms for academic dishonesty included cheating and collaboration.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Basic Colon Rules

Colon before 2nd Explanatory Clause

A colon is used to introduce the 2nd of two independent clauses IF it explains, illustrates, or supplements the 1ST clause.
Sheridan College is well known for its animation program: animation graduates are wooed by top notch employers such as Disney. Most students experience stress around exam time: symptoms of stress include anxiety, lack of sleep, and poor appetites.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Check your skill...

Add colons, semicolons, and commas where needed.
1. Sheridan College is closed for the following statutory holidays Family Day Good Friday Victoria Day and Christmas Day.

Sheridan College is closed for the following statutory holidays: Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, and Christmas Day.
2. Sheridans Career Fair is attended by local companies from Brampton Mississauga Oakville and Toronto. Sheridans Career Fair is attended by local companies from Brampton, Mississauga, Oakville, and Toronto.
Semicolon and Colon Rules


Check your skill...

Add colons, semicolons, and commas where needed.
3. If you are not sure about using a comma follow this advice if theres no rule then dont use a comma.
If you are not sure about using a comma, follow this advice: if theres no rule then dont use a comma. 4. Justin Trudeau, leader of Canadas Liberal Party, recently stated I would like to see marijuana legalized.
(No colon necessary: this partial quotation does not interrupt the sentence)

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rules for Semicolons and Colons

Introductory Expressions

When using introductory expressions such as namely, for instance, that is, and for example immediately after an independent clause, use a comma or semicolon before the expression.

See next slides.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rule for Semicolon

If the words after the introductory expression appear at the end of a sentence and form a series (3 or more items) or an independent clause, use a semicolon. If not, use a comma. Sheridan has discontinued several programs; namely, Office
Administration General, Medical Intensive, and E-Commerce.
(semicolon before intro expression introducing 3+ items)

Two programs were cancelled by Sheridan, namely, General and E-Commerce. (no semicolon before intro expression because it
does not introduce a series or an independent clause, only 2 items)

One program was cancelled by Sheridan, namely, General. (no semicolon before intro expression because it does not introduce a series or an independent clause, only 1 item)
Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rule for Semicolon

Independent Clauses With Transitional Expressions

Use a semicolon with two independent clauses separated by a transitional expression.

You have five years experience; a higher starting salary.

therefore, you can ask for in fact,

Your background in desktop publishing is extensive; you should be able to apply for advanced standing. He expected Accounting to be a challenging course; however, it was fairly straight forward.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rules for Semicolons and Colons

Exception to Comma Rule

Normally, a comma precedes a coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor, but, for, yet) when it joins two independent clauses. However, if either of the independent clauses contains an internal comma, use a semicolon for clarity.

Make-up policies should be consistent; and Cindy Gillett, who is the Associate Dean, is closely involved in overseeing this consistency.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rules for Semicolons and Colons

Capitalization After Colons

Do NOT capitalize the first word or phrase appearing after a colon unless they are proper nouns or appear vertically.
The applicants computer skills include the following: word processing, desktop publishing, and spreadsheet software. The applicants computer skills include the following: Word processing Desktop publishing Spreadsheet software
Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rules for Semicolons and Colons

Do NOT capitalize the 1st letter of an independent clause after a colon if that clause explains the first one.

Sheridans Office Administration Legal Co-op program is lucrative: it gives students the opportunity to earn money.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rules for Semicolons and Colons Capitalization After Colons

Capitalize the 1st letter in an independent clause after a colon if that clause states a formal rule or principle.
Follow this rule when typing: Practice makes perfect!

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rules for Semicolons and Colons

Use a colon after the salutation in a business letter (Modified Block Style):.

Dear Ms. Gillett: Dear Nancy: Ladies and Gentlemen:

To Whom It May Concern:

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Special Rules for Colons

Use a colon to separate hours from minutes. Classes start at 8:00 a.m.

Use a colon between titles and subtitles.

Business Communication: Process and Product Use a colon between the city publishers name in a reference. Anderson, Robert. Grammar Made Easy. Toronto: Wentworth Publishing, 2012.
Semicolon and Colon Rules


Check your skill...

Insert necessary punctuation. Some sentences may be correct as is.
1. The required text for this course is Resume Basics Ten Easy Steps. The required text for this course is Resume Basics: Ten Easy Steps. 2. Several professors are members of the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) Nancy Barrington Kellie Hayward and Leasa Steadman. Several professors are members of the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP): Nancy Barrington , Kellie Hayward, and Leasa Steadman.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Check your skill...

Insert necessary punctuation. Some sentences may be correct as is.
3. Proofread your work carefully this is an important expectation of graduates by employers. Proofread your work carefully; this is an important expectation of graduates by employers. 4. Naira is working for a small accounting firm but she feels that because of her extensive legal training she should seek employment with a large downtown Toronto law firm. Naira is working for a small accounting firm; but she feels that, because of her extensive legal training, she may seek employment with a large downtown Toronto law firm.
Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence. 1. (a) Sheridans reputation is world renowned, consequently,
it attracts many international students .

(b) Sheridans reputation is world renowned; consequently, it attracts many international students .
(c) Sheridans reputation is world renowned, consequently; it attracts many international students .

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
2. (a) New RBC branches will open in Twillingate, Newfoundland; Baden, Ontario; and Inglis, Manitoba. (b) New RBC branches will open in Twillingate, Newfoundland, Baden, Ontario, and Inglis, Manitoba. (c) New RBC branches will open in: Twillingate, Newfoundland, Baden, Ontario, and Inglis, Manitoba. A

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
3. (a) The Registrars Office received your payment yesterday, your timetable will be available today. (b) The Registrars Office received your payment yesterday your timetable will be available today. (c) The Registrars Office received your payment yesterday; your timetable will be available today. C
Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
4. (a) (b) (c) . C I believe in this motto, honesty is the best policy. I believe in this motto honesty is the best policy. I believe in this motto: honesty is the best policy.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence. (a) You may purchase your laptop from: Best Buy, Future Shop, or Walmart. (b) You may purchase your laptop from Best Buy, Future Shop, or Walmart. (c) You may purchase your laptop from; Best Buy, Future Shop, or Walmart.
5. B

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
6. (a) Submit your assignments by one of these methods. Your assignments are long overdue. - SLATE E-mail - Sheridan e-mail - Personal e-mail (b) Submit your assignments by one of these methods. Your assignments are long overdue: - SLATE E-mail - Sheridan e-mail - Personal e-mail A (No colon if the 2nd statement interrupts the lead-in statement)

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
7. (a) (b) (c) C Chris Cooper said Measure twice. Cut once. Chris Cooper said: Measure twice. Cut once. Chris Cooper said, Measure twice. Cut once.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
8. (a) The Awards Committee is considering one of several leading candidates, namely, Bob Smith, Mallory Browning, Kevin Ash, and Melissa Goy. (b) The Awards Committee is considering one of several leading candidates; namely, Bob Smith, Mallory Browning, Kevin Ash, and Melissa Goy. (c) The Awards Committee is considering one of several leading candidates: namely, Bob Smith, Mallory Browning, Kevin Ash, and Melissa Goy. B
Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
9. (a) Good writers follow this principle: keep average sentence length to 17 words. (b) Good writers follow this principle: Keep average sentence length to 17 words. (c) Good writers follow this principle; keep average sentence length to 17 words.

Semicolon and Colon Rules


Practice Quiz
Select the correctly punctuated sentence.
10. (a) Casual attire is permitted on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but some employees would prefer to dress casually every day. (b) Casual attire is permitted on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays: but some employees would prefer to dress casually every day. (c) Casual attire is permitted on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays; but some employees would prefer to dress casually every day. C
Semicolon and Colon Rules


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